
Hollywood Lover

DaoistnuoHBq · สมัยใหม่
161 Chs

Chapter 9

Zhang Dongcheng's face was full of pretending to be calm, sitting on the piano stool, trying not to turn his head to look in the direction he just noticed.

Emma hugged the sofa pillow in her arms tightly, while Melanie changed from standing lazily to sitting down, watching Zhang Dongcheng who was immersed in the role, changed her usual fiery temper, and concentrated on watching with.

"I had to run away, I wanted to run away, but the murderer took my clothes and said he wanted to help me clean the paint off my clothes, how could I run away naked like this? Why couldn't I stand up, I couldn't stand up Get up... calm down, calm down you idiot!"

Desperation slowly climbed onto Zhang Dongcheng's face, the sun shone on his face, matched with his rigid face that didn't dare to make any small movements, and the eyes that didn't dare to blink, the whole room was suffocatingly quiet, only The soft breathing gradually raised the hearts of the girls.

"Maybe, if I finish this scene, I can get out of here smoothly. I am blind and can't see everything the murderer did. She came back, I felt it, she was standing behind me, you can't turn around, you You're blind, you have no reason to look back! Say something to her, say something casually, say something quickly, FUCK!"

   Twisting his neck a little spiritually, Zhang Dongcheng opened his mouth, but said nothing, just played Schumann's "Love of a Poet" from the beginning again.

  In the dead silence, only the piano music floated through my heart, bringing up the indescribable fear. The terrible murderer seemed to be standing behind everyone, and would strike at any time.

   "I'm blind, I can't possibly know what she's doing behind me, I should keep playing, while I'm playing, she can't kill me, while I'm playing, she can't kill me, can't.Kill me!"

  Zhang Dongcheng stopped his gradually calm tone, and suddenly closed the piano cover. The loud noise shocked all the girls who were immersed in the plot.

   "The performance is over?" Jerry was the first to react, staring at his charming blue eyes, and said incredulously.

   "Yes." Zhang Dongcheng smiled slightly.

"It's over? Is the tuner dead? Did I kill him?" Standing behind Zhang Dongcheng, Victoria knew that she was playing the role of a murderer. She couldn't hold back her curiosity at the moment, grabbed Zhang Dongcheng's shoulder, and asked road.

   "The open ending, you can imagine as you like, this is the wonderful part of this movie." Zhang Dongcheng touched the piano that was often cleaned, and said happily when he saw the appearance of the girls.

  Movies, isn't it what makes the audience obsessed and fascinated by it? Looks like the response has been great!

"Oh, SHIT, if you don't tell me the ending, I won't be able to sleep all night!" Melanie rushed up, grabbed Zhang Dongcheng's clothes, and shouted angrily, not ladylike at all Mouth full of foul language.

Halliwell sighed and pulled Melanie: "Let go of Mr. Smith. Although this movie is not long, it is really meaningful and full of artistic conception. This is also the charm of movies. what."

  Melanie let go of her hand, shook her afro head, and was very upset: "Asshole, if you, Smith, make such appetizing movies, I declare that I will never go to the cinema to watch your movies!"

   "Will you be the protagonist of your movie? I think you're doing very well, I'm almost scared to death by you!" Emma said with certainty, shaking her braids.

"Oh, I have a specialization in art. My performance can only deceive you, and it won't work on the big screen. I want to find someone who majors in acting to play the tuner." Emma's appreciation made Zhang Dongcheng very happy , but he knows his strengths and weaknesses.

  He prefers directing everything to being an actor.

Victoria put her hands on her forehead, as if thinking that her head was about to explode, but said very seriously: "Mr. Smith, I'm beginning to believe what you said, the movie in your head will make you make a lot of money, and make the world look at you !"

"Hehe, it seems that I have completely conquered my five audiences. Speaking of which, can I borrow your room to shoot this movie? Because you have a piano and many rooms. If I use my cousin's house as a set , My cousin will definitely kick me out of the house." Zhang Dongcheng licked his face, giggled, and told the real purpose of the method he had racked his brains and spent so much time performing.

   "Okay, I know you have no good intentions!" The five girls looked at each other and said coquettishly, and then the five sofa pillows flew towards Zhang Dongcheng at the same time..


