
Hollywood Lover

DaoistnuoHBq · สมัยใหม่
161 Chs

Chapter 115

All along, Zhang Dongcheng has played a role that allows him to bully at will.

But this guy who has been bullied by him has become a famous new director before graduating. He is sought after by countless media, and even suddenly changed himself. He beat him half to death, and even exploded his **** with a baseball bat !

After that, he filmed a black humorous movie with a strong British style. Originally, after seeing the comments in the newspaper, Ender was still full of joy, thinking that Zhang Dongcheng was finally going to die, but who would have thought that there were only two canvases? Under such circumstances, he was able to stage a shocking reversal, and even became a director of the new generation, with both box office and word of mouth.

   It can be said that you have achieved success!

  But I have always thought that I am much better than Zhang Dongcheng in all aspects, but now I am still working as an assistant director, and I don't even have the qualifications to be an independent director. Comparing the two, his heart became even more distorted.

  This feud is irreconcilable!

  Gavin's words made him feel a sense of pleasure. Is this guy who stole his movie finally going to be punished?

   "Tell me how you plan to deal with this guy?!" Ander asked impatiently, with an eager look on his face. In order to prevent Gavin from prevaricating himself, he even added a sentence. "Don't tell me what I'll see later, I want to know now!"

   Gavin helplessly put the goblet in his hand on the coffee table, raised his hands, and made a gesture of surrender. A cold light flashed in his eyes, and there was a faint evil smile on the corner of his mouth. His fingers tapped lightly on the newspaper on the coffee table in front of him. Said: "Everything is here!"

   "Here?" Ender was a little puzzled. What was written in the newspaper was the news about the resurrection of the mummy and the curse that had been making a lot of noise in the past two days. There is also a photo of a terrified boy receiving psychological treatment in hospital. It makes this news even more impactful.

   "My dear brother!" Ander looked at Gavin in a bad tone. He only knows how to play some tricks, and he obviously doesn't know what the real conspiracy looks like. "You don't want to tell me that this news will ruin that yellow-skinned monkey Smith?"

   "Of course!" Gavin was full of confidence, and smiled sinisterly: "If it's just this news, it won't even remind people of that Smith."

  Ender really wanted to ask, since you know all about it, why are you still saying that? But then, Gavin seemed to have expected that he would be impulsive, waved his hand, and said, "Don't worry. Listen to me first! If! I mean if, this farce of the mummy's resurrection is for Smith to promote him. The new movie came out. What do you think the public will think of that yellow-skinned monkey when they know the news?"

  Ander's eyes lit up immediately, and he fantasized following Gavin's prompt. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this method, which has surpassed pranks and even caused harm to others, would definitely arouse resistance and disgust across the United States. Once this news spreads, Smith will never stand up in Hollywood!

  Universal Pictures will directly terminate the cooperation with him and kick him out. At that time, Smith can only roll back to the UK in despair, and even be hated in the UK, and finally can only return to that eastern country!

   "Hahaha..." Ender laughed out loud at his fantasy. After laughing for a while, his voice stopped abruptly, and he looked at Gavin suspiciously and asked, "Smith really did this farce?"

Gavin shook his head, neither admitted nor denied, but gave him an ambiguous answer: "We don't need to determine whether he did it, we just need to let everyone think he did it. Already!"

  Ender, who couldn't turn his head around, still couldn't figure out the true meaning of Gavin's words. Continue to ask: "Don't be so vague, tell me what's going on!"

Gavin sighed helplessly, and after staring at Ender for a long time, he said in a low tone: "Ender, my dear brother, I have to tell you some sad news. If you can't understand what I said just now, then Hollywood is not suitable for you! Because you will be eaten by the bosses of those companies to the bone!"

   "Hey! Gavin!" Ender was angry. His eyes were wide open, with an angry look in his pupils, "I was just asking what you meant by what you just said, just tell me directly!"

   "Okay, okay!" Gavin raised his hands. Looking at his younger brother with some pity in his eyes, he said, "Ander, do you know? Money is sometimes a very evil thing. It can arouse evil thoughts in people's hearts. We just need to bribe the mummy to speak before the incident. The security guards at the Getty Center who were on duty one day told them to claim that everything was done by Smith. Do you understand?"

  Ender finally realized it, and applauded happily. Such a detrimental move was completely unwarranted, but unfortunately, who told that guy to be filming this movie right now? Putting the blame on him, Ander has no psychological burden at all.

