
Hollywood Lover

DaoistnuoHBq · สมัยใหม่
161 Chs

Chapter 70

"Mr. Thomas, let me introduce you to Mr. Smith, who has caused a sensation in the UK recently and sold 12 million box office in the UK with a fund of 2 million pounds." Brad Pitt shouted loudly, making everyone in the crowd turn their heads. Come, look at him, and look at him with a smile on his side, but Zhang Dongcheng is an oriental.

"Oh, is that so? Let me meet him!" A voice came from the crowd, and a short, chubby gray old man came out with a glass of champagne in his hand, his eyes wide open. It looks very gentle.

   "Hello, Mr. Thomas, I'm Zhang Smith." Zhang Dongcheng stretched out his hand actively, and shook hands with Mr. Thomas.

"Haha, at such a young age, Mr. Smith has made such a great name in England, what a formidable young man!" Thomas had a smile on his face, and the strength of his handshake was very powerful. Zhang Dongcheng felt that the old man in front of him must be an old man. A very determined person.

   Everyone looked at Zhang Dongcheng and became interested. They surrounded Mr. Thomas and him, wanting to hear what they had to say.

  But with so many people watching, the two of them couldn't say anything special, they just got to know each other initially.

"I watched Mr. Smith's "Two Smoking Barrels". It's very interesting. Although the British humor is not as direct as the American style, it still makes me laugh. The shooting method is very innovative. I can even say You have opened up a new path for the film, and your contribution is very great!" Thomas said with a smile, took a glass of wine from the waiter next to him, and handed it to Zhang Dongcheng.

   "You are too much of an award. I am just a small director who made a movie." Zhang Dongcheng quickly took the wine glass and said modestly.

"Little director? You used 2 million pounds to make a 12 million-pound movie for your debut. I haven't seen any director do such a thing at your age! Come on, let's have a drink first!" Thomas looked at Zhang Dongcheng Very blue-eyed, with a friendly and enthusiastic attitude, and took the initiative to serve wine glasses.

   "Thank you!" Zhang Dongcheng clinked a glass with him, and then drank it down.

  The spicy wine rushed down his throat. Zhang Dongcheng was not very good at drinking, and his face turned red immediately after drinking this glass.

"Haha, Pete, take Smith around, it will be good for you to meet more people who know Hollywood." Another person came to toast Thomas, he said with a smile, and then talked to the guests who were toasting Come.

Although there are only a few short sentences, Zhang Dongcheng's confidence has been further improved. Columbia Pictures has a strong presence in the United States. Its film library has more than 5,000 classic films, including 12 "Oscar Best Picture Award" winners. . Just in 1995, Columbia set up a representative office in the capital of China, becoming the first multinational film and television company among the eight major Hollywood film companies to enter the Chinese film market and cooperate with Chinese film companies. In addition to introducing and promoting excellent Hollywood film works in China, the company is also actively engaged in cooperative shooting and overseas distribution and promotion of Chinese-language films. Later, the company successively invested in shooting and distributing more than 20 Chinese-language films, including the critically acclaimed "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", "Big Wrist" and "Kung Fu", making effective contributions to the entry of Chinese films into the mainstream market of world films. effort.

  These are the future information that Zhang Dongcheng got from that old TV.

  Perhaps, Mr. Thomas can make me gain a foothold in Hollywood soon, and maybe make my dream come true sooner!

With excitement, Zhang Dongcheng met many people in the American film industry together with Pete. Although most of them were indifferent to him, they were just polite on the scene, but this did not make Zhang Dongcheng discouraged. Just a few words are enough to make a trip to this reception by yourself.

   After turning around, Pete was also taken away, and Zhang Dongcheng found Adaman who was having a hot fight with a black girl, which made Adaman feel uneasy and became a light bulb.

   It may be the reason why Zhang Dongcheng was on the side. The black girl left after chatting with Adaman, which made him even more unhappy to criticize Zhang Dongcheng.

"Hey, man, don't you see that I'm showing off my unique charm? That girl is going to fall under my jeans soon, can't you have some eyesight and stand a little farther away?" Adaman said fiercely He threw two sanitation pills to Zhang Dongcheng, who was sitting on the side drinking wine and smiling.

   Facing the criticism from his bad friend, Zhang Dongcheng just looked at his pants curiously, then turned his head away, and said solemnly: "Impossible, that girl can't bow down under your jeans, because you didn't wear them at all today!"

   "Oh, FUCK, okay. Seeing that you are so proud, you have met Hollywood giants so quickly?" Adaman babbled, and then asked about the business.

"It's okay. I can see that most people are not very good. They have a smile on their faces, but they reject people thousands of miles away in their hearts. It seems that they look down on Huaxia's mud legs from the streets of London. But it doesn't matter. Mr. Thomas's attitude is still very good, I have a hunch that he will definitely be interested in my movie." Zhang Dongcheng snapped his fingers and said firmly.

   "Ha, that's good, we didn't come in vain, especially after your forehead scared my target away like a searchlight." Adaman also became excited, and kept joking with Zhang Dongcheng.

  While the two were sitting and chatting, an unharmonious voice sounded: "Ah, who is this? Isn't this the great director Mr. Smith who shocked England?"

  The words sounded like compliments, but they had a strange tone of voice.

  Zhang Dongcheng turned his head to look, but it was Ander who had been beaten up by him and disappeared from the school in a disgruntled manner!

  Having been gone for more than half a year, this guy's hooked nose is still so annoying.

   Maybe it's been a long time, and Ender has forgotten the predicament half a year ago. He seems to be doing well in the United States, but he is still high-spirited.

   "Oh, who did I think it was? It turned out to be Ender who likes to play with baseball bats." Adaman also became angry, and what he said made Ender grit his teeth.

   "This is the United States, not the United Kingdom. No matter how arrogant you are, be careful not to fall while walking! Kid!" Ender said angrily, clenching his fists tightly because of anger.

"What's the matter? What about the United States? Oh, yes, I know that you are the assistant of the great American director Lucas. Did you forget those photos after living in the United States for more than half a year?" Adaman threatened fiercely. He said that he still had a lot of photos of Ender running around the street with a baseball bat in his hand.

"You can post it, go, post it wherever you want! But you have to be careful, I will report to the police and sue you for illegally infringing on my portrait rights and trying to blackmail me with those photos!" Ender laughed loudly, picked up a He took a recording pen and waved it in front of Adaman.

  Having lived in the United States for more than half a year, I have to say that this kid is even more shameless, and more sinister and cunning.

   Oh, FUCK! He was no longer afraid of the picture of a baseball bat stuck in a chrysanthemum, and Adaman really didn't know anything about this guy for a while.

   "Smith, I will remember you. The relationship between me and you will never end!" After saying a word, Ender raised his head proudly and walked away with his head held high.

  Hey, this guy! Zhang Dongcheng looked at Fa De, who left Fa De like a rooster who had defeated all his teammates and was looking for defeat, but smiled lightly.

   "Oh, my God, this guy is crazy!" Adaman looked at the back of Ender leaving, and could only touch his head and said.

   "It's okay, I'm just a clown, take your time!" Zhang Dongcheng said disdainfully.

  Back when he was a poor boy, Ender had nothing to do with him. Now that he is well-known in the film industry, it is even less likely that he will pose any threat to him.

   Now, it's time to think about your first movie in Hollywood.