
Hollywood Lover

DaoistnuoHBq · สมัยใหม่
161 Chs

Chapter 128

Burton, who has a soft spot for special effects, obviously disagrees with this statement. The two argued fiercely, but Jason, who was on the other side, was wearing all kinds of equipment and couldn't even sit down and rest.

   Outside, however, the storm is coming, and darkness is falling.

   "Strongly request judicial intervention to find the truth about the mummy incident at the Getty Center! Seek justice for the injured little girl!"

  "We appeal to boycott the release of "The Mummy"! This kind of disgusting director is not worth our money to buy tickets!"

   "The parties did not deny it at all. What does this mean? It can only show that they have a guilty conscience!"

  Faced with criticism from numerous media, Zhang Dongcheng and Universal Pictures remained uncharacteristically silent without making any excuses, allowing the newspapers and media manipulated by Gavin to pour dirty water on themselves, and allowing everyone to pay attention.

  After working day and night, the special effects team finally completed all the shots that needed special effects, and the special effects work came to an end.

   Zhang Dongcheng bid farewell to Burton and brought **** to the editing team. Putting it into the later work again. After more than a week of editing, soundtrack, subtitles and other work. The Mummy movie is finally done.

  Just finished all the work, Zhang Dongcheng couldn't wait to come to Carl's office with a complete copy of the movie.

   "Mr. Carl, the mummy is finished, would you like to watch it now?" Zhang Dongcheng asked Carl confidently. He is confident that the mummy in his hand, although he dare not finish talking about the original version, but in some aspects it is indeed better than blue.

Carl's eyes lit up. The cynicism of the media during this period has completely made him endure very hard. He only hoped that Zhang Dongcheng's idea of ​​​​absolutely turning back the market would be implemented, and the other aspect that he was most looking forward to was naturally "The Mummy" " final score.

  No matter how strong the refutation and no matter how good the evidence is, it cannot match the quality of the film itself.

   "Of course!" Carl nodded vigorously, and pressed the cigar that was about to burn out into the ashtray. Standing up, he said, "Come with me. There is a small screening hall next to my office. I can't wait to see how eye-catching the movie with an investment of 80 million dollars will be!"

  Zhang Dongcheng was not stage-frightened, and said calmly: "Mr. Carl, I believe I won't let you down!"

  In the small auditorium, Zhang Dongcheng and Carl were the only ones on the scattered audience seats. The curtain in front of him is playing the finished film of the mummy.

  During the screening of the movie, Zhang Dongcheng's attention was not on the movie, but on Carl, always paying attention to his changes.

  Zhang Dongcheng noticed that although Carl's face had always looked calm, he looked calm. But his hand that was tightly gripping the handrail revealed the excitement in his heart.

  However, soon Carl's disguise was torn apart by the wonderful movie, and he began to forget everything, just staring at the movie screen, holding his breath!

   Sometimes fearful, sometimes amazed, sometimes wide-eyed, sometimes clapping his hands and laughing, Karl has completely fallen into it, just following the actors in the play, as if he came to the tomb of the ancient Egyptian king thousands of years ago.

  Especially in the climax of the movie, when Imerton cast a spell to form a huge yellow sand storm, a human face in the storm opened its mouth and swallowed the plane. Carl even dropped his cigar to the ground in excitement, and his **** couldn't help leaving the chair!

   It was only a long time before Karl remembered to sit down.

   Seeing such a scene, Zhang Dongcheng was finally relieved, the corners of his mouth turned up, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

  It can make a well-informed entertainment tycoon like Carl feel excited, and one can imagine how crazy those ordinary audiences will be.

When the word END appeared on the screen, Carl let out a sigh of relief, looked at Zhang Dongcheng who was beside him approvingly, and said excitedly: "Smith, you are a genius! I knew it from the beginning! I really didn't misread you , you did not disappoint me!"

   Regarding Carl's compliment, Zhang Dongcheng was very calm. He knew very well that the words of capitalists cannot be trusted. When you can bring them benefits, they can even abandon God and choose to believe in you.

  But if you can't create value for them, they will abandon you without hesitation. What is a spatula? It's broken shoes! This shows how realistic a group of capitalists really are.

  Besides, if Carl really trusted Zhang Dongcheng from the beginning, then he wouldn't need to spend a million dollars himself to impress Carl and the shareholders of Universal Pictures!

  The bridal sedan chair was being carried, and after Zhang Dongcheng expressed his gratitude neither humble nor overbearing, he finally got to the point. "Mr. Carl, when will you arrange the release of The Mummy? How many screens will there be for the premiere?"

  After the twists and turns in the release of "Two Smoking Barrels", Zhang Dongcheng is very concerned about this.

