


Family Party-02

/"You are never going to believe what my dad just told me,/" I said as I entered my bedroom slowly, both hands held a cup of coffee that was still hot enough to burn my skin if spilled. Gia was sitting up, somewhat awake, on the couch just staring at the coffee table that sat in front of her.

/"What?/" She asked looking up at me as I handed her one of the cups.

/"Nico knew who you were,/" I told her before sipping my coffee. I found myself wishing that it would cool down faster so I could just chug it. There was so much to do today and nowhere enough time or energy,

Gia bounced to face me, nearly bumping my arm. I moved out of her way quick but still felt the two burning drops of coffee on my lap. I bit my lip and made a noise and I watched her grimace, /"sorry,/" she lifted her hands to her face. /"But what did you just say?/" She sat her cup on the table and faced me, leaning toward me with intensity.