
Hollywood Lover

DaoistnuoHBq · สมัยใหม่
161 Chs

Chapter 59

Two hundred? Seems like a little less? Two hundred screens are definitely not enough. I bet Smith's movie will hit the box office and make you a lot of money!" Auston is an old fox. In fact, he The bottom line in my heart is only one hundred screens, and now seeing Edward stretch out two fingers, he still pretends to be dissatisfied.

   "No, my old friend, you got it wrong. Not two hundred screens, but two!"

  Edward's voice seemed like a thunderstorm, and it directly shocked Zhang Dongcheng and Auston, and they were speechless for a long time.

What? Two fingers, not two hundred yuan, not twenty yuan, but only two yuan! What is this guy Edward doing?

"Edward, we have been old friends for many years. Is there anything you can't say directly? You don't need to play me like this?" Alston was the first to stand up, without the slightest gentlemanly demeanor on his face. , look at his appearance, if Edward doesn't give him an explanation, he probably will go berserk soon!

   But Zhang Dongcheng didn't speak, but looked at Edward suspiciously. The appreciation he gave to himself just now was completely different from the attitude he immediately turned around and only gave him two screens, so he didn't know what to say at all.

   "Don't get excited, my old buddy." Edward just leaned comfortably on the sofa, pointed to a large stack of newspapers on the table and said, "You should read the reports on it first."

  Zhang Dongcheng immediately grabbed the newspaper, and a few shocking headlines jumped into it.

   "Who else will watch megalomaniac movies?" - Daily Mail, UK.

   "Contempt for classics, ridicule greatness, all British filmmakers call on audiences to boycott movies!" - British Entertainment News

   "When you buy a ticket to enter the venue, I hope you won't be so angry as to slap your chair!" - British Daily Express

Zhang Dongcheng's hands were trembling slightly, but he still raised his head, stared at the leisurely Edward with his extremely bright eyes, and said in a bitter tone: "Mr. Edward, are you really blinded by these false reports? "

"My eyes are not blinded, I only believe in the facts. So, I gave you two screens, two screens in prime locations. I am the general manager of the theater chain, and I need to be responsible for the entire group. The movies released cannot Earning money for a company would stain my resume. I'm retiring soon and I don't want anyone to find me in the final stages. Putting your film under pressure is the best I can do. Sorry My old friend, I hope you can stand in my shoes and think for me."

  Edward first said to Zhang Dongcheng, after the words, he turned to Auston, whose face was contorted with anger, and said with a sigh.

   "But, but two screens, what can you do!" Alston was not to mention how depressed he was, he just felt that the sky was about to fall,

  Cineworld Group only gives two screens, so what else can it do! Lost, lost, lost all!

Not only the two million pounds invested in the filming, but also the one million pounds for the publicity plan, plus the fact that Hammer Films has been struggling for so many years, surviving in the tight cracks of American film companies, and thousands of dollars A reputation earned through hard work!

  FUCK, it's all over!

  Oston felt dizzy, and almost passed out from rolling his eyes.

  Holding on to the sofa, he slowly put himself on it. Auston and Edward have known each other for many years, and know that this old friend says one is one and the other is two, and he will never shrink back and make concessions for language.

  Since he said two yuan, it must be two yuan, and there will be no extra one.

  Zhang Dongcheng raised his head, the look in his eyes surprised Edward, but he just said softly: "I don't think any movie theater will reject a movie that makes money, right?"

   "Of course, of course not!" Edward can still decide on this point, who can push the money out of the door, and make trouble with colorful banknotes?

"If, I said if, if my movie can achieve very good results on two screens, can you expand the number of screens in the later stage?" Zhang Dongcheng's tone was firm and persistent. He looked at Edward intently, eager to hear to that answer.

   "No problem, how about it, if the attendance rate of your movie's two screens exceeds 50% before Saturday, I will expand the screening scale on the weekend." Edward thought for a while, tapped on the table, and said with certainty.

   "OK, two yuan is two! I believe my movie can create miracles, and I hope Mr. Edward will not break his promise." Zhang Dongcheng stood up and helped Auston, who was completely unsteady.

