
Hollywood Lover

DaoistnuoHBq · สมัยใหม่
161 Chs

Chapter 106

The prop master was stunned when he heard Zhang Dongcheng's shout, and didn't make any movements for a while, just froze there.

"Bastard! Hurry up, hurry up, put Brandon down!" Zhang Dongcheng pushed away the staff in front of him, and ran towards the suspended Brandon like crazy, waving his hands desperately, Trying to bring the stunned guy back to his senses.

   Fortunately, that guy woke up from Zhang Dongcheng's roaring sentence after sentence, and loosened the noose frantically as if he had just woken up from a dream, causing that guy Brandon to fall to the ground with a plop.

And Brandon who fell to the ground did not stand up as the crew imagined and continued chatting off-line, but fell to the ground without saying a word. At this time, everyone panicked and realized that it might be true. The hanged man!

   All of a sudden, everyone was frightened and ran to the scene of the incident.

Zhang Dongcheng moved very quickly. Many staff members only felt a gust of wind blowing past them violently, and then saw Zhang Dongcheng shouting frantically and running towards Brandon desperately. In a second, Zhang Dongcheng, who was thirty meters away from him, had arrived like a whirlwind.

  Gripping Brandon's shoulder, Zhang Dongcheng shook him impatiently: "Brandon, Brandon! Wake up, wake up!"

Adaman, who was on standby, was not stupid, he rushed over while Zhang Dongcheng was running towards Brandon, and arrived a step later, seeing this, he hurriedly said: "Hurry up, give him CPR and artificial respiration! "

   At the same time, he stood up and drove away the staff who surrounded him tightly: "Everyone go away, everyone go away! Make room, don't get in the way here!"

The staff members were scattered by Adaman like sheep, and Zhang Dongcheng listened to Adaman's words, without any hesitation at all, put Brandon on the ground, beat his chest hard, and kissed him deeply go up!

   Twice, three times!

And Brandon's lips were bruised, and there was a deep noose mark on his neck. He fell to the ground, silently as if he could never wake up again. Zhang Dongcheng beat his heart desperately, and his hatred for himself suddenly flooded like water. Jinshan!

  Why did I agree to his crazy idea? Why didn't I think that doing so would be too dangerous? Does the truth of the movie have to be reflected in human life?

  Rounding random thoughts in his mind, Zhang Dongcheng took a deep breath, pinched Brandon's nose, mouth to mouth, and breathed heavily into him.

The faces of the staff who gathered around Hulala were also full of anxiety. Although Brandon is very off-line and never speaks through his brain, he is very kind and has no pretensions to anyone, let alone regards himself as a movie star. Look, in the past few days of filming, sometimes I even forgot that I was the leading actor in the movie, but all the actors and actresses ate together, laughed happily, chatted and spanked together.

  Such a simple, happy person all day, just died like this?

  Everyone's heart was cast with a shadow.

  Zhang Dongcheng gradually became desperate, and shouted at Adaman: "Call the ambulance quickly, call the doctor quickly!"

   Before Adaman left, someone called out: "Director Smith, I just called the nearest hospital, and they will send a car soon."

  Healed down a little, Zhang Dongcheng looked at Brandon with disheveled hair and closed eyes, and at the eye-catching wrinkle on his neck, Zhang Dongcheng's eyes were reddened by the accusation against himself.

   Gritting his teeth again, Zhang Dongcheng shouted with red eyes: "Get up! Brandon! Get up! You are the hero of this movie, you are the soul of this movie, get up!"

   Punch after punch, Zhang Dongcheng gradually lost control of himself, just doing CPR and artificial respiration for Brandon like crazy.

  Perhaps God finally gave Brandon, who loves movies, a chance. Five or six times of CPR and artificial respiration, Brandon finally cried out in pain and slowly woke up.

  The people who were waiting anxiously saw Brandon wake up and couldn't help jumping up happily: "Great, thank God!"

   "Brandon, how does it feel to see us again?"

   "Wow, we almost made the headlines tomorrow!"

   Zhang Dongcheng, who was so anxious that he almost cried, just sat down on the ground and wiped his sweaty head with lingering fear. The hanging incident almost scared him to death.

   Secretly wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes. After all, Zhang Dongcheng was still a 20-year-old boy. He had never realized that life and death were so close to him.

"Oh, FUCK, oh! God, you finally woke up, are you going to scare us to death?" Adaman grabbed Brandon's shoulder and shouted excitedly, while the crew who came up to him again Seeing Brandon opened his eyes, we couldn't help but feel relieved and thankful.

