
Hollywood Lover

DaoistnuoHBq · สมัยใหม่
161 Chs

Chapter 129

"****!" Ender threw the can at the TV and cursed angrily, "This damned yellow-skinned monkey, doesn't he know what kind of criticism Universal Pictures and himself are suffering now? How dare you announce the release of the movie at this time!"

   Just as he was venting his anger, the door of the room was suddenly opened.

   "Hey! My dear brother, what's the matter with you?" Gavin, who had a big hooked nose and looked a bit gloomy, walked in with a puzzled expression.

"Gavin!" Ender walked over excitedly when he saw Gavin coming in, spitting stars spewed out of his mouth continuously, and complained: "Didn't you say that the yellow-skinned monkey Smith is finished? Why? Is his movie still coming out?"

   "Oh?" Gavin showed a surprised expression. He has been busy acquiring other companies through Dongfeng these two days, and he has indeed relaxed his actions of discrediting Universal Pictures and Zhang Dongcheng. Didn't expect The Mummy to be released so soon. "Really? I've been too busy during this time, and I don't have time to pay attention to the movements of that yellow-skinned monkey. I'm sorry, Ender."

   "I don't need your apology!" Ender was furious, but he also knew that it was useless to get angry at Gavin, and it would not help the matter at all. I could only suppress the dissatisfaction in my heart, and said: "Gavin, think of a way. Stop this guy's movie from being released! I absolutely can't let him have a chance to gain a foothold in Hollywood! I want him to go back to the UK in desperation, and even Even England can't stay!"

   "Ender!" Gavin revealed a smug smile, and said, "Ender, you have to calm down, I will prevent this yellow-skinned monkey movie from being released!"

   "Why?" Ander was overjoyed, and hurriedly asked.

   "Because you will know tomorrow!" After Gavin reminded, he refused to say anything, picked up a can of beer from the coffee table, brought it to his mouth, and drank it in big gulps.

  Ender complained: "Gavin, you are always like this. Could you tell me in advance that you have something to lose? Really!"

  Although he complained, Ender felt much more at ease in his heart.

  The next day, a huge news headline appeared again on the Los Angeles Media Newspaper, which caused the sales of this newspaper, which has recently attracted the attention of Americans, to skyrocket again, and it was almost sold out!

   "The security guard at the Getty Center found out with conscience, and finally decided to stand up and accuse the mastermind behind the scenes!"

   This farce sweeping across the United States will finally come to an end tomorrow. For the specific situation, please pay attention to tomorrow's Los Angeles media newsletter!

This short piece of news caused an uproar in the entire United States. I always thought that the Los Angeles Media News was pretending. The security guards at the Getty Center they claimed had never really come forward. It was a plot by a certain director to promote the movie, and now, it's finally time to come up with real evidence!

   And tomorrow is the moment when Zhang Dongcheng and all the actors will participate in the last media meeting of "The Mummy". What will happen at that time?

  For a moment, Jiao Zhong, who was in focus, fell on Zhang Dongcheng.

   Twenty-four hours passed in a flash. Today is the last media meeting. All the publicity has been done. This time, the number of media participating in the meeting is estimated to exceed 500. It can truly be called the national attention.

   Whether it is success or failure, it all depends on it!

  During the past two days, Zhang Dongcheng led the crew to run one announcement after another, appearing on various variety shows, and promoting the Mummy movie. He hardly touched the ground, and he was exhausted every day.

And around seven o'clock in the morning, Zhang Dongcheng, who was sleeping, was suddenly awakened by a hasty knock on the door and an anxious voice. This voice was very familiar to him. It was his best friend and bad friend, the black Ada. Man!

   "Smith! It's not good! God! It's really over this time, something big happened!" Adaman stood outside Zhang Dongcheng's door, knocking on the door vigorously, and calling out in a terrified tone. He was about to jump in a hurry, but he didn't expect Zhang Dongcheng to be able to sleep peacefully.

  Zhang Dongcheng got up from the bed with a tired face. The continuous high-intensity work caused him to have some hypoglycemia. After waking up, there will naturally be some dissatisfaction.

   Stride from the bed to the door, opened the door, Zhang Dongcheng complained: "Adaman, you better give me an explanation, why did you wake me up so early?!"

   "Oh! God!" Adaman stood at the door helplessly, crossing himself with his right hand. He said in his mouth: "Smith, we are going to die. Our movie is likely to be reviled by the whole of the United States, which directly causes everyone to boycott watching. We are going to lose the last pair of pants. How can you still sleep!"

