
Hollywood Lover

DaoistnuoHBq · สมัยใหม่
161 Chs

Chapter 98

"Let me introduce you. This is my good friend, Mr. Claire, and this is Mr. Alfonso." Carl introduced several heavyweight shareholders to Zhang Dongcheng, and Zhang Dongcheng just greeted the bosses in a friendly manner. Warmly shake hands.

"Okay, thank you gentlemen for coming. I think you may know that I want to direct The Mummy. I want the mummy to blow the world like a pioneer in the thirties. Let the whole world go for it." Shocked and applauded. Today, please come here, gentlemen, I will bring you a SHOW, a SHOW that can make you have more confidence in me, my crew, and my team. I hope you We can like it!" Zhang Dongcheng said to everyone, and then led everyone to sit on the chairs in the center of the studio.

"Huh? What's the layout here?" Mr. Claire asked in surprise. In front of him, it was carefully arranged, making people feel as if they were in the pyramid three thousand years ago, in the mysterious and terrifying tomb of the pharaoh. It is full of mottled and dilapidated ancient Egyptian-style walls, as well as various props full of dust and traces of history.

  Zhang Dongcheng looked at him with a smile, but didn't say anything. When everyone sat down amidst discussions in surprise and confusion, he snapped his fingers heavily.

   "Mummy, ACTION!" Following Zhang Dongcheng's words, the lights of the entire studio dimmed, and then a few beams of light illuminated the tomb studio, and everyone stopped talking, widened their eyes, and looked towards the center of the venue.

  There stood a tall man in a robe, **** exposed, with a beard and a bald head.

  He closed his eyes, muttered in his mouth, holding a long golden dagger in his hand, pointing directly at the heart of a girl in front of him.

   "Help, help!" The girl kept struggling, but her hands and feet were bound by iron chains, and she couldn't break free. Beside her stood a weird and weird coffin full of inexplicable patterns.

   At the same time, the voice-over sounded, quieting down the audience who were confused and agitated.

  In 1719 BC, in Thebes, Egypt, the love affair between the high priest Immet and the pharaoh's favorite concubine Ankasunam was exposed. After the two men killed the king, Ankasunam committed suicide.

  In desperation, Immot hoped to resurrect her in Hamneputra, but was discovered by the king's soldiers, and the ceremony failed. And Immot was also subject to the most severe curse "Bug Eater".

  He is ultimately cursed to be a mummy, but never to die. He will be free only when his rotting body disappears. As Immet screamed in terror as the sarcophagus closed, the curse had been planted, his evil, vengeful heart growing stronger in the darkness.

After 3,000 years of life, Immot was inadvertently awakened by the librarian Evelyn who is now on the altar. He absorbed the life and soul of human beings, and finally changed from a terrible mummy back to a human being. Now, he wants to Kill Evelyn to awaken his eternal love, Ankasunam!

The sound system in the studio plays the voice-over, and also plays the grand and passionate symphony in the style of American Hollywood super blockbusters, full of ancient Egyptian flavors, making the whole studio shrouded in an atmosphere of light and darkness intertwined, strangeness and courage. middle.

"Hey, it's like watching a movie." Alfonso, another most important shareholder, nodded and began to sweep away his previous doubts. After seeing the scene in front of him and understanding the information in the voice-over, he looked forward to Sitting up straight, I wanted to see the development behind this movie-like stage play.

   And Mr. Carl couldn't help showing a smile on his face. Seeing everything in front of him, how could he not understand Zhang Dongcheng's intentions?

   This is clearly telling him and everyone, Mummy, that's how it's done!

On the set, the bearded high priest Immet, speaking in difficult ancient Egyptian, suddenly closed his eyes, and when the background symphony brought the atmosphere to its peak, the dagger in his hand pointed directly at the wall !

"Hey...!" The ancient and mottled wall burst open suddenly, and the flying bricks scattered in all directions, stirring up a cloud of unwilling dust. A thin, withered, terrifying mummy was covered in blood-stained bandages, from Struggling to squeeze out of the broken wall!

