
Gehrman The Blasphemer

"What do you mean survivor? Isn't he one of the first hunters and why did he just call him the first hunter?" Elysia asked, she knew the man had existed in this space far before her, but she didn't know the identity of said man, the unanswered questions she asked him in the past were now beginning to be answered.

"How are you here Gehrman? I thought. We thought you died during the battle," Elijah asked as he himself was confused by this sudden appearance of the original hunter.

"Do you remember the hunter's Oath, Elijah?" Gehrman asked as he stood up.

"A hunter is a human that has thrown away its humanity for the sake of power," Gehrman started.

"Because to fight a monster. You must become one," Elijah continued

The two soon spoke in turns

"A monster without heart,"

"A monster without compassion,"

"A monster without fear,"

"A monster without hesitation,"

Before speaking together

"I Gehrman,"

"I Elijah,"

"Will become the monster that ensures humanity's preservation,"

"A hunter without rest until the end of our line," Gehrman finished, but the end part seemed to be a surprise to Elijah as his eyes widened.

"There was more?" Elijah asked in confusion at this new line.

"I've been healing from my wounds in this place," Gehrman said as he walked towards Elijah.

"Tell me how many years has it been since the slaughter?" Gehrman asked in a soft tone as he was now in front of Elijah.

"It has been seventy thousand years since that day," Elijah spoke somberly, but before he could react Gehrman's hand went through where his chest was located, crushing it before it could even come out.

"Wh..why?" Elijah coughed out some blood.

"Long time no see Elijah," Gehrman spoke as he closed his eyes and Elijah visibly aged rapidly before he turned into dust.

Suddenly Elijah dropped down on his knees as he gasped for air. He had snapped out of the illusion, but it felt too real for him to just shrug it off as a mere illusion.

"Is this the power gap between us?" Elijah thought as he looked up to see Gehrman who was looking down on him, his bright red eyes shun below his cap as he knelt down and spoke.

"Has it been so long that you forgot how I greet people?" Gehrman chuckled before his chuckle was accompanied by Elijah's.

"Yeah. I completely forgot," A punch to the gut was delivered and Gehrman was pushed back to the wall, completely destroying the dinner table that thankfully had little to no food left.

"You asshole, you didn't change a bit after all these years," Elijah straightened up his collar before walking towards Gehrman who was standing back up.

"You pack quite the punch, are they all as strong as you?" Gehrman spoke in an Expecting tone as he himself walked towards Elijah in a calm manner.

"It's good to see you still up and running old man," Elijah offered his hand and the two shook hands.

"Couldn't You have just done that as a greeting?" Elysia spoked in an annoyed tone as she snapped her fingers and the room returned back to normal.

The room felt as if it was a battlefield with the amount of Honkai energy the two parties were emitting, but also their murderous and blood thirst aura that seemed to petrify most of the flame chasers. A predatory feeling that could leave prey hopeless, a killer felling that would kill someone without touching them directly. The two hunters were strong, but also vicious. The aura they are flaring is proof of that all.

"Now there is a favor I must ask of you all," Elijah spoke as a chair manifested and he sat down.

"Will you fight for humanity once again?" Elijah asked, confusing all the flame chasers present in the room.

"How? We are stuck here in the elysian realm," A man with a mask asked, but Elijah shook his head.

"You need not to worry about that right Gehrman The blasphemer?" Elijah turned his head to Gehrman who realized what he wanted him to do.

"You want me to do that?" Gehrman raised an eyebrow while Elijah nodded his head.

"Fine, but we only have one shot at this and once it is used we'll need to make a new one," Gehrman said as he took out a black orb.

"The orb of rebirth," Elijah approached the orb and gently took it from Gehrman's hand.

"The orb that was created from the core of the Herrscher of death and rebirth. One can only fathom the amount of authority it has over life and death," Elijah heard his explanation as he channeled some of this Honkai energy into the orb.

"Do you think you can prep this?" Elijah asked as he returned the orb back to Gehrman.

"Of course I can. It's only a matter of time," Gehrman took the orb and pocketed it back.

"A week from today," Elijah answered, the time wasn't much, but Gehrman was fairly confident in his abilities to do it.

"Say hello to the captain of the Hyperion for me," Gehrman waved his other hand as a portal tore open.

"Looks like my job here is done… I am sure that the others would be happy to hear of your survival Gerhman," Elijah spoke in a gentle tone before turning around and entering the portal.

The Flame Chasers who watched that exchange of words soon asked.

"Who are you really old man?" The pink haired woman asked as she stood up and approached the man.

"I am merely an old relic of the past that committed a cardinal sin," Gehrman answered as he turned to the flame chasers.

"I am Gehrman The Blasphemer. The first existence to ever light the Imaginary tree ablaze.

Each member had a different reaction, some had shock, some had amazement, while some soon frowned as the realization that he could have destroyed their world appeared. Soon a question floated around their head.

"Just how strong was he in his prime to be able to do that heinous act,"