   These words immediately shocked Zhang Dongcheng. After fully waking up, with a calm tone, he wiped his face and asked, "Adaman, tell me, what's going on? What happened, don't worry, just speak slowly."

   "Oh! ****! You don't know anything!" Adaman didn't explain, but pulled Zhang Dongcheng towards the living room.

  On the TV in the living room, an exterior scene is being played. It seems that it was filmed in Los Angeles, but when he saw the picture, Zhang Dongcheng's face suddenly brightened.

In the picture, countless crowds flow on the street like a tide, crowds of people hold up banners. The words of these banners are different, but they all have one thing in common, that is, they are aimed at Jang Dong-seong and Universal, and at the movie The Mummy. .

   "Strongly request to ban the release of the mummy! "

  "Resolutely Resist Mummies! "

  "Return to False Propaganda and Unscrupulous Directors"

  Among the countless banners and slogans, even the words "Yellow Monkey Get Out of Hollywood" are mixed with serious racial discrimination. But now it appeared openly. Numerous demonstrators were yelling and venting their emotions.

   "This...what the **** is going on? They seem to be in front of the hotel where we held the media meeting in the afternoon?" Zhang Dongcheng was not as panicked as Adaman, but said calmly and calmly.

  But what happened on the TV in front of him made Adaman feel cold all over his body. The heart seemed to have forgotten to beat, the blood lost its power and stopped flowing, and my mind went blank! The whole person is sluggish!

"Someone found out the security guards at the Getty Center. They said that we were responsible for the mummy incident. Now it's all over. The Americans will scold us to death and drive us back to the UK." At a loss, he just talked anxiously, sweating profusely.

  Although he didn't know if Zhang Dongcheng or the boss of Universal made this kind of publicity, it was completely like yellow mud falling into the crotch.

Unlike Adaman, who was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, Zhang Dongcheng's eyes were full of confidence, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, with a strong aura that no one can match. He stood up and just patted Adaman's shoulders, as if he knew all this would pass.

  Sorry, brother, this time the matter is too big, so I didn't tell you. Zhang Dongcheng looked at Adaman, who was scratching his scalp and desperately trying to find a solution, with a guilty look in his eyes, and he said in a tone full of confidence: "Don't worry, I won't be caught by these rumors." It is defeated by lies. True gold is not afraid of fire, today, let the world know the truth of everything!"

   "What did you say?" Adama couldn't believe it. He wondered what he just heard? Oh, God! Is Smith crazy? Why does he think that everyone will get the truth today?

  Zhang Dongcheng smiled confidently, standing proudly, like a strong pine in the wind and snow, indomitable. "Let's go, let's go to the media meeting. This time, everyone will get the answer."

  Adaman was dumbfounded all of a sudden. He looked at Zhang Dongcheng with a stiff expression. After a while, he squeezed out an ugly smile and said dryly, "I hope what you said is true, and I hope you already have a way to deal with it."

"Hehe, the heavenly secret can't be leaked yet." Zhang Dongcheng smiled, with a look of pride in his eyes, and said, "Adaman, you are my best friend. Some people want to play me and my movies to death. Tell him to lift a rock once and shoot himself in the foot!"

   "Oh! ****!" Adaman cursed angrily, covering his forehead with both hands. The emotions finally became excited: "Haha, I believe in you, you have never let me down, this time I still believe in you, I think it must be a good show!"

   "Hehehe..." Zhang Dongcheng smiled very easily! His expression made Adaman hallucinate. It seemed that Zhang Dongcheng was not in any trouble at the moment. He seemed to be on vacation on the beach in Hawaii, stepping on the soft sand, enjoying the warm sunshine and relaxed Cozy leisure.

"Absolutely worth the ticket price! Do you remember what I told you when I went to the Sahara desert? I want to shoot a share movie to challenge the rules of the game in this world, and then the real stumbling block will appear! Adaman , let's go!" Zhang Dongcheng looked at his only friend from college in front of him with sincere eyes, then opened the door and walked out.

Seeing his firm back as usual, Adaman chased after him, excited as if he knew the ending of this matter: "I think this matter must be more exciting than that guy Ender with a baseball bat in his ass, Haha, I really hope to come soon."

  Zhang Dongcheng's self-confidence seems to be contagious. As long as he has been in contact with him for a long time, he will be affected by him unconsciously.

  He seems to have a foresight on everything, he seems to have a solution to everything, and his endless confidence and perseverance to the end inspire everyone who follows him.

   Such a person is worthy of admiration, worth following!