
Hollywood Lover

DaoistnuoHBq · สมัยใหม่
161 Chs

Chapter 73

After seeing off Ashley, Zhang Dongcheng smiled and said to Ander: "Come in and sit down, Ender, don't worry. But if you say something with your stinky mouth that makes me unhappy, I don't mind going out to buy a baseball bat!" "

   This made Ander even more afraid to go in, but he refused to leave. He just stood outside the door with gritted teeth, Zhang Dongcheng was speechless with his pretended viciousness and inner humbleness.

   Forget it, ignore him. Zhang Dongcheng made himself sit more comfortably, closed his eyes and rested his mind.

   "Mr. Smith, Mr. Jeff is free, please come with me!" After a while, Miss Ashley came over and said to Zhang Dongcheng.

   "OK, thank you." Zhang Dongcheng responded politely, and then said to Ander: "You can go in now, how tired you are standing outside."

"You... haha, Smith, I'll be waiting for you outside, waiting for you to come out with a sad face! Look, you won't succeed!" Ender got into the VIP room, closed the door and called out to Zhang Dongcheng. road.

   "Why, do you have some misunderstandings? It seems that your attitude towards each other is not very friendly?" Ashley looked at Zhang Dongcheng and asked curiously.

   "Hehe, it's nothing, you know that directors are self-admired people." Zhang Dongcheng smiled slightly, and gently exposed the matter, not wanting to mention it again.

  Ashley brought Zhang Dongcheng to Jeff's office. When Jeff saw Zhang Dongcheng, he gestured to the sofa next to him, "Mr. Smith, please sit down."

Zhang Dongcheng sat down. Jeff's attitude in front of him could only be described as average, with a formula-like expression on his face, but he still took out the script and said to Jeff: "Mr. Jeff, it's a pleasure to meet you. This time I'm here with my new movie, I hope Mr. Jeff can watch it."

   "OK, let me take a look." Jeff didn't have much reaction on his face, he just took Zhang Dongcheng's movie script without moving his buttocks.

   Zhang Dongcheng became famous in England, and Jeff also heard about it as a filmmaker, but he didn't take those things to heart, but devoted himself to the script in front of him.

  In his view, American movies are the direction of the world, and no matter how good the movies of other countries are, they are extremely limited.

And Zhang Dongcheng tried his best not to sit too rigidly, but with bright eyes, he kept paying attention to Jeff's facial expression, looked at his brows, whether they were stretched or tightened, and wanted to know his true thoughts .

  But from the beginning to the end, Jeff's face did not show any reaction. This concentration has been tempered for a long time.

Closing the script and pushing it aside, Jeff looked at Zhang Dongcheng's expectant eyes, and said lightly: "Tell the truth, Mr. Smith. Your two big smoking guns are very classic, but this million-dollar baby, I'm sorry. I don't think so. The story has a punch, but it's hard to make a breakthrough at the box office. And the euthanasia in the finale will make the audience curse. Of course, the American audience."

   Zhang Dongcheng's heart was full of disappointment. Jeff's words were direct accusations that he did not understand the psychology of American audiences. It was entirely the pursuit of human nature and humanism pursued by the film school, and it was not entertaining.

  Using the words of the original space-time Chinese online novel, it is too literary and youthful.

   Zhang Dongcheng didn't say anything, just nodded, took the script, and then left politely.

"Mr. Smith, this is the United States, not the United Kingdom. One success does not mean you will be successful forever, especially when you have not been recognized by the American audience and validated by the box office. I think there is still a long way between you and the United States. a distance."

  Before leaving, Jeff's words made Zhang Dongcheng annoyed again.

  Million Dollar Baby Can't Make It? Shit, you dumbass, can you still keep the expression on your face that looks calm, but is actually extremely dull after seeing its box office of more than 200 million U.S. dollars in a few years?

   Zhang Dongcheng felt angry in his heart, and walked out of Jeff's office with his head down. When he passed the VIP room, that guy Ander jumped out to laugh at himself again.

"How is it? Smith, hahaha, you were rejected again? I said it long ago, but you just don't believe me! Hahaha!" Seeing that there was no joyful expression on Zhang Dongcheng's face, Ender rolled his eyes, Laughing all day long.

   Just looked at him coldly, Zhang Dongcheng left his strange laughter behind and continued to move forward.

   Well, leaving the huge golden movie of Warner Movies behind, Zhang Dongcheng is still moving forward and working hard. He seems to have returned to his original state in this strange America. Everything is so unfriendly.

   "No, Mr. Smith, this movie is not going to work."

   "Sorry, we can't help you."

   "Euthanasia...forget it."

   "Mr. Spieth, I think you should really consider the American audience's viewing experience."

  Although Zhang Dongcheng still persisted, countless rejections, either bluntly, or euphemistically, all announced that they were not optimistic about "Million Dollar Baby", and no film company was willing to invest in it.

  Continuously busy for two whole weeks, Zhang Dongcheng researched and discussed with executives of different film companies, but couldn't find a single supporter.

am I wrong? Zhang Dongcheng asked himself, but couldn't find the answer.

"Hey, buddy, you don't seem to be in a good mood. It's just two weeks since I saw you. What's wrong?" One afternoon, Brad Pitt walked into Zhang Dongcheng's room, looking out the window and thinking about something he asked.

what happened? It's not that you want your future wife to become famous in one fell swoop, only to be ridiculed by others...

  Zhang Dongcheng curled his lips, then smiled, and replied: "I wrote a script, but American film companies don't approve it."

   "Oh, is it? Is it like two big smoking guns? How can you not approve?" Brad Pitt immediately became excited when he heard the movie script, and hurriedly urged Zhang Dongcheng to show it to him.

   "Man, I don't want to repeat myself, and I don't want to wear a hat that I can't take off. My movie is a diverse world." Zhang Dongcheng rolled his eyes and handed him the script.

"Your idea is right. People should not fix a style, but try more. But I still hope that you can make a movie with two big smoking guns. I must play a role." Brad Pitt He said it funny, and then read the script carefully.

  Hey, how difficult is it to make another "Sneaky and Kidnapped" following the path of the big smoking gun? But Zhang Dongcheng is unwilling to repeat himself, even if playing cards according to the routine is the easiest and simplest thing.

  It turns out that Guy Ritchie in time and space sank to the bottom after filming "Sneaky and Kidnapped". He played the same routine so much that he didn't even know how to continue playing.

  If it wasn't for the life-saving "Detective Sherlock Holmes", it would be difficult for that guy to reach the top after his blockbuster success.

  I want a completely different type of movie, I want a completely different shooting experience, and I want to live every day with passion for novelty instead of sticking to the rules.

  In Zhang Dongcheng's heart, no matter what, he has such persistence.

   Soon, Brad Pitt finished watching, frowned and said: "Smith, to be honest, this movie is good and very touching. Oh, they must be blind if this script doesn't win an Oscar!"

  When Zhang Dongcheng heard the words, it seemed that there was something beyond the words. Like Mr. Thomas in Columbia, he couldn't help pricking up his ears to listen to what he said below.

   Sure enough, Brad Pitt closed his eyes and thought for a while, then sighed and said: "Smith, it's not that your movie is bad, but your movie is too advanced, and American audiences and film companies will not be able to accept it."

   "Why do you say that?" Zhang Dongcheng sat up straight, this is indeed where he struggled.

Why was "Million Dollar Baby", which was produced in 2004 and became the biggest winner at the 2005 Oscars, not recognized by the same film company in the same United States and here in 1995, and even everyone would Think American audiences won't like it?

   Is it really the distance from the American audience in point of view?