
Honkai: Kiana happiness, Become the stigma of the Kaslana family

A time traveler who lost her name wakes up from her long sleep, and she has somehow become the will of the stigmata of the Kaslana family attached to Kiana's back! Remembering the honkai stories full of tragedy and smiles, she decides to turn things everything! Time can't be turned back, but I can! Kiana: Papa! Mama! Big sister started acting weird again! She will sacrifice to the sky for me, please help!" Cecilia: "My daughter, listen to mommy! Your last name is Schariac not Kaslana! Please don't pick up your sword again! Siegfried please help!!!" Siegfried: “I-I can't! She's stronger than me! I can't beat her!” Kevin: "Kid, stop messing around. When are you going to resurrect Mei?" Otto: "Move aside! I ordered it a long time ago! She has to revive my kallen first!" Meanwhile, while the two great powers were arguing with each other, a little girl was shivering in the corner, very miserably. "Please, I don't want to join the stigma project! Let me go! Mama, papa, help me!!!"

KayokoDaaa · วิดีโอเกม
304 Chs

Chapter 168: "Kiana be like, WTF..."

When Welt came back from the dead, and emerged with a new figure. All the valkyries who could see the figure of the giant Mecha standing under the pouring rain, could only suck in cold breaths.

Its shape is similar to Mecha Arahato, a masterpiece of his that exists in the real world. But with a more intimidating figure, and more weapons and accessories.

Because the "God" that Welt refers to gave him knowledge about advanced technology, the combat system in him is almost the same as Kiana's Moonlight godsbane armor.

Like a night knight who always lurks when the moonlight disappears. Welt Yang stood on the ruins, slightly raising his head.

Scanning the position of the nearest valkyrie, and after that observing the valkyrie convoy team moving further and further away. Welt became angry, and he thrust his hand into the ground!

"I won't let anyone escape from this place!"

Draws a giant katana made of Imaginary energy. Welt swung his katana down, and he instantly cut through the space in front him!

Cutting through the bubble universe space, and leaving the Imaginary space gap wide open. The gap continued to grow wider, and then it covered the entire world!

Like ink mixed in water. The dark clouds above their heads disappeared, and a gloomy purple color began to replace the color theme of the sky!

"No, the spatial structure has changed! Where is this!?" Kiana was surprised.

Even though this world is still the same, except for the color of the sky being different. Kiana, who has the Herrscher of Void stigmata, can feel that the space they are currently in is not quite the same anymore.

If you have an analogy, they were in a bubble universe in the sea of ​​quanta, and now they might be in a bubble universe, but in Imaginary space!

Welt makes the whole world teleport to the Imaginary tree!

This is absolutely impossible!

Cecilia held her head: "Hngh.... My head...."

"Mama, are you okay!?"

Catching Cecilia who suddenly fainted. Kiana hugged her carefully, and she noticed that there was a honkai energy infection line appearing on her mother's wrist.

The purple lines began to spread rapidly like living creatures through the veins. Kiana panicked, and tried to ask for help.

"Auntie, there's something wrong with ma---"

The words Kiana wanted to say suddenly caught in her throat.

She now realized why the atmosphere around her had suddenly turned so quiet.

Veliona and Theresa...

They had also passed out.

In fact, the honkai energy infection lines in their bodies were more severe than Cecilia's at the moment.

"(Honkai energy concentration... Too high...)"

"Bronya are you okay? Why can I hear burning sounds over there?!"

"(Cough! Cough!)"


Crawling out of the car that had just overturned. Bronya fell limp to the ground helplessly, as if she had used up all her strength just to save herself.

In the surroundings, the valkyrie convoy cars that had an accident were scattered everywhere.

All the valkyries had also fallen unconscious due to the sudden increase in honkai energy concentration.

They are only one step away from crossing the line, and they will all turn into vicious zombies under the influence of honkai.

Bronya, who also had purple stripes on her body, started coughing badly.

Wiping her mouth, Bronya discovered that there were bloodstains on the snow-white skin of her hands.

Oh.... She had just coughed up blood.

Damn, this really hurts.

"(Cough... It seems, Welt intends to kill us all with a very high concentration of honkai energy...)"

"(Kiana... Hngh... Sorry...)"

"(Please... Take care of Seele... For me....)"

After Bronya sent her last message. Kiana could hear the sound of heavy objects falling, and the project bunny in front of her, slowly became a little stiffer.

"Bronya? Hey Bronya? Can you hear my voice!?! Answer me!!!"

Didn't get the response she wanted. Kiana suddenly became afraid.

