
Hollywood Lover

DaoistnuoHBq · สมัยใหม่
161 Chs

Chapter 151

Zhang Dongcheng's explanation is reasonable, even Brother Larry can't find any flaws.

  The two parties did not directly discuss the purchase and sale of the script of The Matrix, but discussed the issue of reality and illusion. Zhang Dongcheng, who has seen movies such as the future Matrix trilogy and Inception, talks about these things in a logical manner.

  And the real original author, Brother Larry, is also a talkative person. The more the two sides discuss, the more they feel that it is too late to meet each other. Mr. Bob Swinton from Dimensional Films has not spoken. Sit there quietly.

  Finally, at around seven o'clock in the evening, Zhang Dongcheng brought the topic to the main topic. "Mr. Larry, I hope I can buy the script of The Matrix in your hand!"

   "This one?" Larry suddenly showed a troubled expression. Seriously said: "Mr. Smith, maybe you don't know, I'm also preparing to shoot The Matrix this time! So..."

  Seeing Larry's faltering, Zhang Dongcheng's heart gradually sank. Could it be that The Matrix is ​​about to fail?

   "Oh! Larry, I don't think your decision is correct!" Except for a word when we first met, Bob, who never spoke again.

"Listen to me, Larry. Accept Mr. Smith's kindness. The investment in The Matrix is ​​too large, and it is unknown whether it will be able to earn back the investment. I think what you should do now is to continue to shoot a frightening flower Ordinary small productions will stabilize your grades and status.

   Stop thinking about filming that **** computer hacker! You know, if such a big investment fails at the box office, you will be even more unacceptable than the failure of Assassin's Battlefield. That will completely make all investors lose confidence in you! You will leave this circle! Believe me, I am definitely not alarmist! "

  Bob's words caused Brother Larry to fall into a state of silence at the same time.

   Assassin's Battleground was created in 1995. Unfortunately, this movie can't be described as a disastrous failure at the box office. For a long time, critics satirized both of them with sharp language. This is also the reason that prompted the two of them to create stunning flowers.

  Although Shocking World has succeeded, the Larry Brothers wanted to film The Matrix, but they still couldn't find investors. Many investors still remember the disastrous defeat of the two assassins in the battlefield.

  Bob just contacted the Larry brothers this time, and he planned to let the two of them continue to shoot such low-cost types of stunning flowers. When I heard that someone wanted to buy Larry's script, I thought it was someone with similar ideas to myself, so I got involved together.

   Zhang Dongcheng was overjoyed when he heard the words. In his eyes, this bob, who was originally superfluous, instantly looked like an angel. But what Bob said next made Zhang Dongcheng's face darken.

   "I don't think the script of The Matrix is ​​even worth a dollar! If Smith wants to buy it, then you can sell it to him!" Bob looked at Zhang Dongcheng proudly.

   In his heart, Zhang Dongcheng is just a little guy who got lucky. Two consecutive successes had made him a little lost. Create a story that is the same as others, but has been placed in the script application for nearly ten years. You even plan to buy the copyright to shoot?

Oh! Could it be that this Chinese man's mind is filled with paste? How could this kind of script, which has been ignored for nearly seven years, have a chance of success?

  Yes, The Matrix is ​​very imaginative, but can the current movie screen show it? The grand story background, strange ideas and computer people, oh, God, invest tens of millions, and then go to waste? This is so unwise!

  This extremely complicated storyline, the dizzying structure and exposition, the interweaving of various religions and atheism, will a young man in his early twenties be able to make a good movie?

   There is no doubt that at this moment, Bob looks at Zhang Dongcheng as if he is looking at someone who has been taken advantage of.

Everyone thinks they are right, and everyone has their own vision, but no one can say that a movie will be a success, especially a movie with a huge investment. From the perspective of risk control, The Matrix is ​​tantamount to desperate , a model of success or benevolence!

   "Mr. Bob, I want to interrupt!" Zhang Dongcheng's face darkened. He said solemnly: "Sorry, I can't agree with your opinion. I think The Matrix is ​​definitely an excellent idea, and the movie will definitely be successful. People will realize its value and expect it to become a masterpiece in the history of movies. milestone!"

"Hey..." Bob sneered, and said disdainfully: "Young man, you just got **** luck for a while. The Mummy is Universal's most valued movie, and an investment of 80 million US dollars makes you invincible It's just a place. For Hollywood, I think you still know too little. I think you'd better go to the UK to shoot some black comedies. That's more suitable for you! I believe that if you really shoot The Matrix, which requires extreme control and pictures Expressive movies, you are not far from getting out of Hollywood!"