   "Haha, seeing your appearance, I am looking forward to your movie. I hope that the reports in these newspapers are farts, and you will create miracles." Edward shrugged, his eyes full of appreciation.

  That is just appreciation, and it cannot change the identity and consideration of being the head of a movie theater chain.

Walking downstairs, Auston also returned to his original boss appearance. He gritted his teeth and squeezed out the words: "Let's go, let's go to other movie theaters, FUCK, I don't believe that there are only two screens in the whole UK." Show!"

   But Zhang Dongcheng turned his head and looked at the movie theater where people were coming and going in the night, but the flame in his heart could not be extinguished.

  A perfect movie will always amaze people and make people yearn for it. If it can really impress the audience, two screens, so what?

  Lying on the bed, Zhang Dongcheng was tossing and turning. Unable to sleep, he put on his clothes and went to the yard, breathing deeply in the scent of flowers and plants.

  In the whole of the UK, there are really only two screens of the Cineworld Group. In order to make money, other cinema chains are even more unwilling to release the film that is on the cusp of the storm. There were even movie theater owners who asked Zhang Dongcheng, what if some movie fans were stimulated by those reports and damaged the movie theater's investment because the movie was not good?

  Mr. Smith, will you pay for it?

   These words echoed in Zhang Dongcheng's mind, making him sleepless all night.

I originally thought that after I became a hit at the film festival and shocked the world, my career as a director would be smooth sailing and there would be no more troubles, but I never thought that the entertainment industry is not as simple as I imagined. people go online.

  Of course, 99% of the reason for this is just because of my skin color.

  People who are not in the mainstream society, if they want to rise, they will naturally be suppressed.

   I only have two screens, only two screens!

  Zhang Dongcheng lay on the grass, looking at the sky, his firm confidence was not knocked down by heavy blows again and again, but he became more motivated to fight.

   At the French Film Festival, I only had one screen, so what happened? Isn't the organizing committee obediently expanding the number of sessions? What's more, this time is not bad, two yuan! Twice as many as last time!

  The optimist Zhang Dongcheng quickly threw a trace of annoyance into his mind, a smile reappeared on his face, spit out the grass roots in his mouth, and prepared to go back to sleep.

   "Smith, what are you doing here so late?" A girl's crisp voice came from beside her.

   Zhang Dongcheng turned his head and saw that it was the future fashion hot girl Victoria.

   "Haha, my movie will be released soon, and I'm so excited that I can't sleep." Zhang Dongcheng said with confidence and snapped his fingers with a smile.

   "Congratulations, you are about to become a real great director!" Victoria smiled coquettishly, and the moonlight streamed over her body, making the most proud figure of a white girl a highlight.

   "Hey, congratulations, maybe my movie will fail and no one will watch it!" Zhang Dongcheng pretended to be pessimistic and disappointed, teasing Victoria.

   "Have confidence in yourself, who said no one will watch it? My sisters and I will watch it, and we will definitely support you!" Victoria clenching her small fists, cheering for Zhang Dongcheng.

   "Haha, just relying on you guys? Then my movie won't even come back, and I will definitely lose the last pants!" Zhang Dongcheng laughed, seeing Victoria's anxious look is really interesting.

"Okay, then my sisters and I won't go to see it, so your movie will have zero box office! Haha!" Victoria finally realized that she had been fooled by Zhang Dongcheng, she couldn't help laughing, and lightly hit him with her pink fist .

   "Okay, don't mention me for now, you and Halliwell haven't quarreled anymore, have you?" Zhang Dongcheng hesitated for a while, and asked the question he had been worried about all along.

  Busy with movies all day long, Jang Dong-seong really doesn't pay much attention to hot girls these days.

   However, at this time, Zhang Dongcheng recalled the hot and unforgettable kiss of Halliwell that night, and couldn't help feeling a little itchy.

   "Stop arguing, every time she wants to quarrel with me, or I don't like her, Emma will say to find Smith to solve it, and then she and I will keep our mouths shut and discuss it carefully."

  Victoria lowered her voice, perhaps because she felt that it was embarrassing for her and Halliwell to stop arguing over a boy, her face blushed unnoticed.