
Hollywood Lover

DaoistnuoHBq · สมัยใหม่
161 Chs

Chapter 130

Before he knew it, a large number of followers had gathered around Zhang Dongcheng, following him willingly, unwilling to leave even a single step.

  Adaman is like this; cameraman Jack is like this; Fat Andy, Jason Statham, even Patricia and Rachel are like this.

   Just when Zhang Dongcheng and Adaman walked to the door, a group of people were sitting in the living room of his house. It was Andy and others.

  These people who had abandoned everything to follow him had worried expressions on their faces, hesitating to speak, as if they were about to persuade him, but they were helpless with the current situation.

   "Everyone, what's the matter with you?" Zhang Dongcheng smiled easily, without any worry in his brows, as if he didn't know what was happening on the streets of Los Angeles at the moment.

   "Smith, don't you know?" The chubby Andy showed a puzzled look on his face, his small eyes looked at Zhang Dongcheng in surprise, and then looked at Adaman beside him.

   "Hey, Andy!" Adaman stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Let's go, let's go crazy with Smith!"

   "What crazy?" Andy and others were at a loss. After learning about the demonstrations and the unimaginable difficulties Zhang Dongcheng encountered, they came here to comfort him. But now Zhang Dongcheng's face is confident, and Adaman is telling them something crazy and nonsensical, which completely makes these people a little bit incomprehensible!

  Patricia stared at Zhang Dongcheng's face with deep worry in her big amber eyes, and said, "Smith, are you okay?"

  After realizing that these people came to comfort him, Zhang Dongcheng's self-confident attitude became more and more motivated.

   Behind him are a few but precious supporters. These people are the precious wealth he relies on to survive in Hollywood, and friendship is also the most precious wealth in his brilliant life.

   "Don't worry, I'm fine!" Zhang Dongcheng showed a relaxed smile and said, "Go crazy with me, how about it?"

  His self-confidence made Patricia relax a lot, she smiled, and gracefully came to Zhang Dongcheng's side, putting her arm around his. Holding it firmly, as if expressing his firm support for him in the heart: "It's an honor!"

   "How could this kind of thing happen without me?" Andy immediately stood up to support Zhang Dongcheng. Although he didn't know how Zhang Dongcheng turned defeat into victory, he still had a playful smile, which made him look a little cynical: "It's okay even if Smith fails. Anyway, I was just a waiter in a pizza restaurant before. At worst, I went back to do it." Old business!"

"I am the same. Even if I am not an actor, I can support myself as a diving instructor." Jason Statham seems to have fallen in love with the feeling of a bald head since he played the role of Imerton, the bald priest. It took a long time to shoot, but I still didn't grow my hair. Still with a bright big head. The short beard on his chin made him look strangely fierce.

   "Well, since everyone is willing to go all out, I will also fight. I believe in Smith!" Among the few people, Jack, the oldest, hesitated for a while, and also chose to support Zhang Dongcheng.

During the filming, Brandon, who was most desperate and almost died when he was filming the scene of hanging himself, had a hippie smile and no seriousness, just like the O'Connor he played, half-jokingly said: "I also want to know, the great How on earth did the director turn this around. Oh! That's so exciting, it could be made into a movie!"

   Zhang Dongcheng's eyes lit up, but he approved of Brandon's idea in his heart. Maybe when I get old, I should really shoot a biography of myself, and today's episode must be great.

   Of course, if he has no way to survive this crisis, then everything is empty talk.

   "Thank you everyone!" Zhang Dongcheng felt deeply moved. It is impossible for these people not to know the consequences of acting with him, but they still chose to support without hesitation. This kind of support is priceless! It is also the most touching!

   "Smith, we are best friends. If it weren't for you, I might still be a waiter in a pizza shop!" Andy said with a smile.

   Zhang Dongcheng waved his hands vigorously and said to the fighting crowd: "Let's go, let us fight for the movie and our dreams!"

   At the same time, in another mansion in Los Angeles, Ander and Gavin were sitting leisurely in front of the TV. Watching the parade on TV.

   "Oh! God!" Ender asked Gavin with deep astonishment, "How did you do it!"

Gavin smiled triumphantly, touched his huge hooked nose, his eyes were full of smiles, watched the huge parade on TV, and said: "As long as you have money, launch a parade that is a hot topic, and It's not that difficult!"

   "Haha..." Ender laughed out loud. Looking at the more and more parade crowd on the TV with a grim expression, he said with a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "Smith, you yellow monkey are finally going to die!"

