
We Meet Again

"Apologies Ethelred, but we can't find any identities for you to use in St. Freya, but we did find out that Welt is attending St. Freya as a history teacher. Does he not owe you a favor?"

"Some favors. Not a favor," Ethelred corrected

"Well you can use one of them to make you his apprentice in St. Freya," The woman suggested

"Well that would be a good idea, but I have no way of contacting him. Surely his number wouldn't be the same after all these years, no?" Ethelred jumped down from a mountain of corpses. As soon as his feet landed the corpses slowly disappeared leaving behind a blur of symbols before nothing was left.

"The simulation systems seems to have received some updates," Ethelred commented, walking towards the woman in front of him with his sword still at hand.

"Yes, the enemy behavior of all the registered Honkai beasts have been put into a state of frenzy. It will no longer have any rational thoughts and would relentlessly attack," The woman calmly explained the new update to the simulation while Ethelred stared at the console near them.

"Then I'll try fighting Lunaes again," Ethelred mused and pressed an icon of a six legged spider with a tail.

A giant creature was slowly loaded into the arena. The legs that appeared first were more like rapiers than legs. The long tail coming out of its back had a mace edge, the body was black spotted with red streaks and its ten red eyes immediately set eyes on Ethelred before roaring and charging forward to Ethelred with two of its legs pointing towards Ethelred.

Taking out a red sword Ethelred muttered slowly. "Blood Moon,"

The beast did not hesitate to stop and launch the same attack.

Two blood forests clashed at each other as the horizon was filled with two blood red moons colliding against each other. The debris falling down to the ground like a meteor shower. The forest trees consumed one another while the two casters who created this apocalypse were in the midst of it all, clashing their blade against one another with one single goal.


The woman who watched this all let out a sigh of exhaustion.

"Seriously that man. He could've waited for me to deliver the full report," She grumbled in annoyance and headed towards the console and a red button sparked her interest.

"Shut Down"

The woman's index finger hovered above the button and soon pressed it without thinking any further. Turning back her focus towards the arena Ethelred was going to slam down his sword to the beast, but the beast soon disappeared and the forests and moons disappeared. Ethelred's sword landed on the arena floor, but did no damage to the material.

"Your mentor has ordered that you are to leave in two days," The woman approached the man with a folder and when she was in front of him she handed the folder to him. Standing up, his sword disappeared and he took the folder.

"I'll read it later," Ethelred replied and the woman nodded curtly before she disappeared.

Taking out a phone Ethelred asked himself.

Surely he's not using the same number no?

He opened the message icon and typed a message to Welt.

"Welt. I want to cash in a favor,"

Closing his phone he went to the center of the space and entered a building.

"Yo Amenadiel. I want a trip to Soukai city,"

A man in a chair with many tubes stuck into his body nodded his head and snapped his fingers. A void tore open beside Ethelred and he could see an alleyway.

"Good luck,"

"Keep the place safe old man," Ethelred chuckled and stepped out of the portal. The sudden noise that entered his ear drums didn't affect him, nor did the smell of the trash in the alleyway that had a strong scent.

Ethelred flipped open his phone and to his surprise Welt actually replied.

"What the hell? Isn't he like a wanted criminal? How can he keep the same number for years?" That fact amazed Ethelred, but he soon sent an invitation to a nearby cafe he spotted after exiting the alleyway.

Ethelred gained some attention for his unique way of dressing, but with one stare the observers looked away.

He took a table for two and ordered some strong coffee while waiting for Welt.

When Welt arrived he ordered the same coffee and immediately asked Ethelred what he wanted.

"I want to be your apprentice while attending St. Freya," Ethelred told him, albeit surprised Welt can guess why.

"I've heard what happened in Nagazora, is this because of Raiden Mei?" Welt made sure his guess was right and Ethelred's nod confirmed it.

"She is my apprentice and you know what she is,"

"Is there another favor you wish to cash in?"

"Nope. You still owe me three favors,"

"Alright," Welt said and Ethelred handed him documents.

"I'll try my best to get you in, but when you're inside try to not draw too much attention," Welt advised. Ethelred didn't nod or shake his head, the lack of answer and response from him made Welt a bit worried, but went through it anyway.

The process took two days before Ethelred could be seen walking behind Welt, the two walking into a classroom, Ethelred's onyx black eyes were now red and his silver hair was now jet black.

"Hello students. This is my apprentice His name is Edmund Valentine and he will be helping me in St. Freya for a while,"

"Class monitor, can you possibly explain Edmund a bit about St. Freya since this was prepared in a short time and I haven't had the time to explain anything to him about this school," Welt introduced Edmund. The class monitor stood up and Ethelred was a bit surprised to see her of all people.

"My name is Fu Hua, pleased to meet you Edmund Valentine," Fu Hua greeted Edmund when she was in front of him.

"Edmund Valentine," Ethelred gave her a curt nod before turning to Welt.

"Fu Hua, have you studied chapters nine to ten?" Welt asked and Fu Hua nodded her head in confirmation.

"Then you don't need to attend class for today. Please guide Edmund around the school and explain the rules to him,"

"Yes sir," Fu Hua had no expression of annoyance nor joy, just a flat response with no expression.

The two soon left the classroom and Fu Hua led Ethelred around the school until they were in the school garden and he could not see any cameras near them so he spoke up.