  This kind of dirty trick can even be said to be extremely sinister. It can be seen that this brother Gavin has a flexible mind, and he will still have to rely on him a lot in the future!

   "But..." Ender was still a little worried. With a bit of worry in his expression, he said: "If we are found out, we will be the unlucky ones! Have you ever thought about this?"

   "Find out?" Gavin sneered disdainfully. He proudly opened his arms, as if he was embracing something. In the tone of a senior teaching a junior, he said to Ander: "Ander, my brother, after all, you are a person who has just left school, and you still don't understand the filth of this world. As long as you have money, this world can become dark." It's white. As long as you have money, you can modify any rules at will, and no one will stop you. Remember! Hollywood, a city with a glamorous appearance, hides a desperate darkness! You need to discover these by yourself Already!"

   Ender lowered his head, but he secretly told himself in his heart that he must be careful in the future.

  In the Getty Center, at the exhibition of ancient Egyptian cultural relics, countless experts and scholars are constantly discussing something, and there are countless high-tech instruments on site.

  Experts and scholars who have been busy for a day have achieved nothing. There is no reason at all to explain the truth of the mummy's speech.

It's no wonder that the only flaw in the mummy's speech has been taken away by Tom, the security guard. As the saying goes, it is difficult to guard against house thieves by day and night. Who would have thought that there would be such a large and famous collection in the Getty Center as Tom? See the existence of security guards with open eyes?

   After a day of research, they found no basis for any scientific explanation, and a group of experts and scholars had to leave disappointed. In the end, a shocking answer was given.

  The event of the mummy curse at the Getty Center is actually a very rare group auditory hallucination event. The reason is caused by multiple factors. As for the reason, it is still under investigation. I hope the public will not blindly believe in the so-called mummy curse, those so-called remarks are all imaginary.

  The answer given by the California government of the United States not only failed to satisfy the public, but aroused people's anger even more.

  This kind of talk is similar to fooling children, who would believe it without a root in their brains? Group auditory hallucinations? Those experts and scholars just encountered group hallucinations!

  The American media was overjoyed after hearing the news, and the Los Angeles Times even published such a satirical piece of news.

   "Collective auditory hallucinations? Stupid California experts and government!"

  In the news, American media staff wantonly ridiculed the California government's explanation as if they were deceiving their ears. In the end, he joked that the United States simply raised their citizens as pigs! Tease all you want.

  In fact, everyone misunderstood those experts and scholars. It's not that they didn't want to find a reasonable explanation. They couldn't find any, and finally had no choice but to give such an answer to the group's auditory hallucinations.

  The incident became more and more intense, but it heated up the topic of mummy more and more, and made things start to move in an unpredictable direction.

   All of this has little to do with Zhang Dongcheng. He's busy shooting shots of the mummies in Egypt right now.

  In the Sahara Desert, Zhang Dongcheng sat on a chair, sweating and discussing something with Jason Statham.

"Jason, you have to understand that you are a powerful priest. As long as you raise your hands, countless yellow sand will rise up on the ground, like flying sand and rocks, killing all your enemies! What I want is that kind Confidence, that expression of contempt for everything. You are a resurrected powerful priest, and you want to save your lover! That kind of urgency and arrogance that don't take the enemy seriously, I want you to show it all in this shot!"

   Now we are going to shoot some of the most exciting shots in the movie. However, all of these shots require post-production special effects.

  For example, in the desert, O'Connor and others took the biplane driven by Winston to chase Imerton who took Evelyn away.

  In the original play, the moment Imerton opened his hands, the desert cracked and countless yellow sands flew up, like waves, chasing and killing the planes in the sky frantically. In the sand waves, Imerton's face even appeared to bite the plane with its mouth open.

   But it is obviously impossible to have such a shot in reality, and it must be perfected after post-production special effects. It is precisely because of this that it increases the difficulty of actors' performances. You have to imagine the scene of flying sand and rocks out of thin air.

  Jason Statham's performance just now obviously did not satisfy Zhang Dongcheng.

   "OK! OK!" Jason raised his hands, squinting his eyes slightly, while imagining the scene described by Zhang Dongcheng, while thinking about how he should show the demeanor he needs. "Smith, I need a little time! Five minutes, I only need five minutes!" Jason spread his fingers on his right hand.