
Hollywood Lover

DaoistnuoHBq · สมัยใหม่
161 Chs

Chapter 69

After getting off the plane, I set foot on a land I had never set foot on. What I met was a big card "Welcome Mr. Smith Zhang from London."

   Under the card, there is Brad Pitt wearing a big mask, a baseball cap, and a pair of big sunglasses.

  At this time, Brad Pitt was a well-known movie star, so he had to pay attention when going in and out, so as not to be entangled by paparazzi or crazy movie fans.

  He came to pick up the plane, especially for Zhang Dongcheng.

   "Peter, hello, I'm Smith Zhang!" Walking to Pete who was looking forward to seeing Zhang Dongcheng approaching him, and smiling before he arrived, Zhang Dongcheng greeted loudly.

"Hey, buddy, you're finally here! I thought you were joking with me. I didn't expect you to come here in less than half a month from that phone call!" Brad Pitt unbuttoned his mask, haha Laughing, he hugged Zhang Dongcheng fiercely.

  Although it was just a phone call, the same obsession with movies made them hit it off right away.

   "This is my good friend and also my... well, half a manager. Adaman." Zhang Dongcheng introduced Adaman standing next to Brad Pitt, and the two also shook hands in a friendly manner.

   Sitting in Brad Pitt's car, the three drove towards the bright lights of Hollywood.

"The hotel has already been booked for you. Hey, Smith, how are you doing? Do you want to make a big splash in Hollywood?" Brad Pitt asked Zhang Dongcheng with his head tilted while driving, looking like a curious baby .

"Let's talk with the film company first. I have some ideas, but I'm not very mature. Regarding the American film industry, I think I still need to understand first." Zhang Dongcheng looked at the scenery of Hollywood outside and heard Brad Pitt's words Question, he turned his head and said with a smile.

"OK, you guys have a good rest first, long-distance travel is very tiring. There will be a reception in a few days, and all the senior executives of the eight major film companies will be present. I will introduce you to you then." Brad Butt looked Both Zhang Dongcheng and Adaman were tired and said understandingly.

   "Well, thank you." Zhang Dongcheng thanked politely.

  The car soon arrived at a five-star hotel, where Zhang Dongcheng and Adaman stayed.

  The next day, after a whole night of recuperation, the two men who regained their energy had a discussion, and then they parted ways and went to different places.

Adaman is optimistic by nature, carefree, he just enjoys life happily, whether he has money or not, he always wanders in every corner of the city with a smile, in his words, he wants to use his eyes See through the whole world.

   Of course, there is also seeing through all the beautiful girls in this world.

   But the strings in Zhang Dongcheng's mind have been tense all the time. The one month in England has given him enough rest, and now, it is November 1995, and 1996 is coming soon.

  Time is so tight, where is there any leisure time to travel? Zhang Dongcheng was inspired by the dream he had always had, and he didn't want to delay for a moment.

With the help of Brad Pitt, he walked into the Hollywood filming set, to understand, to witness, to observe the film base with the most sophisticated organization, the best actors, and the most avant-garde thinking in the world. From the perspective of a bystander, get acquainted with their operation and production process.

The United States is recognized as the number one film power in the world. Although the United States has only a history of more than 200 years and has no historical background, it has gradually formed a distinctive American culture in the short development of hundreds of years. The core of the United States is the pursuit of dreams, equality, Freedom, and inclusion of all. And these are well reflected in his films, which are not available in many other countries' films. The most typical example is the 2006 movie "Letters from Iwo Jima", which can show war from the perspective of invaders and enemies, and discover the shining points and helplessness of the enemy. I am afraid that there is no such thing in the world. How many countries can do it. Therefore, American films have been leading the development trend of the world film industry.

   Entering the 1990s, the brilliance of Hollywood became even brighter. Countless directors from all over the world pursued their dreams of success and fame. Together with local American directors, they brought countless classic and indelible movies to the world.

"The Shawshank Redemption", "Forrest Gump", "Terminator 2", "American Beauty", "Schindler's List", "Titanic" and countless pearl-like precious films dotted this decade, making Every American relished talking about it, and even raised their chins proudly.

