
The Biggest Mission

Mei had a few questions she wanted to ask, but it seemed like she'd have to ask tomorrow. The next day Mei attended school as usual, but soon a girl she'd never seen before approached her in the cafeteria. Mei found her presence different from the others and the two talked. The girl's name was Kiana Kaslana.

The atmosphere around her changed. She felt like Kiana made a difference in her. The previous loneliness she felt even though she had many friends gradually disappeared. Mei asked herself. Was this the true friendship Ethelred mentioned?

The two spent most of their school time together and Mei started to distance herself with the fake friends Ethelred mentioned and soon she only spent most of her break time with Kiana, with new dumb things that Kiana does everyday Mei never felt bored at all.

But as usual. Happy times never last long.

"If you're dead just stay dead!!" Kiana shouted as she shot a zombie that was closing in on the two girls. Mei on the other hand shot a few zombies behind them.

During this calamity Mei wondered where Ethelred was, but whenever she thought about it in the end she only thought of this as her test. Ethelred still had control over her seal, but recently she could hear the voices more frequently.

"Mei senpai look out," A giant beast charged at them, but it soon exploded and beside Mei a little girl jumped from above and landed there.

"Thanks Bronya," Mei spoke in a gentle tone as she rustled Bronya's hair.

"Da Bronya accepts Subject Mei's gratitude, but we must hurry, Da Bronya sense more hostile entities approaching,"

Meanwhile in the outskirts of Nagazora loud and big explosions could be seen as people were fighting. A group of people in black robes were preventing Valkyries and Mechs from getting close to the city.

"I knew there was something fishy when you were there," Durandal growled as her lance clashed with Ethelred's sword.

"No hard feelings, but we were just following orders," Ethelred smirked and jumped back. His sword pointed at Durandal and fired a projectile from the tip of his sword towards her hand that was holding the lance.

"Ethelred go back there, I'll handle the rest," A man from behind the Valkyries shouted, his big red great sword made him look menacing as it was stained with Honkai blood that seemed fresh.

"I appreciate it Duke," Ethelred smirked and did a see you later gesture and ran back to Nagazora city.

The man behind the valkyries jumped and landed on the area where Ethelred was standing. He swung his greatsword to the ground and a long line formed a few feet in front of him.

"Starting now no one is getting through this line," The man shouted and buried his great sword to the ground. The man's aura flared as black voids opened up from behind him and from there more people in black robes stepped out. Wielding many weapons they all stood against Schicksal and Anti Entropy.

"This is now the hunter's property. If you want to go through, you'll have to go through all of us," The man with the greatsword shouted and the hunters raised their weapons and screamed in excitement. This was the first time the hunters had mobilized this many hunters to one place at the same time.

"Hurry the hell up Ethelred. I don't know how long I can hold back," The man muttered as his gaze was locked on with Durandal and Rita's. A small smirk played in his face as he imagined a fight with the current strongest valkyrie.

Back in Nagazora city it could be seen that two of the three girls were sleeping in an abandoned building. Bronya was laying down on Mei's lap while Kiana slept across the two girls.

"Mei do you hear me?" Ethelred's voice rang in her head. Mei looked around to find him, but soon realized that he was not there.

"Yeah," Mei confirmed "I hear you Ethelred," She quickly added as she gently moved Bronya's head and laid it down on the floor.

"You need to leave now. An emperor class beast is charging its way towards you," Ethelred spoke in a rushed tone as he was still outside the city.

"Thanks for the heads up," Mei replied and shook the two to wake up. Although they asked how she knew about it, time wasn't on their time as they could now feel the ground shake.

"Run now!!" Mei ran as they all quickly jumped out of the window. Their gaze met the beast's. The beast quickly charged towards them and hit the building they were in before.

Kiana was knocked out while Bronya was busy preventing herself from being crushed by huge rubbles that fell above her.

Meanwhile outside of the city a giant ship could be seen slowly making its way towards the city. The man holding the front chuckled before turning to his side and a woman slowly appeared out of nowhere.

"Your orders?" Duke asked the woman and she looked up before replying.

"A 50% charge should be enough, no?" The woman asked Duke and the man hummed before picking up his sword again and took a stance as if he was going to do a heaving swing. His great sword was held tightly by both his hands, the tip of the blade pointing down right. Closing his eyes he took one deep breath.

Durandal felt a chill down her spine, she who was currently facing Rita discussing further actions quickly turned her gaze to the man who had a lot and thick Honkai concentration slowly growing stronger.

"Everyone advance!! Don't let that man finish whatever he's doing!!" Durandal shouted orders and soon the valkyries charged forwards, but their advances were halted by the hunters around the man.

"Sky Tearer!!" Duke shouted and swung his great sword with extraordinary power, a huge crescent projectile was accelerating towards the giant ship and when it came into contact with the ship the barriers and shields around the ship were completely disabled and the ship soon halted their advance.