Waving their arms, twisting their extremely stiff bodies that had been trapped in the wall for thousands of years, the mummies staggered one after another, forming a circle, kneeling in front of Evelyn on the altar in the middle, mouth Howling and bowing incessantly, as if performing some kind of extremely mysterious and weird ritual.

  Everything is full of magic.

   "Sister, how can I save you!" Fat Andy played Evelyn's brother, holding a golden scripture book in his hand, sweating profusely, hiding not far away and shouting loudly.

   "Jonathan, read the spell in the book quickly!" Evelyn, who was chained, struggled and shouted.

   "But it knows some words, but I don't know them!" Jonathan wiped the sweat with his plump hands, causing low laughter from the audience.

The high priest Immot glanced at Jonathan, but ignored him, and chanted another incantation. The coffin standing next to Evelyn on the altar suddenly shot out with a "bang" from the coffin lid, and a The glamorous and incomparably beautiful ancient Egyptian beauties came out in a strange and amazing way.

She is so beautiful, the straight hair that hangs so high above her chest is so beautiful, her **** body is full of exquisite patterns, her eyes are full of fatal and dangerous provocations, and her agile and unique steps make her feel so beautiful. People think of the cat on the foot of death.

Beautiful women can always cheer up the spirits of men. Everyone's eyes widened and they swallowed their saliva vigorously. Such unique ancient Egyptian beauties are full of exotic styles, which makes the bosses who are used to seeing all kinds of beauties Some of them looked straight ahead.

"This Smith is really interesting. The beautiful woman struggling on the sacrificial altar is good, and this beautiful woman is even better. Where did he find it? Seeing her small steps, it really has a tempting taste." Afang Suo smiled and talked to Mr. Carl.

   "Haha, maybe Smith has a special charm, he can always make beautiful women circle around him." Carl said with a smile back.

  Turning around, the terrifying other side suddenly appeared, which shocked the men who were immersed in the beauties and seductive eyes. Alfonso was even startled suddenly because he was too obsessed, and almost fell off the chair.

  What kind of half face is that, the left half is bright and charming, making men full of desire, while the right half is covered with a **** bandage, entangled in a strange and extremely terrifying way, shriveled and dangerous beyond words!

   Not only half of the face, people discovered at this time that the entire half of this beautiful woman's body is in the shape of Mujiyi. The feeling of contrast makes everyone's hairs stand on end and break out in cold sweat.

   "Ankasu Namu, as long as you kill her, you can be resurrected!" The high priest Immot said softly with his arms around her waist very tenderly.

  Ankasunam took the dagger in Immot's hand, and a smile appeared on his hideous face.

  Evelyn, who was bound by the iron chain, yelled even louder in fright: "Jonathan, quickly cast the spell."

   "I need the key!" Jonathan was terrified by Immot, who was forced towards him.

   "The key is in his robe! Help!" Evelyn tugged on the chain.

  Among the tense music, Brandon jumped down from the high platform like a magic soldier, holding a long golden sword in his hand.

"Hey, my dear employer, now is the time for me to show my might!" The long sword in his hand danced a few sword flowers, and another sword cut off an iron chain that bound Evelyn. Brandon was very upset. It's stinky fart, he said very ostentatiously.

   "Kill him!" Emmett roared.

   Countless mummy priests stood up, howling and rushing towards Brandon.

   With the sword in hand, Brandon was like a warrior rushing straight into the enemy's line, facing a dozen mummies without fear. Where the sword pointed, the mummies fell to the ground amidst the dust.

  The mummies who had already lost their lives did not back down, like wild beasts that looked at death at home, walking at extremely stiff steps, waving their withered arms, and pointing directly at Brandon!

This series of fights is the heroic plot most admired by Americans, which made everyone present hold their breath, and their eyes widened excitedly amidst the increasingly passionate music, watching the long sword open and close, the shriveled The mummies were chopped down by Brandon coolly like chopping melons and vegetables.