   This evening, Zhang Dongcheng and Adaman were dressed in formal attire, and together with Brad Pitt, attended the 60th birthday party of Mr. Thomas, an executive of Columbia Pictures, an American film industry giant.

  This is a birthday party, and it is also a gathering of big names in Hollywood. They are directing the symphony of the eight major Hollywood film companies and countless small companies. Their arms are the focus of the world's attention.

  The world-famous Beverly Hills (Beverly Hills) is a fantasy land in the eyes of the world's rich. It is located on the hillside at the edge of the Los Angeles Basin in the United States. Its buildings are built on Beverly Hills, facing the endless Pacific Ocean. The warm climate in Southern California is pleasant, plus these charming female stars in evening dresses, It's really haunting.

  Mr. Thomas has a wide circle of friends and has a pivotal position in Hollywood. For his face, Hollywood giants and film company executives come whenever they want.

  Luxury cars were parked in front of the gate, all kinds of signs that Zhang Dongcheng couldn't understand and the scary car models that looked expensive passed by, but Zhang Dongcheng and Adaman came here by taxi.

   It's not that Zhang Dongcheng is reluctant to spend money, but that he is not familiar with the road, even if he bought a car, his eyes are darkened, and hiring a driver is a bit extravagant for him to be honest.

But fortunately, the people here maintain a polite demeanor. Seeing Zhang Dongcheng coming in a taxi, the waiters are still dedicated to helping him open the car door, bowing humbly, and the expressions on their faces are still full of enthusiasm. smiling.

   "HOHO, the Yankees still look very enthusiastic. I thought we would get countless blank stares when we took a taxi!" Adaman got out of the car and bluffed at Zhang Dongcheng.

"Hehe, good and evil are mixed here in the United States, especially the big dye tank in Hollywood. Don't look at someone smiling at you now, maybe someone will roll their eyes at you in a short while." Zhang Dongcheng snapped his fingers , said jokingly, then adjusted his clothes, and took the lead in walking to Mr. Thomas's manor.

  Accustomed to the small houses in England, Zhang Dongcheng was really shocked by the manor when he came here.

  Mr. Thomas's manor has a construction area of ​​about 1,300 square meters. The main building is basically an improved Georgian style. At the same time, the exterior walls incorporate French brickwork, the roof uses traditional Spanish terracotta tiles, and English rural style doors and windows and other elements. The most attractive part is the Italian Renaissance-style garden. Being in the garden seems to step into another time and space. Countless early winter leaves are dancing on the mottled ancient walls, which can be described as dizzying beauty.

  At this time, there was already a self-service banquet in the garden. Many men in formal dresses were holding wine glasses and chatting, while the ladies were listening, and everyone was smiling.

  Adaman looked at this beautiful manor, and there seemed to be a desire in his heart, which made him couldn't help asking: "Hey, buddy, how much does it cost to buy this place?"

   "It's not bad, about twelve million dollars." A voice sounded next to him, and Zhang Dongcheng looked back, but it was Brad Pitt in a suit.

   "Twelve million dollars! My God, I can't afford it even if I sell it!" Adaman opened his eyes wide in horror, and swallowed hard.

   Zhang Dongcheng did some calculations in his mind, and he can bring tens of millions of dollars in income with just one "Two Smoking Barrels".

With a smile on his face, Zhang Dongcheng patted Adaman on the shoulder, and said encouragingly: "Instead of greedily looking at girls' thighs on Hollywood's Walk of Fame and racking their brains to figure out how to strike up a conversation, it's better to put your Handprints on the Walk of Fame make girls swoop over you. Also, especially when you can have a house like this."

   After finishing speaking, Zhang Dongcheng was dragged away by Brad Pitt before the silly Adaman recovered.

"Let me introduce you to the owner of this house, Mr. Thomas, one of the Big Three of Columbia Pictures. He is very influential in the American film industry." Brad Pitt said briefly, and brought Zhang Dongcheng Go to the corner of the banquet, where a dozen or so guests are gathered.