   Zhang Dongcheng's filming of The Mummy not long ago was a big success, so why did he receive such a cold reception from Bob?

  It's actually very simple. In the minds of some filmmakers, Jang Dong-seong is just a lucky guy.

The second largest Universal Pictures in the United States, a heavy investment of 80 million US dollars, the coincidentally beneficial incident of the mummy at the Getty Center, and even the security guard who completely reversed the confession, these are the magic weapons for the success of the mummy. It is possible to copy and achieve success!

   These are coincidences, or the conditions of the bottom rhyme make the mummy's achievements in all aspects a bit inflated, and Zhang Dongcheng took advantage of it, this is their opinion!

   What a real filmmaker hates the most is to use crooked methods to achieve his goals. They insist that as long as the quality and sincerity of the film are sufficient, then there will be audiences to buy tickets!

   You know, now is not the era when two thousand years later, when one could do all kinds of incredible things without a bottom line in order to become famous.

  Bob is certainly one such self-righteous filmmaker.

  It's a pity that he, a filmmaker who thinks he is right and looks at Zhang Dongcheng with tinted glasses, has completely lost his eyes on the movie The Matrix!

Zhang Dongcheng smiled angrily, and just said lightly: "Mr. Bob, I don't think you know, of course you can't see the hard work and persistence I have put in for my success. But in the near future, you will see me The soul injected into the movie!"

   "Wow? Really?" Bob showed a look of fuss, mocking Zhang Dongcheng unscrupulously. He said to Larry on the side: "Mr. Larry, I think you should sell the script to this Smith. Let's see how this Mr. Smith left Hollywood!"

   Larry, who had been silent all the time, sighed. No one can bear to be criticized for his precious movie script.

However, it has been seven years, and the blood in his heart has been waiting day after day, confused day after day, and ridiculed day after day. Slowly, even he himself has some thoughts. I can't remember the ecstasy and excitement I felt when I wrote the script.

  The script of this movie was originally locked in a drawer, but occasionally I reluctantly took it out to talk to the investors, and then the words of ridicule and noncommittal made my ears callused.

  It has been seven years, and he still has to live and support his family. It is no longer the age to stick to his dreams. Larry has slowly learned to compromise and accept reality.

  Now he is caressing the cover of the script with a dejected expression, and the pain in his eyes is that he wants to give up his hard work.

  However, unlike others, Zhang Dongcheng firmly believes that he is right, and firmly believes that The Matrix will bring a feast to movie fans. From this perspective, selling the copyright to him may be a better choice.

   After a moment of silence, Larry finally let go and said, "Mr. Smith, I wonder how much money you are willing to pay for the ownership of this script?"

  Zhang Dongcheng lowered his head and thought about it, then raised a finger and said, "One million!"

  One million is almost one-sixth of the investment of Shocking Crazy! Now it is being used by Zhang Dongcheng to buy scripts. Bob laughed again, so much that he almost shed tears: "It seems that our Mr. Smith has really been controlled by the mummy, and he can spend so much money to buy a movie script that has been dusty for seven years. Haha, Brother Larry, don't hesitate to thank him, congratulations on becoming millionaires all of a sudden!"

  Purchasing a script for a million dollars was an extremely unimaginable thing in 1997, especially since the story was just shelved and no one cared about it, and it was not a bestseller on the market.

  Brother Larry was also extremely shocked. After the two exchanged in low voices for a while, Larry didn't hesitate for a moment: "Mr. Smith, we agreed!"

   "We can sign the contract now!" Zhang Dongcheng said suppressing his inner excitement. The Matrix is ​​finally here!

  At this moment, none of the four of Zhang Dongcheng paid attention. In the corner, a man was holding a camera and kept taking pictures of them. Their exchange was also recorded on a piece of paper. This man is the famous paparazzi. It was also by accident that he discovered Zhang Dongcheng, the most popular Chinese director recently, in the coffee shop.

  After hearing the argument between Zhang Dongcheng and Bob, the guy suddenly became ecstatic. This is definitely a windfall. You are eligible to be on the front page tomorrow!

  Then the two parties signed an agreement with each other, and the Matrix finally fell into the hands of Zhang Dongcheng smoothly.

  After leaving the gate of the coffee shop, Bob still did not change his position at all, and firmly believed that Zhang Dongcheng would definitely meet Waterloo this time. He said coldly: "Smith, you are really unwise. I really want to persuade you that the movie The Matrix is ​​not that easy to make. After this movie is released, you will know what your current choice is. wise, or stupid!"