   On the other side, when Zhang Dongcheng rushed to the street of the parade with a group of crew members who supported him, the dense flow of people made them no longer able to drive forward and could only choose to walk.

   "He seems to be that director!" The person with ulterior motives saw it and shouted suddenly.

  Everyone looked over, and some even waved flags ferociously, shouting: "You yellow-skinned monkey who can only tell lies, get out of America!"

  "Yes, messing up the news for the promotion of the movie, and even causing others to be injured, get out, **** guy, you should go to hell!"

   "No kind thing, get out, we don't want to watch your movie!"

One shout triggered thousands of shouts, and immediately, thousands of parade people on the entire street shouted, staring angrily at Zhang Dongcheng and the rest of the crew, and some people even handed out paper cups they hadn't finished drinking. Throw it over.

  All kinds of objects flew across the sky, and the security guards in the hotel rushed out to protect Zhang Dongcheng and others from entering the hotel. Several TV stations captured this scene and broadcast it on TV programs one after another.

Zhang Dongcheng and the crew members were drenched with drinks, but Zhang Dongcheng let the dirty water stains meander down and arranged for the actors to touch up their makeup. Then he took a deep breath and pushed away from the conference room the gate.

  The media meeting is arranged here.

After adjusting the position of the microphone, Zhang Dongcheng coughed lightly. His bright eyes looked at the conference room, which was crowded with more than 600 reporters. Hundreds of cameras and dozens of video cameras were turned on at the same time. , pointed at himself in the middle, and smiled slightly: "Welcome to the media meeting of "The Mummy", I'm sorry, our protagonist still needs to put on makeup to come out, the fans at the door just now were a little too enthusiastic. "

   Zhang Dongcheng, who was neither humble nor overbearing, was drenched with drinks and still maintained his demeanor, took root in the hearts of all the reporters in an instant, and the eyes that looked at him gradually began to change from suspicion and disgust.

  At the moment, a reporter raised his hand. "Mr. Smith, are you not angry when those movie fans attack you like this?"

  That's a good question. Bringing the topic to Zhang Dongcheng's demeanor will make more people sympathize with Zhang Dongcheng who was attacked by crazy movie fans, and it will have a downplaying effect on the mummy incident.

  There is a hint of approval hidden in Zhang Dongcheng's eyes, that's right! The behind-the-scenes controller of the magazine to which this reporter belongs is Universal Pictures.

  In the entertainment industry, which company doesn't have its own mouthpiece? Even if you don't have your own news company secretly, there will be good media to advocate or fight for you.

"About the theme of this press conference, it is mainly to clarify some recent media reports, which have some adverse effects on Universal Pictures and the recent mummy movie! Facing the American people, I have no right to be angry, because, all Everyone needs the truth, including me who has been on the cusp!" Zhang Dongcheng said flatly, and at the end his voice was raised, filled with righteous indignation, as if he had really been wronged and insulted.

"Mr. Smith, can you explain in front of the people of the United States whether the mummy incident at the Getty Center was your idea, or did you intentionally do it for the sake of movie promotion? We all believe that making some gimmicks for movie promotion It's very normal, it's not a big deal." A young man with eyes suddenly stood up and asked Zhang Dongcheng.

  This kind of trap-like question is obviously sent by the opposite company. Zhang Dongcheng calmly remembered the company the other party belonged to.

  Los Angeles Media News!

"The mummy incident at the Getty Center..." Zhang Dongcheng paused, just looked at all the media reporters, his face flushed with excitement, he knocked on the table vigorously, and replied loudly: "It's all about me Slander, slander against Universal Pictures, misleading the American people! I reserve the right to file legal proceedings against all media that report falsely!"

"The dead duck is stubborn, let's see how you die later!" On the other side of Los Angeles, Ender watched the TV, cocked his feet on the coffee table arrogantly, hit a can of beer, and took a few gulps. .

   "Haha, the show is about to begin!" Gavin, the insidious guy, lit his cigar with satisfaction, his face full of expressions of watching the show.

Sure enough, on the TV camera, the reporter from the Los Angeles Media News also smiled contemptuously, and suddenly said: "The two security guards at the Getty Center, Tom and Jerry are on the scene, why don't we listen to what they have to say? ."

  All the video cameras and cameras were aimed at the two security guards who sat silently on the side, none other than Tom and Jerry who took fifty thousand dollars and made a good show.