
Hollywood Lover

DaoistnuoHBq · สมัยใหม่
161 Chs

Chapter 68

"We listened to you, stopped arguing, we listened to you, terminated the contract with Herbert, and found the agent Simon you mentioned. He is a very smart and thoughtful person. I think we will With his help, dreams come true."

"I know she likes you too, and I know you like her too. I'm so lost and sad. She's not as impulsive as I am, nor as crazy as I am. I don't want you to say I'm a random girl, but what I want to say Yes, I am, I really like you..., well, I want to give up, I don't want to fight with her anymore, I just want to have you for one night, just tonight. After tonight, you won't see me again."

A hot girl's body was pressed against her, it was so hot that it was a bit hot to touch, my hand was held by her hand, and I kissed the extremely high and soft chest, I could feel her tenderness. The heart was beating extremely hard.

  Zhang Dongcheng really wanted to open his eyes, really wanted to see who was the girl who was hugging him tightly without a trace. But he worked hard for a long time, and he couldn't lift his heavy eyelids. He just felt that she was holding him and sticking to his arms, and something warm slipped from his chest and burned into his heart.

  In the small room, on the small bed, the warm feeling was rising, the bed seemed to be overwhelmed, and it creaked, as if it would never end, as if there was no end.

   Zhang Dongcheng woke up as if he had a dream, but the golden hair beside the pillow told him that everything was real.

  He took out his phone and called her, but it was turned off. Zhang Dongcheng hurriedly called the other girls, but the phone was turned off as well.

  Through their agent Simon, Zhang Dongcheng found out that they are undergoing strict closed training, and half a month later, it will be the day when they make a sensation in the world!

  Recalling Weiwei's last reluctant and affectionate kiss, Zhang Dongcheng sighed.

  London International Airport, Zhang Dongcheng and Adaman each just brought a backpack and are waiting for the plane to Los Angeles, USA.

  I didn't bring anything, I threw everything away, what can't be bought in the United States? The current Zhang Dongcheng is not the little director he used to care about even renting a place. He and Adaman, who are multi-millionaires, are on the front line for the whole team to go to Hollywood in the United States. Go there and buy it!

  Thus, Zhang Dongcheng and Adaman are like two young backpackers, embarking on a new journey with extremely simple luggage.

  Zhang Dongcheng raised his head and leaned against the chair, with nostalgia in his eyes, some reluctance, and some expectation looking at the door of the waiting hall, imagining that a delicate and slender body would come into view.

"Hey, what are you looking at? Haha, let me guess, buddy, do you want to see you off like Victoria and Halliwell when we went to France last time?" Adaman noticed Zhang Dongcheng's expression, Years of bad friends made him roll his eyes, and he guessed what Zhang Dongcheng was thinking.

   "What, I just took a look." Zhang Dongcheng's mind was seen through, but he refused to admit it.

   "Forget it, buddy, don't lie to me. Now, tell me, do you want to see Victoria or Halliwell more?" Adaman asked mysteriously with his arms around Zhang Dongcheng's neck.

   Is it Victoria, or Halliwell?

  Zhang Dongcheng's heart jumped suddenly, and that pretty smiling face came into his mind, but was slowly entwined by a strand of golden hair, which he couldn't get rid of.

"Passengers, please note that boarding of the C450 to Los Angeles can begin. Passengers, please note that the C450 to Los Angeles can begin boarding!" The voice of the London airport staff came from the radio, reminding Zhang Dongcheng and Adaman can get on the plane.

   "Strange, why didn't Victoria and Halliwell come?" Adaman said puzzledly, looking away from the door, and said to Zhang Dongcheng who was a little downcast.

"Just like us, they are preparing to shock the world. A week later, their album will start recording, plus all kinds of tedious things such as MTV filming, so they are rehearsing in closed now." Zhang Dongcheng stood up and put Xiao With the small backpack on his back, he glanced at the door again, then turned his face and walked towards the boarding gate.