  A mummy pierces through with a sword, while another mummy staggers towards it!

   The critical moment is approaching, and Zhang Dongcheng can't help but hold his breath, hoping that Brandon and the young actors can perform better.

  Lately drew out the long sword, Brandon didn't turn his head back, he just swung a heavy punch, and the mummy flew into the air and spun non-stop!

  In order to achieve the effect of rapid rotation as in the special effects, Zhang Dongcheng deliberately chose a young actor with a foundation in figure skating. What she is best at is spinning 720 degrees in the air.

At this time, she lived up to Zhang Dongcheng's entrustment, and flew out along Brandon's fist, and did not forget to use her signature skill in the air. The sudden 720-degree rotation like the wind made the audience The blood was boiling, as if he had become the omnipotent Brandon on the field, and many people applauded excitedly.

   But it wasn't over yet. Brandon pulled out his long sword and noticed the mummy rushing towards him. Amid the exclamation of the audience, the long sword slashed and cut off the mummy's head!

Perhaps Zhang Dongcheng is really blessed by the gods in the dark, which made the audience exclaimed loudly. The sword achieved the effect he expected. The severed head did not fly too far, and the real head of the young actor who was concentrating But huddled in the chest of the mummy, he noticed the direction of the flying head with his eyes, and subconsciously used his arms to support it, just like in the original movie, he held the poor head up several times as if he was catching a volleyball. Down!

And Brandon was not slow to react. Seeing that the head was lifted a few times, he took the opportunity and swung it out, hitting the head towards the auditorium like a baseball. In the middle, it fell straight into the hands of Mr. Carl in the front row!

Holding the head that was obviously a prop, Mr. Carl couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. Just now he thought that Brandon had really cut off the actor's head. After looking at it, Mr. Carl happily clapped his hands vigorously.

   For a while, there was thunderous applause.

Originally, Mr. Carl thought this was the last resort. This special show has deeply touched his heart. He has decided to invest 80 million US dollars to let Zhang Dongcheng and himself realize their dreams. Director Smith, who pays for the film, has unlimited creativity, and whimsy, is worth his risk.

  But the music was still going on, the actors were still performing, and Mr. Carl was completely attracted by the show, holding the head of the prop in his arms, and continued to watch it with great interest.

Following the incantations of Jonathan played by Fat Andy, in the weird and terrifying music, a door that had been sealed for a long time was opened, and a team of tall and tall men held various ancient Egyptian weapons in their hands. The royal guards, which are different from the short and withered mummy just now, marched out like an ancient iron-blooded army, with amazing momentum!

   And Ankasunam, who is holding a dagger, is half a beauty and half a mummy, and she is also frantically chasing and killing Evelyn who was rescued by Brandon, and there is another chaos on the field.

One ring after another, the climax continued, and everyone was conquered in just a few minutes. This Hollywood-style live performance made everyone completely immersed in it. They couldn't help but clutched the armrest of the chair and leaned forward slightly. , was completely attracted by Zhang Dongcheng's arrangement, and couldn't extricate himself.

  Three royal guards came out in a row, and they didn't know what happened. They flew into the air like springs under their feet, and jumped onto the sacrificial altar!

   "Oh my God! Did they hang the wire? No wire!" Claire exclaimed.

   "Oh, God, did they get rid of the laws of physics? How can they jump so high on flat ground!" Alfonso also hugged his head and shouted.

  Because a stone pier prop completely blocked the audience's sight, the small trampoline buried on the ground was not discovered by them, and Mr. Carl couldn't help smiling.

  A simple live performance in the form of a stage play allows Smith to play so many tricks. One can imagine how moving it will be when the real movie starts shooting!

   "Ah!" In order to embolden himself, Brandon opened his mouth wide and shouted frantically with a long sword in his hand, trying to overwhelm the royal guards with his momentum.

   But the three royal guards did not feel intimidated at all. Instead, they opened their mouths in unison and gave Brandon a deafening roar!

