
Hollywood Lover

DaoistnuoHBq · สมัยใหม่
161 Chs

Chapter 127

"That's good! I will instruct Universal Pictures to do my best to support you in the subsequent promotional plans!" Carl finally made up his mind.

  After leaving Carl's office, Zhang Dongcheng's confident expression immediately disappeared, and he was thinking with a livid face, whether the idea that came to him just now could break through this predicament.

  Carl's hesitation is nothing more than a trivial difficulty on the road to the release of The Mummy, because there are still bigger obstacles blocking Zhang Dongcheng's way.

   Shaking his head, Zhang Dongcheng let go of the worries in his heart, and began to devote himself to the work of film post-production.

   The company responsible for the special effects of the mummy is the famous film special effects production company, Industrial Light and Magic.

   This company was founded in 1975 by the famous director George Lucas.

  Since its establishment, Industrial Light & Magic has participated in the production of special effects for hundreds of films and is well-known throughout the film industry.

   And George Lucas's assistant director is Zhang Dongcheng's deadly enemy, Ander.

  However, the United States, or the entire white world, will clearly distinguish between public and private, and Ander has no right to intervene in the affairs of Industrial Light and Magic, otherwise, Zhang Dongcheng will have a big head.

  Industrial Light & Magic was in charge of seeing the mummy effects as John Andrew Burton Jr. He started working on a new look for The Mummy before filming even started, and he's still busy.

  When Zhang Dongcheng came to the visual effects production site, Burton was lying in front of the computer monitor, directing Jason Statham to make one action after another.

  Jason's current image is very funny. He is wearing a blue tights made of special materials, and a hat that looks like a steel helmet on his head, and one electronic device after another emerges from the hat. His face was covered with red tracking lights, especially when Jason was walking around or making movements according to Burton's command, it was like a moving Christmas tree in human form.

  Although it is very funny, Zhang Dongcheng cannot laugh because of the predicament the mummy is facing now. He walked up to Burton and asked solemnly, "Mr. Burton, how long will it take to complete the final special effects production?"

Burton, who was immersed in his work, immediately came back to his senses and said in surprise, "Oh, Smith, it's you who came. Come and see! This is Imo that I made to cast spells in the desert." Don, see if the effect satisfies you!"

  Looking in the direction pointed by his fingers, on the computer monitor, Imherton played by Jason opened his mouth, and then on the other end of the monitor, a human face appeared in the sky filled with yellow sand.

  This face is exactly Jason's. Although it looks a bit weird because it is made of yellow sand, it also makes people feel the power of Imerton.

  Zhang Dongcheng nodded in satisfaction. Industrial Light & Magic's strength in special effects production is indeed unquestionable. It is difficult to find an existence comparable to this company in Hollywood.

  His nodding fell into Burton's eyes, which made Burton even more elated, and he quickly operated a few times on the keyboard with both hands. The screen on the monitor suddenly changed.

  The shot that appeared this time is the scene of Evelyn played by Rachel and Benny played by Kevin J. O'Connor lying on the beach.

  As the director of this movie, Zhang Dongcheng recognized it at a glance. This is the shot of Imerton emerging from the Huangsha tornado.

   Sure enough, the picture that Zhang Dongcheng expected appeared on the other side of the monitor at the same time.

  The sky-reaching tornado suddenly weakened in the violent rotation, and it was Emerton wearing a tattered robe who appeared on the spot.

  The connection of the screen is perfect, without flaws, which makes people feel that Emerton is really incarnated from yellow sand.

   "How is it? Smith?" Burton asked proudly, "Are you satisfied?"

  As a technician, Burton is quite research-oriented, and likes to drill into the dead end. In his view, either do not do it, or do it to be the best. This was also Zhang Dongcheng's idea. The two coincided with each other. In the previous communication, the two sides became familiar with each other.

"Very good, Burton. I'm very satisfied!" Zhang Dongcheng nodded, and said with admiration: "This is exactly the effect I want. But Burton, can you tell me when all the special effects for movies will be done? use up?"

"Hey! Smith!" Burton became dissatisfied and complained: "We made an appointment before to make the most amazing picture. It will surprise everyone watching the movie. If we speed up, some places will Can't make amazing effects!"

   "I understand, Burton!" Zhang Dongcheng opened his hands to signal him not to get excited, and explained: "But, Burton, do you know the situation the mummy is facing now?"