"Shields down!!" A woman on the ship reported, the red-haired woman who was standing on the deck was annoyed by this. She came here to fight Honkai, but instead she now has to fight hunters.

"Prepare every valkyrie in the Hyperion for deployment, and bring me that suit," The woman ordered. A woman beside her soon spoke up.

"Isn't that suit not recommended? Please think again Major Himeko, that armor is still in development and the consequences can be dire.

"I don't care. We need all the fire power we have to push them back. That attack just now can be compared to a Herrscher attack according to the scans. We need to use everything we have," Himeko sternly spoke and the woman beside her stood down and followed as ordered.

"Just what is going on in Nagazora that could make those people mobilize this many hunters," Himeko muttered under her breath before heading to the suit cabin to get the experimental suit.

In the city it could be seen that Mei had killed the beast, but her appearance had slightly altered. She had wings and a pair of horns, her eyes were now more vicious and wild.

Turning around The Herrscher was met by the gaze of Ethelred. A blood red blade ready on his hand as he approached the Herrscher.

"It is an honor to meet you, Herrscher of Thunder," The hunter politely greeted Herrscher in front of him. Her wings glowed and soon thunder struck down the place the hunter stood.

"You insect. I remember that you are the one that sealed me. Now that I'm out you are going to die," The Herrscher snarled, while Ethelred chuckled.

"The Queen of the Void tried to kill me. Yet here I am alive and kicking. What makes you think that you'd win against me. You are merely a toddler. A fragment of the Herrscher of Void," WIth each word Ethelred's presence became more domineering and heavy. The Herrscher had some trouble keeping herself to stand up.

"I am Ethelred. A Hunter of the 1st generation, and one of few hunters that hunts its own kind," Ethelred raised both his hands to the side and smirked confidently toward the Herrscher.

"Shall we," As soon as he spoke those words the Herrscher struck and went past him with a blade on hand. Turning around she expected that Ethelred was cut in half, but Ethelred was not there.

"Where are you looking?" The voice of Ethelred could be heard beside her and slowly she turned around to meet Ethelred's onyx black eyes that sucked her like an abyss.

"I'll give you this one chance. Return control back to Mei. Or I would have to explore more violent means to knock you out," Ethelred spoke in a low, but calm tone as he held her on the hand that tried to slice his head.

"Y..you insect," The Herrscher spat before loosening her hand and her sword fell down.

Mei's body suddenly lost strength and she fell down on the ground. Looking down at her unconscious state Ethelred turned around and saw that Kiana and Bronya, two of the friends Mei mentioned were awake and their weapons were pointed at him.

"Get the hell away from Mei senpai," The girl with white hair pointed her gun at him.

"So you're Kiana Kaslana. Seigfried's daughter right?" Ethelred walked up slowly towards her. Kiana shot her gun to the side of his head barely grazing his temple, but that didn't stop him from approaching her.

"I see you are no different from your father. Brawns before brains. I would rather you'd take up more of your mother than your father," Ethelred chuckled, meanwhile Kiana was stunned at his words.

"Y..you know my parents?" Kiana asked with an excited tone.

"I'm acquainted with your mother. Your father and I have only met a few times," Ethelred answered, but their conversation was soon disturbed as a voice spoke in Ethelred's head.

"All is done here. You can let them come now," Ethelred spoke in his mind and looked back at the two.

"People will come here and most likely recruit you to their school. Join that school and grow strong. Then when you're strong enough, find me Kiana Kaslana. Your mother left something behind for you, but you'd have to earn it if you want it," Ethelred spoke and soon disappeared.

In the battlefield the man wielding the great sword could be seen lying on the ground as Durandal was breathing roughly with her lance supporting her footing.

"You are strong," Durandal commented, the man who was laying down was awake, but he had lost most of his strength because of the prior attack.

"Seeing as you all had no intention of killing any of our valkyries we will also do the same. No hunters have been killed today as no valkyries have died," Durandal told the man and the man let out a relieved breath before he was picked up by the woman who was beside him earlier.

"You may enter the city. Our business here is done," After those words were uttered the hunters one by one disappeared into the wind and soon not a single one was left behind. Looking around Schicksal dealt with the remaining anti-entropy forces before heading to the city.

The first ones to arrive were the Hyperion crew and when they found the three girls they immediately rushed Mei to the clinic while Kiana and Bronya were questioned. The two never mentioned a single thing about Mei's Herrscher side and the hunter.

"I see," Himeko spoke after she finished questioning them. Soon she placed down the reports and looked at them dead in the eye.

"How would you like to attend St. Freya and become a valkyrie?" This was the thing the hunter mentioned and immediately Kiana agreed, while Bronya took a while before nodding her head as well, now that leaves behind Mei who was currently unconscious.