Hearing that Zhang Dongcheng mentioned serious matters, Carl showed a pensive expression on his face. After a moment of silence, he finally said: "Smith, you should know the current situation better than me. How about it, I will arrange three Thousands of screens! If the revenue and word-of-mouth are optimistic, I will further increase the number of screens! What do you think?"

   Three thousand screens? This really satisfied Zhang Dongcheng, and he believed that this number would increase in the near future. However, Zhang Dongcheng was not happy with the number of 3,000. Instead, he continued to ask: "Mr. Carl, what is the scale of these 3,000 screens?"

   "Two thousand large ones! Five hundred medium ones, and the rest are extra large and small ones. Are you satisfied?" Carl, who has watched the mummy film once, is very confident in this movie. He actually started a joke with Zhang Dongcheng.

   "Of course!" Zhang Dongcheng smiled.

  The size of the cinema is divided into large, extra large, medium and small, and VIP type. These five are different.

   Among them, the extra-large seats generally have more than 1,200 seats; the large-sized seats are 800-1,200; the medium-sized seats are 500-800; and the small seats are less than 500. As for the VIPs, they vary from person to person, but generally they are under 50, and there are even smaller ones with only two couple boxes. At this moment, the screening room where Zhang Dongcheng and Carl watch the mummy is also a VIP model.

  In the United States in 1996, the trend of multiple screening rooms in one theater was emerging, and it will become the mainstream in the near future.

   "Smith, have you chosen the release time yet?" Carl restrained his joking expression and asked Zhang Dongcheng seriously.

   "I'm going to release it on Halloween!" Zhang Dongcheng replied. This is what he has thought about. The Mummy is now on the cusp, and this time is undoubtedly the most suitable time to speed up the pace of release.

   If it is delayed, it will be very disadvantageous no matter whether the public is indifferent to the topic of mummy or the ultimate skill expires. The lesser of two evils, we can only bite the bullet.

  When it comes to Halloween, it is inevitable to talk about it. Halloween originated from the New Year's festival of the ancient Celtic nation (Celtic). It is also a time to sacrifice to the dead. While avoiding the interference of evil spirits, it also uses food to worship ancestors and good spirits to pray for a safe winter.

   This festival is very old, even before the birth of Christ, that is, BC. But now Halloween has a different meaning than it did in ancient times. On this day, Americans will dress up as vampires, zombies, witches, werewolves, Frankenstein and other scary images and walk on the street, while children will hold jack-o-lanterns and ask for candy from every house.

   In other words, Halloween is now equivalent to the Chinese Ghost Festival, which is commonly known as Ghost Festival and Obon Festival. It is also the festival of the dead.

   "October 31st?" Carl didn't know what he thought of, and there seemed to be some sadness between his brows.

   "What's wrong? Can't it work?" Zhang Dongcheng's heart tightened, and he asked a little uneasy.

   In his opinion, there's no better place for a mummy in distress than a Halloween release

  The three most popular box office schedules in the United States, one is summer vacation from June to August; one is Halloween (horror movies get together, October 31); And The Mummy just happens to be a horror thriller with magical elements.

   It fits the atmosphere of this box office stall very well.

   "Nothing!" Carl finally said nothing, just shook his head. He told Zhang Dongcheng: "I will arrange the rating of the movie as soon as possible, and there will be some promotional activities during the period! I hope you can bring the crew to participate!"

   "Naturally!" Zhang Dongcheng certainly won't forget this point. After returning from England, he communicated with various actors about the issue of publicity.

  After negotiating everything, Zhang Dongcheng began to promote the film non-stop, because the release schedule was too tight, so he had to rush to the scene four or five times a day to record various promotional activities and participate in an entertainment program.

  At around nine o'clock at night, in a house in Los Angeles, Ender was lying crookedly on the sofa with a can of beer in his hand, watching a boring TV show with a remote control in one hand.

  When he pressed the remote control casually and changed a channel, Ender's face suddenly became gloomy.

  At this moment, a variety show is playing on TV. The person who appeared in the camera was none other than Zhang Dongcheng, whom Ander hated to the bone.

  In the TV, Zhang Dongcheng sat with a group of actors and chatted freely. Telling the interesting stories about the process of filming the mummy, breaking the news about some embarrassing stories of other actors, and guiding everyone's interest.

   And advertised from time to time, saying that this movie with a huge investment of 80 million US dollars will be screened in 3,000 movie theaters at the same time on Halloween on October 31 the day after tomorrow. I hope the audience will come and support it!

  Seeing this, Ander was furious. He crushed the soda can in his hand, and the frothy beer flowed down his wrist.