Transmigrated to Buffy the Vampire Slayer series. Death lurks behind every corner. It may have not seemed like that in the TV, but living in Sunnydale is more like a survival game, really.
What is a "deus ex machina" for normal person in Sunnydale?
It's Mr. Giles.
If I were to come to him with a report of seeing "strange things", he would take it actually seriously. Which means Slayer would do as well.
Problem solved. A little.
But the issue is in "befriending Giles".
I mean, how can you befriend a person like him?
There's just no way.
So… I tried to come up with a book I can ask him about.
"Good day… are you Mr. Giles, perhaps?"
"Indeed. How can I help you?"
"Do we have Iliad by Homer in here… I mean, in modern English? I thought it might be a very good read."
"We actually do. If I may ask, what made you decide for it?"
"I just wanted something… epic, and honorable, about fighting. Perhaps you could recommend something else as well?"
"Well, it is quite a hard read. I don't mean to belittle you in any way, but there are multiple directions we could go from that book based on your impression."
"Ah, thank you"
This was a 'master librarian'. The demeanor, the speech… it makes you feel really, good being in a "TV show" like this.
A week passed before I visited him again, however.
Since I… really did read it actually.
But on my way there I have noticed everyone talking about the "new Bronze event".
"Cordelia, how was it?!"
"Well, you know… the boys in Bronze yesterday… they were so horny they were quite feral, really."
"What do you mean?"
"You should have seen their faces… if hate could burn, there would be flames in their eyes… really, no matter how much of a nerd someone is, they should not take it to heart that much…"
"Must be horrible… being one of them…"
"You tell me. Just imagine being like Willow - wearing dishtowel in public as a dress…"
"Hey Peter, were you there yesterday?"
Yes. I talked to people a bit. In case of Cordelia it was just praising her… and then more two days after…
"I wasn't. I suppose girls like you were a highlight of the night, however?"
"No… don't be silly."
"So you didn't want to be obvious…?"
And turned out, that's as far as 'nice high school' goes.
"Hey 'support character No. 1'... go away from her. You have no class. And no car, I suppose."
Fortunately, I am a really humble person, even not counting in the fact that warlocks, dark creatures and other individuals exist, even among the high school population here.
"Sorry. I see you like being nice to people, so I will go to class and now it's up tp you."
Well, maybe not that humble.
It goes under your skin even if you already went through high school once, regardless of knowing that these people are just eroding their social skills this way.
Giles was not there today and so that's how my first week ended.
The highlight was that thanks to the weekend I completed my "weak holy blood" skill, stage 1.
It's so much nicer when you see real progress after your efforts. Sometimes rare in real life.