
plan and Ideas

"OK, So Ava what year I'm I in also what are My Memories and Time Trip tickets" said James as he looked down at the system notification

"Well, Host, My Memories is a card created by the system that holds the knowledge of host alternative reality selves that where successful and achieve different types of thinks from the host. For example, One version of the host became a famous artist and never got nerve damage, Another version Became A CEO and runs his own company and etc," said Ava in an analogical tone

"Time Trip Tickets are essential for what they sound like they are tickets that allow you to go to the future of this world and you can permanently stay. If you complete the highest secret mission while in the future but if you don't find it you will have 3 months of being in the future before being forced back to the past and that future becomes a potential future. Also, the host is in the year 1928 in April " said Ava in a non-chalet tone like it was simply common knowledge "Well ok so I'm in the time where people can still be racist just great" James said with anger and shock but then it turns into happiness because he realized something great that he could do in this world "okay I was going to yell at you Ava for making me be reborn during this time period but now that I think about it since you said it was an alternative world that means something won't be the same like in my past life's world so maybe just maybe I can steal or help In the beginning and creation of superheroes and Superman especially. HAHAHA I'm a genuine and just imagine it I can change some things about it and they wouldn't even know what I changed Hahaha Ava I think I'm going to like this new life now please accept the My Memories and being fusion process" said James after releasing a sigh

"OK James Process about to bring recommend that you sleep James or else the process could cause danger and mental strain on your body," said Ava "Yeah fully noted Wake me up when the process is done I'll get in the shower later after I wake up," said James as he felt tired something that he didn't notice before as he went to the bedroom and fell right on the bed fast asleep and sound

(Time Skip)

after about what seemed like ages which was really only 4 hours Ava woke up James

"James wake up the process is done and I need to know if you feel any discomfort," said Ava

"Yeah yeah I'm fine Ava and no I don't feel any discomfort which is good since it means I can finally get to work and with these memories, I can change this world HAAhA," said James as he stretched out his body and got in the shower

'Hmm since racial segregation is still a thing during this era Superman will never be able to create as much of a following. Since I'm black and during this era of segregation it won't be easy but since I inherited this business from James father I can still make Superman and DC comics heroes a household name' James thought

'James father business specializes in movies and newspapers which is great since I could spread Superman through the newspapers' thought James as he got out the shower as he heard a knock on his door

"Coming Ava is the a way for you to tell me who the person knocking on my door is" James said to himself

"No Jame Just go see for yourself" replied Ava in a bored tone

"ok fine I will" said James as he went to the door he opened it to only see his butler Alfred "young master it good your up please come down stairs you have a guest and try to stay away from the white sections I'm afraid after your parents death I'll be in charge but first your opinion will be the first thing to be implemented in the business now please be quick" said Alfred as he looked at James with sadness as he remembered when James parents saved him from jail after a falsehood that almost got him killed and they saved him and he repaid them by becoming their butler in the house. "Ok Alfred I got but who is the guest if you don't mind I would really like if you were to tell me something about this person" said James in a Annoyed tone which shocked Alfred as he did expect him to respond like but he could understand the James just lost his parents and is probably still grieving "well James I guess I wouldn't really call her a guest but still it is Zariya and she's here for you she wants you to play with her after she is your sister" said Alfred as he looked at James with a concerned face

"yeah your right umm ok tell her I'll be down in 10 minutes" said James as he thought about him having a sister who was only 6 years old which is new to him since in his old life he didn't have a sister

"yes ok you master and please put on some clothes" said Alfred as he left the room

"Well Ava I guess it's time I make Superman but should I make him Black or white since I'm black" James said to Ava "James that depends on you and what you want to do" Ava said not really sure herself but mostly because she didn't care enough about the situation

"Ok I'll think about it later then let's go see Zariya" said James as he got some clothes which he found uncomfortable and then he went downstairs to the living room where he saw his little Sister playing with her toys blissfully unaware of the situation with their parents or even the world around her.