"I have a question," Ethelred spoke up and Fu Hua turned to him waiting for his question.

"How is it that you are still alive?" Ethelred asked, Fu Hua who didn't react pushed her glasses back.

"I don't quite understand that question,"

"Come one Celestial Phoenix don't play dumb with me," A fist was in front of Ethelred's face, looking slightly down he could see Fu Hua's calm face.

"Who are you," Fu Hua calmly asked.

"I am of the 1st generation hunter. Are you sure you can handle me?" A smirk of confidence formed upon his face.

"Hunter? I never thought I'd meet one here," Fu Hua muttered before she pulled back her fist.

"What brings you here hunter?"

"Looking around. I was quite curious about how valkyries are trained these days," Ethelred lied, but years of experience made it hard to know if he was telling the truth or not.

"Did he perhaps send you here?"

"He? Are you perhaps referring to your boyfriend? Or are you two married now?"

Fu Hua, not giving him any reaction, simply stayed quiet and Ethelred, a bit disappointed by the lack of reaction, replied.

"No he did not, he was quite grumpy after knowing of your death by the hands of your students, but he said that he had no right to seek revenge as he did not know if you would want it or not," Ethelred replied, his voice slightly changed into that of a restraint voice. One that was restraining anger into his tone.

"I see," Fu Hua muttered before turning to Edmund.

"Can you schedule a meeting with him?"

"Miss him?" Ethelred teased. Fu Hua who just stared at him deadpan didn't answer like before and Ethelred let out a breath of disappointment and tossed her a burner phone.

"So where do you want to meet?"

"A cafe near the school. The Breeze cafe,"

"Noted. I'll let you know later,"

Fu Hua looked at Ethelred a few seconds before pulling him to her.

"I've been with you for years. Did you think I wouldn't realize this was you?"

"I missed you too Hua," Ethelred chuckled and Kissed her forehead.

"How are you? You need to talk about that incident?"

"I.. meet me at the cafe later,"

Giving her a short hug he comforted her for a moment and kissed her head before letting go.

"At six?"

"At six,"

Later that evening the two could be seen sitting in the cafe, Hua with her head resting on Ethelred's shoulder.

"Let it all out. I'm here. I'm here," Ethelred could see her calm and expressionless face crumble as a lone tear made its way down her cheek.

"I don't know what I did wrong. Was it wrong for me to end my student's suffering from the Honkai corruption? Why do I keep coming back alive? I'm tired,"

"There there. I'm here. Take it all out on me. I've been your emotional support for years and I will continue to do so. Until my time comes," Those last words Ethelred spoke formed a bitter feeling in her chest.

"What if he dies? What would I do? I don't know how much more I can bottle up," Worries, stress, and dread, soon emotions of similar kinds stormed her head. The thought of being alone in this world without anyone to understand her was something she dared not to imagine.

"Don't say that," Her voice was fragile. The disparity in her voice was evident, Ethelred could feel it. Patting her head to comfort her, she closed her eyes to feel his touch. She won't know when she'll feel it again.

"Ca..can we just live somewhere far and live a peaceful life? Like how we always wanted," Fu Hua wanted to be selfish for once. All these years of fighting for others, she was tired of it all. She wanted to escape, but not alone.

Letting out a deep breath Ethelred gently grabbed her face and tilted it up to meet her gaze.

"You know we can't do that. Well we technically can, but I've made promises I need to try and keep. Even if it means I will die trying," The finality in his voice although small, but noticeable. He was determined to see this through until he died.

"Then can you please stay with me until our time comes?" Hua reached up her hand to caress his cheek.

Luckily the two had ordered a private room as their actions can kill any single male around the area.

"Please," Her voice was desperate.

"If that is your wish then I can do nothing but comply. In the past you've always asked me to focus on saving people, are you sure about this decision of yours?" Ethelred reminded her of her past decisions and made sure she was sure of her choices.

"Yes. I want to be selfish this one time," Fu Hua immediately answered without a second thought.

"Never regret your choice. Learn from them and do better," Ethelred whispered and gave her a soft kiss before taking her into a carry.

"Come on it's getting late,"

"Wait, don't leave me yet,"

"You know I can't come with you, you share a dorm with other people,"

"I have an establishment near here. Go there," Fu Hua laid her head against his chest and closed her eyes.

"I miss you. Everyday I wonder if you're even still alive or not. Each passing day hurts. The day I met you 500 years ago. There has never been any relief greater than the day I found out you were still alive," Her grip on his shirt tightened as she snuggled deeper.

"I have kept my eyes closed on you Hua, but the day I found out you died. I nearly…"

"I know. I can sense the anger. The rage. The restraint when you told me that,"

"I really can't hide anything from you huh?"

"Because you never tried to hide anything from me. I even know about the little affair you had with Cecilia,"

Ethelred swallowed his own saliva as he nervously looked down to see Hua still with eyes closed smiling sweetly towards him.

"I don't mind it. Don't worry," Her tone was sweet yet there was something wrong with that tone and Ethelred knew her well.

"Yep it seems like she's not going to stop until she's satisfied tonight," Ethelred thought as he paid for their table and carried her while also listening to her instruction. Soon he found himself in a one floor house that was not small nor big. Just enough to fit all the things a person needs to live.

The moment the two entered they didn't sleep until the next day.