   Brandon, who was still very heroic just now, froze, turned his head and ran away without saying a word.

   This kind of contrast is very American-style humor, which made all the audience burst into laughter. Some laughed out of tears, some leaned back and forth, and some even laughed so hard that they overturned their chairs and sat on the ground.

  Not only is British humor good, but American humor is also good. Carl looked at Zhang Dongcheng with a stronger smile on his face and more and more confidence.

   It was another series of fights that made people stop breathing. The skills of the royal guards were really extraordinary. Brandon changed from the chicness just now and worked hard to hold on.

The royal guard who had his head cut off inadvertently and swung an ax around was chopped down by Brandon in the original version, but in Zhang Dongcheng's version, he left a way for him to live, which made him extremely funny The ground hacked around the entire set, once again bringing the audience full of laughter and countless exclamations.

   "Quickly chant the spell!" On the other side, Evelyn, who was being hunted around with a dagger by Ankasu Namu, shouted, but the lights suddenly went dark, and the whole set was plunged into darkness.

  When the lights came on again, Zhang Dongcheng lined up with all the actors and bowed deeply to the audience present.

   This SHOW is over!

"It's great! It's really great!" Mr. Carl knew that this was the end of this show, leaving an unknown ending. Although he wanted to continue watching, today's calculation of confidence is over, which makes He is full of anticipation. It won't be long before the whirlwind of mummy will blow across the United States and the whole world again. This is the future that will surely come true, and it won't take long to wait!

"Wonderful, really wonderful! I really hate you, Mr. Smith, I won't be able to sleep tonight if I don't see the ending!" Claire laughed loudly, clapped her hands, walked towards Zhang Dongcheng, and hugged him fiercely together.

"Incomparable, incomparable SHOW! Mr. Smith, I really admire your imagination and bold presentation techniques. I bet that when this SHOW is put on the big screen, everyone will be shocked by the mummy and go crazy. Money for a ticket!" Alfonso also clapped desperately, walked to the center of the set, and hugged Zhang Dongcheng again who had finally escaped from the arms of the burly Claire.

   "Thank you, thank you gentlemen for your approval." The big stone in Zhang Dongcheng's heart finally fell to the ground, but there was no trace of pride on his face, he just looked at Mr. Carl with a smile.

Glancing at Claire, then at Alfonso, the nodding of the two made Carl laugh aloud, and for the first time he reached out and shook hands with Zhang Dongcheng, "Mr. Smith, we agree to treat your "Mummy" The film has an investment of 80 million US dollars, next, let's talk about the details!"

  Time and space change, now it is not the eighteenth Hollywood studio, but a thick, soft carpet under the feet, magnificent decorations, shaking red wine glasses, large and comfortable sofas everywhere.

"Mr. Smith, Universal Pictures is willing to give you 10 million dollars to direct the "Mummy" movie, and our Universal Pictures will conduct a large-scale publicity and pave the way for the entire American movie theaters. I believe When "The Mummy" is released, no less than 3,000 movie theaters in the United States will simultaneously rank it as the main event, and use the best number of screenings and the largest number of screening halls to show this movie that will surely bring fear and joy to the whole world. "Mr. Carl said to Zhang Dongcheng with a smile while holding a glass of red wine in his luxurious office.

Mr. Carl learned about Zhang Dongcheng's embarrassing situation when he staged "Two Smoking Barrels" in the UK, so he especially emphasized the advantages of Universal Pictures in publicity and scheduling. As the second largest film company in the United States and even the world, This is also something he is particularly proud of.

   But Zhang Dongcheng doesn't think so now, even if there are only two movie theaters for the first time, his movie can skyrocket, which is something he doesn't need to worry about at all.

   Ten million dollars? It's not even as good as the income brought by "Two Smoking Barrels". Zhang Dongcheng frowned lightly, but said indifferently: "I am passionate about anything about movies, and I believe I will also give You bring tons of dollars and a lot of prestige. And, I'm open to the challenge, the unknown. So I don't want $10 million."