
Hollywood Lover

DaoistnuoHBq · สมัยใหม่
161 Chs

Chapter 109

Even Zhang Dongcheng, who started out as a practitioner, didn't expect his actions to be seen by Karl and summed up.

"Millions of people are paying attention to one topic at the same time?" Mr. Claire frowned. He didn't believe it from the bottom of his heart, but looking at Carl's eyes, he inexplicably gave up his distrust and the mentality of wanting to refute and question, and He continued to ask extremely seriously: "Okay, I assume this premise is possible, so how should we do our propaganda?"

"As I said just now, the power of the Internet will make young people pay attention to a topic at the same time, and our movie is to create a topic that will make them obsessed with it and give them a heart to explore. , have an extremely strong interest in our film. This is the ultimate purpose of our publicity."

"You mean, the topic of making mummies? This will make them want to go to the cinema even more?" Mr. Alfonso has been in the arena for so many years, and he is already an old and slippery character. Carl's casual words have not yet revealed the theme , he guessed it.

"Yes, create a topic. Everyone on this earth has a strong curiosity. There is a saying that curiosity killed the cat. This topic will make everyone want to know, eager to understand, and to themselves When our friends and partners are chatting, they repeatedly mention and hint and emphasize. When our movie is released, it just caters to this topic. Naturally, the mummy will attract the attention of young people all over the United States, making them seem to rush to the battlefield I usually rush into the movie theater, donate generously, and buy one or even more movie tickets!" Carl's words now seem to be full of fatal temptation like a queen selling poisoned apples to Snow White, making Claire and Ah Fang Suo held his breath for a moment.

"First create this topic, and then send people to repeatedly mention it on the Internet, so that young people who are the most avant-garde and active in this era can promote it by themselves. One person can drive countless people? I understand." Frowning for a long time , the cigars in Mr. Alfonso's hand were unknowingly extinguished, and he still took a few puffs of the completely empty cigar, and then he suddenly realized.

"Yes, Mr. Alfonso, you are right, absolutely correct." Mr. Carl snapped his fingers, but promptly attributed the credit to Universal Pictures: "Mr. Smith Zhang is about to start filming. He has no skills at all. The publicity in this regard is entirely up to us at Universal Pictures."

"Wait, your idea sounds good, but its actual effect is still unknown." Mr. Alfonso, who had been immersed in thinking, finally found that the cigar had long been extinguished, and he fumbled to light it again , there was still some disbelief in his eyes.

  Is this kind of propaganda really feasible? Can young people really be allowed to promote themselves?

"Mr. Alfonso, there must be someone who dares to stand up and eat the first crab. No matter how effective it is, this idea will not cost much. Why not give it a try?" Mr. Carl stood up and took Universal Studios Professional promotion personnel from the industry called in and proposed a detailed publicity plan.

  The major shareholders quickly made a decision to support Karl to give it a try. The most important point is that they absolutely believe that such publicity will not cost much!

The promotional cost of "The Mummy" is as high as 20 million U.S. dollars. Taking out 500,000 or 1 million U.S. dollars will not affect the overall situation at all. If it is effective, the benefits of this small amount of money will be far greater The major shareholders who exceed the investment are all good people, and they are very clear about this account.

  The department manager in charge of publicity and promotion has given a detailed and complete plan, and it will be implemented immediately after the shareholders agree.

This set of plans is now on Mr. Carl's desk, and with a swipe of his pen, under the powerful strength and pioneering exploration of capitalists, the viral marketing that belongs to this world begins to unfold its dazzling With extremely peerless brilliance.

  Even Zhang Dongcheng didn't expect that Carl, this guy, just relied on his own ideas and methods of operation, and he developed a set of effective methods by himself. If he could know that Carl plagiarized his own ideas, he wondered if his nose would be crooked.

  Viral marketing is a commonly used network marketing method, which is often used for website promotion, brand promotion, etc., and uses the principle of user word-of-mouth communication. On the Internet, this kind of "word-of-mouth communication" is more convenient and can spread as quickly as a virus, so viral marketing (viral marketing) has become an efficient way of information dissemination, and, because this kind of dissemination is spontaneous among users Therefore, it is almost a cost-free Internet marketing tool.