  His steps are slow, but consistent.

   "HOHO, you said they would be a hit too, I hope this day will come soon." Adaman hurriedly put on his backpack, caught up with Zhang Dongcheng and walked side by side with him.

  The two of them stepped into the boarding gate and disappeared at London International Airport. A madly running girl rushed in, looking around anxiously with autumnal eyes, but couldn't see the person she was looking for.

   Oh, NO! Damn it, how did you go so fast! Victoria pushed her messy hair behind her ears, bit her lip, and stomped her feet in resentment.

  However, she was still searching in the terminal hall, looking forward to seeing his smiling face again in some corner, that face full of confidence and incomparable contagion.

  However, Victoria finally confirmed that Zhang Dongcheng had already left.

  Loss, pain of separation, uncertainty about the future, a line of tears slipped quietly across Victoria's face, falling to the ground one by one, scattered and shattered, making her dejected, who just hoped to see her again.

And outside the lobby of the airport, there was also a girl, looking at Victoria standing in the waiting hall, lonely like autumn leaves, looking at the silver eagle taking off and landing, her eyes were also blurred by hateful tears .

  The phone rang, it seemed to be a text message.

  Victoria took it out dully, but it was the phone number that she had been thinking about day and night!

   "Victoria, your success is in front of you, go to achieve it! In the future, I will wait for you in Hollywood!" - Zhang Dongcheng.

  Placing the phone on her heart, Victoria smiled again before the tears fell down her cheeks, and even danced briskly, spinning in the terminal hall, crying and laughing, making the passengers in the airport bewildered.

   Wait for me, wait for me! I will follow your footsteps, follow your gaze, and let the world be fascinated by it and rippling with it!

   And Halliwell gently wiped away her tears, and when she was about to turn around and leave, the vibration of her phone made her slightly startled.

  Take it out and take a look, but it is the words that make my heart drift away.

   "You are mine!" - Zhang Dongcheng.

   Oh, what is this? Thinking about Victoria, but hanging on to me? If you come to Hollywood, there are so many charming movie stars, can you, a super director, not attract others?

snort! Halliwell didn't realize that he was just laughing through his tears because of his words. He just twitched his eyebrows and quickly replied a text message. Then he raised his head proudly and walked towards the airport with firm steps. go outside.

  On the plane at this time, Zhang Dongcheng was sitting with his mobile phone in his hands, feeling uneasy. He really had a headache for these two girls.

  Whether he likes it or not, whether he is a friend or not, Zhang Dongcheng has a typical Chinese boy's hesitation in relationship.

  So, after thinking for a long time, he sent a text message that he even regretted.

   Soon, the text message came back.

   "Wait for me in Hollywood, and I will stand at the pinnacle of world pop music to match your status as a super director in Hollywood." -Victoria.

  HOHO, is this a confession? Zhang Dongcheng's face was a little red, but his heart was as sweet as honey, and it was so sweet that he couldn't extricate himself.

   Within half a minute, another text message came.

   "Humph, what a beautiful idea!" - Halliwell.

   Oh God, what is this? Is it half-hearted, or is it warning yourself not to wishful thinking? Recalling the crazy impulse that night, Zhang Dongcheng seemed to be holding that plump and firm ball of powder in his hand again, a little embarrassed, he quickly covered up his angry guy, and curled up into a ball.

"Hey, buddy, who sent the text message? Look at your urgency. Do you want me to call the stewardess to solve it for you?" Adaman looked at Zhang Dongcheng with a strange expression, as if he was going to call bell.

   "No, no, I'm just... I'm just afraid of flying." Zhang Dongcheng hurriedly pulled Adaman who didn't know where he was.

  The plane flew all the way, bringing Zhang Dongcheng and Adaman to the other side of the ocean, to the luxurious Los Angeles, and to the star-studded and dreamy Hollywood.