
The Beginning

"Huh where am I and why does my body hurt and why does my bed feel bigger" I said as I got out of bed as I experienced the worst headache in my entire life as I ran to the bathroom as I felt like I was going to throw up which I did but In the most painful way as what came out shocked me Blood and Chucks of unchewed food and Broken pills where in the toilet as I wiped my mouth I stood up a look at the mirror on the wall and saw my reflection which nearly scared me to death as standing before me was a Dirty blonde Mixed younger than I should be as I recovered my composure as I moved my hand around to see if my reflection would follow which it did And boy was it trippy it like in those psychological movies where the character has 2 personalities and they interact with each other through the Mirror.

As I got done doing that for about 5 minutes give or take I went back to my room I guess wait for this instance my room I just stole this kid's body I was almost about to scream when I thought about my life before coming to this body and the last few things I can remember First Off I was a somewhat successful YouTuber getting 9.6k followers to talk Comics, Games, Manga, Movies you name I probably talked about it on my channel but the bulk of my videos was Comics As I was a hardcore Nerd otaku Which I'm proud to say but later I took a break to finish college for Drawing and acting Arts but one day my life took a turn for the worst when I returned from my short break to finish College I had a Live stream and it turned into a drinking game and I couldn't hold my drink as I got drunk and Broke my hand Which gave me nerve damage and Apparently I started to beat my girlfriend at the time Sam Who I got upset with For not letting me finish my drink since she was trying to help me with not take another beer and was trying to convince me not to drink but I didn't listen

Seeing this on the stream you could have imagined what my followers said and you're right as I had a lawsuit filed against me and I went to court and went to jail for a couple of months before getting out on bail not before getting the doctor to fix.

My hand as best as he could but I had nerve damage so I wouldn't be able to draw anymore which sucked since this is what I went to school for but reality hit hard 4 years my life was hell I couldn't keep a job constant, harassment from people in my life and my former followers I was tired But about to go home but next thing I know Im being put out my apartment.

I was sad and frustrated with myself So while I was walking around the block to get my thoughts together and to think about how to fix my life I saw a red ball roll into the street and a young girl go out to get it but then I heard the little girls older sister scream.

As I saw a speeding car about to hit the little girl time slowed down to a crawl as I was focused on the Girl and before I knew it my body was Moving as I pushed the little girl who had gotten her red ball out the way as I got hit And die just like that and I didn't even feel anything.

As I thought about this and came back to my current situation As I was confused about what I was supposed to do I heard a Ding nose in the room as I frantically turned around to see if someone was in this room with me but it turned out nobody was there as I then saw in my face a blue system like screen James heard a feminine voice in his head Loading…1%…33%….67%….100%

"system downloaded hello Host I am your personal assistant who will help you get adjusted to this new life and navigate you to your Dream"

"Huh, what for This is great now I won't have to worry about being successful in this life. System by any chance do you have a name if not can I give you one It would sound weird if I just kept calling you system." James said

"No Yes host I would please can you give me a Name." said the system "How, does Ava sound?" said James I wasn't very good with Names but she actually liked it surprisingly.

"I like the name Ava, call me Ava from now on Host," she said with happiness lacing her voice.

"Sure and you can call me James in the future all right and now can you tell me What your functions are and Why I was chosen to be reborn and What happened to this body" said James

"well host this body's name is James Goodwin Jr. And congrats on getting the Starter pack and My memories" said Ava

"As for James he died from an overdose as he killed himself due to depression and to be with his parents in the afterlife as After the death of his mother from a robbery gone wrong his father became an alcoholic which negatively impacted his son's mental state and the movies and publishing house that he owns which is now the brink of being closed down and going bankrupt," said Ava

"As to why You were chosen to be reborn is because the systems creator took pity on you and you changed the fate of that little girl's life as she turned to achieve great things in the future one of which was cure cancer and her karma points became you're giving you enough to be reborn and Gain the system," said Ava

"Also on this world, AU earth-1248 certain movies games, manga, TV shows, and comics and characters wouldn't be created due to people being born early or later, and some never existing at all or changing from the path of their future from your previous life host," said Ava "Host job is to bring those things to life in this world and to live life to the fullest while also achieving host dream of becoming a Hollywood superstar and becoming famous," said Ava "For real Ava Man this is so cool I'll try my best to fulfill my dream and mission while also not wasting my new chance at life," said James

"All right Ava, please show me all your functions," said James

"Ok James here are all my functions," said Ava


Name: James Goodwin

Gender: Male

Age: 12

<Stats >

Strength: 10 Agility: 10

Endurance: 10

Intelligence: 30

Luck: 15

Charisma: 12

system Points: 3,200

<Store >



<Missions >

Fingering out Where the Host is Mission Status: Complete

Name System secret mission Status: Complete

<Inventory >

-My Memories

-Starter Pack

-3 Time trips