It is said that viral marketing is costless, mainly because it takes advantage of the participation enthusiasm of target consumers, but the promotion cost of channel use still exists, but the target consumers are stimulated by the merchant's information to voluntarily participate in the subsequent communication process , The advertising costs that should have been borne by the merchants are passed on to the target consumers, so for the merchants, viral marketing is costless. Target consumers cannot benefit from "working for merchants", why do they voluntarily provide communication channels? The reason is that the information delivered by the first communicator to the target group is not naked advertising information, but processed and very attractive product and brand information. It is this beautiful coat on the outside of advertising information that breaks through The "firewall" that breaks the consumer's alertness has prompted it to complete the change from a pure audience to an active communicator.

  Mass media advertisements have some insurmountable defects, such as strong information interference, complex receiving environment, and serious psychological resistance of audiences. Taking TV advertisements as an example, there are various advertisements launched at the same time on TV at the same time, among which there is no lack of "crashing" phenomenon of similar products, which greatly reduces the acceptance efficiency of the audience. As for those cute "viruses", the audience obtained them from familiar people or actively searched for them, so they will naturally have a positive attitude during the acceptance process; the receiving channels are also relatively private, such as mobile phone text messages, emails, Closed forums and so on (there are several people reading at the same time, which in turn expands the effect of communication). The advantages of the above aspects make viral marketing overcome the influence of noise in information dissemination as much as possible and enhance the effect of dissemination.

At the beginning of viral marketing, there must be a topic for everyone to spread. Although advertising and marketing personnel in this world still lack a certain understanding of viral marketing and have no awareness of its terrifying penetration and influence, this It will not make it impossible for professionals who specialize in advertising marketing to operate. There is no source for all kinds of advertisements. In the final analysis, the forms of various types of advertisements are to let more people know and understand. Viral marketing made possible the impossible.

   This topic, which attracted everyone's attention, was forcibly created by some people in the middle of the night, and became the source of all frenzy, the explosive point.

  Getty Center (GettyCenter) is one of the most charming cultural landscapes in Los Angeles. It is the largest private collection museum in the United States. There are not only a large collection of fine arts, but also magnificent buildings and beautiful gardens. It is another important iconic cultural attraction in Los Angeles after Universal Studios and Disneyland, and it is also a yearning place for art lovers.

  The Getty Center is built on the 268-meter-high Santa Monica Mountains. The eye-catching white buildings are large in scale and unique curved buildings. They are built on the top of the lush green hills, giving people a sense of "elegance" and "arrogance". It has a wide view and overlooks the panorama of Los Angeles city. The 405 Interstate Highway is just under your feet.

The Getty Center is one of the private museums with the richest collections in California and even in the world. All its assets come from the legacy of its founder, the American oil tycoon Paul Getty, when he died in 1976. It took 14 years to design and build , with a collection of more than 50,000 pieces of Western art from the Middle Ages to modern times. There are European paintings, sculptures, low-light manuscripts, decorative arts, and European and American photos, most of which are private collections of Paul Getty and his son. The collection of 50,000 items may not seem much compared to those large museums, but the quality of the Getty Center collection is high, including many important works of masters.

  A special exhibition is being held here, displaying a large number of precious cultural relics from the ancient Egyptian period. Among them, there are exactly two pharaoh mummies from the first thousand years BC.

Two security guards, Tom and Jerry, who were bought by Universal Pictures with a lot of money, carried out regular inspections in the convention center under the cover of deep night. In this day and age, there are not so many security measures with cameras, and most of them still have to It's done by people.

  All the art works in the Getty Center are displayed openly. There are no glass cabinets and isolation ropes. You can watch them closely. For example, several paintings in the central lobby are priceless. The one on the left is Van Gogh's "Irises", and the second on the right is Monet's "Grain Stacks, Snow Scene, Morning", both of which are towns in the Getty Center. The treasure of the museum, the combined value of these paintings is almost 100 million US dollars. Anyone here can feel the museum's trust in visitors and visitors' respect for artworks.

   Such a unique behavior makes Tom and Jerry's work very easy. After all, house thieves are hard to guard against.

"Hey, buddy, another group of security guards is 20 meters away from us. Hurry up and don't dawdle." Tom lifted the hat on his head and whispered to the pale face Jerry said.

   "Tom, are we really going to do this? I'm a little scared!" Jerry was crying. Although he was tall and thin, he seemed to be blown by the wind, and his voice was trembling.

"What are you afraid of? You coward, do you want to refund all the money to someone else?" Tom stared fiercely and said fiercely. If he wasn't afraid that his voice would attract the attention of other security guards, he would probably have Unable to hold back his anger, he slapped Jerry on the head.