Everyone except her fell one by one in the blink of an eye. The victory that was before her eyes suddenly turned into hell.

"Sis, can you hear me? Please answer me!"


Calling several times, Kiana also found that the connection between her and Thea had become very weak.

If she didn't pay close attention, maybe at this moment Kiana would think the connection between the two of them had disappeared.

This is different from before...

This time, Thea really didn't play hide and seek with her.

"No... It shouldn't be like this..."

"{Then what should it be like?}"

Raised her head, and realized that the one who had just spoken was Welt Yang. The heavy electronic sound sounded once again.

"{How pathetic. Do you now know how terrifying Herrscher's power is?}"

Insulted by her own enemy. Kiana held her sword tightly, and she drew her sword towards him.

Welt also drew his Katana sword towards Kiana.

Just like before.

This is just about you, and me.

"{If you run, maybe you have a chance to survive.}"

"I won't run! If you want to hurt them, step over my corpse first!"

"{Then, as you wish!}"


Stop talking nonsense, Welt started running all the machine operations in his body, creating colorful wings resulting from the release of gamma energy through the injector, and an afterimage appeared where he was standing!

Activating Global Time Fracture combined with the herrscher of Void's core power. When Welt reappeared, he was already in front of Kiana!


Slashed with all his strength. His giant katana dragged a valley on the ground, and Kiana, who was blocking his path, was also blown away very far!

Nothing could block this sword filled with anger!

Even Project Bunny, which created a shield to protect Kiana, immediately shattered like fragile glass!



Bounced backwards like a baseball. Every layer of space wall she created to stop her momentum shattered one after another like glass, and when she hit the cliff wall, Kiana finally stopped moving.


Vomiting blood on the spot, and felt like all her bones had been shattered. Kiana breathing hard, and her consciousness was starting to slowly break off.

"Mama... Bronya..."

Tried to move her body, but felt like her body had become one with the cliff. Kiana, whose breathing was getting weaker, finally couldn't stand it anymore.

"{Your story now ends here!}"

"{I Welt Yang, am a hero!}"

"{I will save the world from rotten humans like you all!}"

The last thing Kiana saw before losing consciousness was the dual cannons on the Mecha's shoulders starting to gather a very mesmerizing light.

Without needing to observe, Kiana knew that this gamma cannon attack was directed at her.

"I... So weak..."

"I can't do anything..."

"I... Can't protect anyone..."

Gritting her teeth very reluctantly. Weak and helpless just like Welt before. Kiana took a breath, and her vision immediately went dark.

She fainted.


"[Mama said that people who die will become stars, and watch all of us up there.]"

"[Do you believe that?]"


It's like just sleeping, and entering a strange dream. The sudden transition of changing places made Kiana confused.

"(Where is this...?)"

She still couldn't move her paralyzed limbs. When she opened her eyelids, she was greeted with the light of thousands of beautiful stars hanging in the night sky.

Thousands of stars form a star cluster, like a river carrying everyone's hopes.


A white flower petal rubbed against her nose, making it feel extremely itchy.

Smelling the soft scent of thick flowers, Kiana probably knew that she was now lying in a vast expanse of flower fields.

"Are you awake?"

"Big sis...?"

The white-haired girl turned her head to the side, looked at Kiana, and she smiled a little with a cute look.

"I've never been called big sister before. But it's also quite nice to have a little sister. Hehe, you can call me big sister if you want."

Hearing the familiar sound of laughter. Kiana endured the pain all over her body, and she shifted her head to the side with difficulty.

The first thing Kiana saw was a bright red sword with four colorful jewels stuck in the grass.

For some reason, Kiana felt that this sword felt very familiar.

Isn't this her Key of Radiance?

Why are there four gems there?

Feeling confused, and at the same time feeling strange. Kiana retracted her gaze, and she could finally see the figure of the girl who was talking to her just now.

The beautiful girl has a ponytail hairstyle, a white-colored battlesuit like a knight, and a robe that was constantly burning with never-ending flames.

She was currently arranging a flower crown in her hand. Gives a peaceful and mature impression.

Kiana opened her eyes wide, accompanied by deeper confusion.

"I thing this was our first face-to-face meeting. But you look really surprised."

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Kiana Kaslana."

"Nice to meet you, Kiana."

Kiana smiled sweetly.

"Do you need help?"

There's something wrong with my webnovel app these few days. Slow app opening, and it pisses me off a lot.

You know how long i waited just to open the main page? 25 MINUTES!

KayokoDaaacreators' thoughts