   On March 30, 1995, the day before April Fool's Day, a traditional Western holiday, Zhang Dongcheng carried a large stack of handwritten posters behind his back, and held one in his hand, struggling to stick it on the wall full of graffiti portraits.

  The title on the poster is thick and big, which can be read from a distance, and the content is extremely eye-catching and impactful.

   "You are a legend!"

  Below the title, there is a row of slightly smaller fonts:

I am Smith, a 1991 student in the directing department. I am looking for a group of like-minded people to complete my first official film work. Let us witness our own strength, let us embark on a brilliant start, and let us rush to the 1995 France Cannes International Film Festival!

   Now we are sincerely looking for a leading actor (pay 100 pounds per person), and several supporting roles (pay 20 pounds per person). Those who are interested, please come to the school cafeteria for an interview at 4:00 pm tomorrow (Friday)!

  Put the poster firmly on the wall, Zhang Dongcheng looked at it carefully, nodded with satisfaction, and walked quickly to the next location with the poster on his back.

  Mr. Hebrew is very helpful, and he promised to help me find a way. It is not a problem to find friends of Mr. Hebrew for shooting equipment and post-production.

  Things were proceeding smoothly as he had imagined, and Zhang Dongcheng was very excited to fulfill a really interesting part of the director, looking for the protagonist of the movie.

I have already advertised that I want to make a film in almost all the acting classes in school, but to my surprise, the discrimination brought about by Zhang Dongcheng's yellow race status and his previous film assignments that only got a B made the acting class Students are not interested in participating.

  Such a blow was very hurtful, but Zhang Dongcheng was not discouraged. He began to expand his publicity channels, and put up posters in places where students from surrounding universities often gather, hoping that someone can put aside their prejudice against skin and work together with him.

   It is not only those who come from acting classes can act well in movies. Sometimes people who have not studied acting are amazingly talented. There are not a few examples of people who have become famous in the film industry.

  Paste posters on every corner that students can see, maybe you can find someone who is really born for movies.

   "Hey Smith, I've been looking for you! Thanks for skipping my last class!"

   Zhang Dongcheng looked back, but he was a tall, thin black guy full of vigor, with a white mouth and teeth.

   This is Adaman, a black classmate, Zhang Dongcheng's best friend in school, and he also told Zhang Dongcheng the dinosaur joke.

   "Come on buddy, your teeth are blinding me." Zhang Dongcheng pretended to be angry, and threw the poster in his hand to Adaman's hand.

"Hey, did you know? When I came here, I took the bus, and there was an extremely beautiful, extremely beautiful, and hot Thai girl sitting next to me!" Adaman took the poster with agility, and rushed towards the wall Sticking to each other, he tilted his head and talked to Zhang Dongcheng.

   "What's the matter? You didn't spend half a stop to meet that Thai beauty? And then **** her all night?" Zhang Dongcheng didn't turn his head, just pasted the poster on the wall.

  Adaman has no intention of learning to be a director at all. The original intention of entering the director department was to take advantage of the golden sign of "director" to attract women who dreamed of being a star.

"That Thai girl is just amazing, the deep groove can almost bury my face, and the small waist is just enough to hold! I pay attention to her from time to time, and she also gives me a glance from time to time. I took a deep breath and told myself, buddy, this is a bus with a large hall, be brave, don't put up a tent, don't put up a tent." Adaman quickly put up a poster.

   "Well, then what?" Zhang Dongcheng tidied up the crooked posters that Adaman had posted.

   "It turned out she hooked up! FUCK, that's why I knew he was from Thailand!" Adaman said loudly, and then laughed wildly while holding his stomach.

   "You bastard, where are you making so many bad jokes." Zhang Dongcheng also laughed, and patted his **** hard.

   Finally stopped laughing, Adaman said to Zhang Dongcheng who was sticking to the poster a little indignantly: "Hey, don't you worry that there won't be any actors coming for an interview tomorrow? Those idiots in the acting class don't even like us."

   "Do your own thing well, and take every step firmly." Zhang Dongcheng turned his head to look at Adaman, and said seriously.

   "OK, OK~ I'm doing it for you, I don't care about anyone else. You know how many girls are waiting for me, I'm very busy!"

  Although Adaman said so, he became serious about the work in hand.