  No one wants to make a movie when there is a dead person.

"Oh...I'm not dead...Adaman, did you save me?" Brandon, who had just woken up, was still a little confused after being hypoxic and asphyxiated. Only then did he save his life, and the first person who opened his eyes was Adaman grabbing himself and yelling, subconsciously thinking that Adaman had saved him.

   "Of course..." Adaman just wanted to say that Zhang Dongcheng saved Brandon, but he heard Zhang Dongcheng coughing heavily, and turned his head to see Zhang Dongcheng's threatening and begging face.

   Ah, director Smith and the leading actor are lip-to-mouth! This... Adaman understood Zhang Dongcheng's thoughts in an instant.

   That guy made it clear that he didn't want to admit it, and wanted to stay out of it after kissing Brandon, so as to preserve the invincible image of Director Smith!

Although all crew members saw this incident, Zhang Dongcheng's face was even more visible. At the moment, everyone was silent, but there was a smile in their eyes, and some of them turned their heads away quickly. , I couldn't hold back my mouth.

  Damn Smith, he wants me to admit it! Adaman turned his head in horror, facing the confused Brandon, suddenly felt that there were thousands of words, but none of them could be said.

"Adaman, you gave me the artificial respiration? Bah, it stinks..." Brandon just broke free from the embrace of death, and he couldn't wait to play tricks off-line, and even complained about the smell of Adaman in his mouth taste.

"You son of a bitch, why don't you thank me for being alive? You're still screaming! If I knew it, I would have brought a donkey to give you artificial respiration!" Adaman almost burst into tears, he gritted his teeth, Take the **** out of your best friend, then punch Brandon in a huff.

   "Thank you!" Brandon raised his head, thanked him, but kept wiping his mouth, his eyes full of dissatisfaction with Adaman's thick lips.

"FUCK, you just blinked when you said it was dangerous, what about your eyes? Why didn't you blink?" Adaman really lamented that his life was unlucky, and if the scandal of him and Brandon's mouth-to-mouth got out, how would he let himself pick up girls? ?

   In desperation, Adaman could only vent his anger on Brandon.

  Looking for Zhang Dongcheng? Adaman didn't dare.

"Ah, I just realized that I fell suddenly and would be hanged in a few seconds. I wanted to blink my eyes, but my eyes were disobedient..." Brandon said aggrievedly like a little daughter-in-law, letting the side A large group of people laughed when they heard this.

  Amidst the laughter of the crowd, Zhang Dongcheng fled in despair, only Adaman, who had no choice but to take the blame, kept beating violently in Brandon's head, and then told him in grief and indignation that he was the hero who saved the beauty.

   Oh, bah, it was the hero who saved his head and wanted to show off, but almost killed his own bear!

Back at the residence, Zhang Dongcheng brushed his teeth desperately, and kept thinking about the embarrassing incident in his mind, thinking that if the off-line Brandon knew that he was talking to him, he would The big boy's unscrupulous temper will definitely spread and everyone knows it!

  Poor Adaman, just help me block this shot! Zhang Dongcheng brushed his teeth vigorously seven or eight times before he stopped tormenting himself. He tried his best to throw aside Brandon's swollen mouth in his mind, hugged the magazine, fell on the sofa, and rested.

Although Brandon was almost hanged and escaped with his own artificial respiration and CPR, in any case, this real shooting is far better than the previous shooting, and Jack must have recorded them completely After coming down, you don't have to worry about this embarrassing scene anymore. Then, today's shooting is all over, and Zhang Dongcheng, who has not slept for two consecutive days, also forced himself to start resting.

  Although he hadn't slept for forty-eight hours, filming and acting, the actors still had time to take a nap, but as the director of this movie, Zhang Dongcheng couldn't rest.

   Fortunately, I am still young, and my body is getting stronger and stronger after being transformed by lightning. I am very energetic, but as long as I am a human being, I must rest.

  Flipping through the magazine casually, Zhang Dongcheng began to feel a little drowsy. He covered the magazine on his face, and was taken away by Zhou Gong's call, and fell asleep on the sofa.

   I don't know how long it took, Zhang Dongcheng fell asleep in a daze, but something warm seemed to be squeezed into his arms.

As if hugging the soft and warm pillow, Zhang Dongcheng tightly hugged the warm thing in his arms, put one foot on it, hugged him comfortably, and pressed his face against it, feeling The bumps that are as warm as jade are soft and gentle on the face.

  A sweet breath wafted from his nose, and that pillow-like thing seemed to be looking for a more comfortable position, and burrowed into Zhang Dongcheng's arms.