
A Faraway Expedition

We are born of the blood.

Made hunter by the blood.

Undone by the blood.

Our eyes are yet to open.

Fear the old blood.

A common phrase known amongst the hunters. This was a reminder for them that what they got from blood shall be paid with blood. The power they possess now, they themselves are the price to be paid to obtain that power.

In the Hunter's dream a building infamously known as the asylum stood in the middle of the forest. The wails and cries of mad hunters resounded through the quiet forest.

A group of people were sent to send one hunter to a particular mission. Entering the asylum they walked towards a room where a hunter was currently being kept. It has been hundreds of years since his imprisonment, but he looked like as if he was in the cell only for a day.


"What do you want?" The hunter muttered before his red eyes widened and glowed bright.

"Is it finally time? Is it finally time for me to hunt?" The mad voice of the hunter resounded louder than any other screams in the asylum, his mad excitement silencing the rest of the inmates.

"Unnamed hunter of the 1st generation. The former strongest hunter. We are deploying you to the sea of Quanta. You are to find a girl named Seele and to watch over her until further instructions," One of the hunters told him his mission, but all they received was a frown.

"Babysitting? You think I would accept such a job?" The hunter spat as he found the idea ridiculous.

"Well you don't have much of a choice. This is your punishment," One of them shrugged in indifference while the others started to open his cell door.

"For what crimes? Getting the mission done?" The hunter spat as he tried to lunge forwards, but thanks to the chains around him his Honkai Energy was constantly being drained and restricted to a certain degree.

"By sacrificing two battalions causing the deaths of one hundred thirty seven hunters, decimating a city with the civilians still inside and almost losing the objective," One of the hunters spoke sternly as he gazed at the unnamed hunter with a cold glare.

"Unnamed hunter you are to do as you are ordered, this is not a request. This is direct orders from the Progenitors themselves," The hunter stepped into the cell, his march towards the hunter in chains didn't waver as he stepped past many chains that were scattered on the floor. The very chains that held the unnamed hunter into his chair.

"Enough!" A hunter shouted, the hunter that was marching towards the unnamed hunter halted their step as the one who shouted stepped into the room.

"You owe me a favor," The hunter stated calmly, the unnamed hunter for the first time showed expression of frustration as he gritted his teeth and glared hateful at the hunter that had just entered.

"Oh didn't see you there, I was so used to you being stuck on that life support of yours," The unnamed hunter's tone laced with venom as the Emendiel stepped calmly made his way towards the unnamed hunter.

"You owe me a favor," Emendiel didn't even bother to refute his mockery.

The unnamed hunter stared at him for a while before letting out a deep breath, he nodded his head and the chains around him were instantly broken and he was able to stand up.

"Will I have to interact with this Seele?" The unnamed hunter asked as he stretched his body.

"Yes, because you will interact with her in the foreseeable future so it's best that you three acquaint yourselves," Emendiel explained as he handed the unnamed hunter a bag.

"Three?" The unnamed hunter sounded a bit confused.

"You'll know when the time comes," Emendiel didn't bother to explain further and with his powers he tore open a portal and looked at the unnamed hunter.

"Hey explain what you mean first by three," But without receiving any answers he was pushed into the portal and Emendiel closed the portal before he could come back.

"Emendiel!!!!!" The unnamed hunter roared in anger, the ground shook as the sky flickered. The raw power and aura that was being emitted by the unnamed hunter caused the nearby weak creatures to cower, while the stronger once approached the source with the intent to kill.

We are born of the blood.

Made hunter by the blood.

Undone by the blood.

Our eyes are yet to open.

Fear the old blood.

The unnamed hunter recited those words as his hand began to mold into beast claws, the tips of each claw shining bright red as if fresh blood had just recently been smeared. His murky red eyes glowed intensely. Turning around he could feel the presence of many monsters charging at him, he took out a saw cleaver and flicked it open before covering his mouth with a neck gaiter and slowly walked towards a direction that had more hostiles.

"And so the hunt begins again," The hunter spoke softly and soon the echoes of beasts crying and wailing in pain was the only thing that made the once quiet forest crowded.

After a long battle the unnamed hunter could be seen washing his saw cleaver on the side of a river, using the water to wash the bloodstains of the monsters. He rubbed the flat side of his cleaver with a piece of cloth while also trying to get rid of the blood stain on his gloves, although his hands had returned to normal, the blood remained on his gloves.

"Bloody hell," The hunter cursed as he finally gave up and stopped trying to clean the blood stains.

Turning around the forest he still had no idea on where to go so he simply walked straight in one direction and hoped to find something that might help him in this foreign land. He didn't know how long it had been, but he knew that maybe blindly walking was a bad idea.