  Burton was taken aback. He hadn't left the office for a long time, and had been crouching in front of the computer with his technicians to make special effects. Know what's out there. "Smith, can't there be some accident?"

   Zhang Dongcheng smiled wryly, even if there was an accident, it would be much better than the current situation.

   Smiling wryly, Zhang Dongcheng told Burton the news that the recent rumors in the United States have intensified and caused a sensation.

  Hearing Zhang Dongcheng's narration, Burton was stunned, completely Spartan.

  He did special effects for one or two movies. For such a long time, I have seen countless propaganda methods. But I have never seen such a sensational game.

   This has even been criticized and resisted by the public. Is there really hope for such a movie that has been reviled before it is released?

  Burton was stunned at the moment, not knowing how to react.

As if he had expected that Burton would be shocked, Zhang Dongcheng patted him on the shoulder and said seriously: "You have understood the situation now, and you must know why I speed up the special effects, right? Burton, I Hope you can understand me!"

  Burton looked at Zhang Dongcheng with sympathy when he heard the words. He admires Zhang Dongcheng's various whimsical ideas very much, making special effects is not difficult, the most difficult part is reasonable imagination!

   Screens beyond the current technical level, no matter how shocking you think, it's useless if you can't make it.

   Thinking that the predecessors did not dare to think, but it can be done at the current technical level. This is the most critical part of a special effects movie.

  Discussing the issue of special effects with Zhang Dongcheng is the most enjoyable place for Burton. The unfettered divergence of thinking and the feeling of being immersed in the ocean of fantasy is so fascinating, like a dream.

   "Smith!" As the special effects director of the Mummy crew, Burton was also worried about whether the movie would still be released. He said worriedly: "I sympathize with your situation. But I have to say that the production of special effects is very time-consuming. If you speed up blindly, there may be loopholes, and you will be ridiculous at that time!"

   "I understand!" Why didn't Zhang Dongcheng know? The only thing he can do now is to join Burton's special effects production team and race against time to produce the movie. "Burton, I'm working with you guys. I hope we can get the special effects out of the movie in the shortest possible time."

"OK!" Burton was very happy. With the addition of Zhang Dongcheng, I believe that the speed can be increased by a few points. Although Zhang Dongcheng is completely ignorant of the production process of special effects, he is the director, and all kinds of incredible ideas Ideas live in his head, and his instructions will undoubtedly shorten the problems in the production of special effects.

   After all, he is the creator of this movie! Only he knows what kind of picture is the most suitable for this movie.

   "Hey! Smith, how long do I have to hold on like this?" Jason's body was covered with all kinds of thread and small tracking lights with red lights. Those flashing lights make it look extremely funny.

   Zhang Dongcheng and Burton were lying in front of the monitor, constantly discussing something.

   It has been several days since Zhang Dongcheng joined the special effects team. These days, the entire special effects team has been working day and night without sleep, and the night shift has never stopped. With such hard work, most of the special effects have been completed. Only Jason's part remained.

  Of course, the most important special effects in this movie are all on Imerton. Naturally, Jason had a hard time.

   "OK! Jason, hold on a little longer, we'll be fine soon!" Zhang Dongcheng replied without looking back, and continued to discuss with Burton.

  This is the last part of the special effects scene. This shot is when Imerton opens his mouth and is about to devour O'Connor. Evelyn recites a spell, summons the Hell Knight, and takes away Imerton's mana.

   In this scene, Zhang Dongcheng and Burton had a disagreement.

   "Hey! Smith!" Burton argued with reason, with a dissatisfied face, and spit stars shot out of his mouth continuously. Emphasizing your own ideas is the most correct. "I don't think we can simply let Imerton lose his mana. He was so powerful before, how could he be taken away so unbearably. He should struggle!"

   Speaking of this, Burton's spirit became more and more excited, and he danced and made a ferocious expression, as if he was proving something to Zhang Dongcheng. However, with his dark circles under the eyes and messy hair because he didn't get enough sleep for a long time, it feels weird no matter how you look at it.

  According to Burton, the production time of this shot will undoubtedly be extended! During the period, there was even a scene of Imerton fighting the Hell Knight. For Zhang Dongcheng, whose time is life now, it is naturally impossible to agree!

"No! No! No! Burton, you are wrong. You know, Emerton is just a priest, and it is impossible for a priest to have the power to compete with the gods. What Evelyn chanted the spell summoned was Anubis's Under my command, it is most correct for Imerton to be vulnerable!"