
Hollywood Lover

DaoistnuoHBq · สมัยใหม่
161 Chs

Chapter 105

Zhang Dongcheng stepped down from the gallows, smiled and said: "Okay, according to Adaman, he will be hanged for three weeks before being found in the British Museum!"

   Just as the three were laughing and joking, Adaman ran over sweating profusely: "Smith, we are all ready!"

  Nodding, Zhang Dongcheng said to Brandon: "Okay, let us enjoy the picture of you being hung in mid-air, shaking with the wind!"

  The camera rotated, first gave a long shot, and then cut to a close shot, so that the close-up of Brandon's face with an anxious face appeared on the entire monitor, and then zoomed out a little, and gave a medium shot.

"Everyone, cheer up guys! I know the sun is a bit harsh and the weather is hot, but we can rest after finishing this shot! Come on!" Zhang Dongcheng felt a little exhausted from continuous shooting The crew of the crew cheered, and then waved their arms heavily amidst everyone's loud answers.


   "I'll give you a hundred pounds and let him go!" Rachel, who was sitting on the viewing platform, looked anxiously, pointing at the man who was being led to the gallows, and said to the chunky officer on the side.

   "Miss, I'd rather pay a hundred pounds to see him hanged!" The dumpy officer gestured exaggeratedly, showing that he didn't care at all.

   "Two hundred pounds!" Rachel immediately raised the price.

   "Execution!" The dumpy officer didn't turn his head, but shouted at the executioner.

   Putting a noose on Brandon rudely, the chunky hangman asked fiercely: "What is your last wish? Pig head!"

   "I want you to let go of the rope and let me go." Brandon disheveled, just staring at Rachel on the stage in the distance, making the last joke before dying.

   And the clumsy executioner said blankly to the chunky officer: "Sir, he said his last wish was for us to let him go."

  "Are you crazy? Of course you won't let him go!"

   "Five hundred pounds!" Rachel cried impatiently.

   "Wait a minute." The chunky officer waved his hand, licked Brother Pig's face and turned to Rachel, and asked, "Is there anything else? You know, I'm a lonely man."

   While speaking obscene words, a big dishonest hand touched Rachel's knee.

   "Bang!" The exasperated Rachel took the small bag and gave the short and fat officer a slap, which immediately made everyone laugh wildly.

   "Execution!" The short and fat officer couldn't hold back his face anymore, so he could only sit on the chair angrily, pushing his fat belly up.

  The movable door under Brandon's feet opened instantly, the rope was stretched straight, and his face showed extreme pain and struggle.

  In fact, such a shot is divided into two parts, one part is the lower body hanging in the air, dangling in the air, the other part is the neck tightened by the noose, and a close-up of Brandon's painful expression.

Zhang Dongcheng stared closely at the monitor and watched Brandon's performance. This part of the scene was very simple. Although Brandon's expression was a bit exaggerated, Zhang Dongcheng still didn't call CUT, and prepared to shoot the whole scene use up.

In the two parts of this shot, the lower body is hanging in the air. In fact, Brandon is hanging in the air by the rope, creating the illusion of being strangled. When the camera changes to the upper body, Brandon is actually stepping on chair, he would not be really hanged at all.

  After watching it for a long time, Zhang Dongcheng felt that this shot could pass the test, so he called out CUT.

The crew worked hard, the last scene today was finally completed, and everyone who had been fighting for twenty hours was finally relieved, and when they thought about going back to take a good bath and sleep well, Brandon called up.

   "Director Smith, I think, I think I didn't perform well just now."

  Brandon's words made Zhang Dongcheng, who was packing up and preparing to rest, stop his movements, and replied in doubt: "What's the matter, Brandon, I think your expression just now was okay, and your performance was good."

"No, no, no, Director Smith, I think my performance is too fake. I didn't have the experience of being strangled to the point of suffocation at all. I always felt that the facial expression just now was very dull and dull." Brandon revealed at this time He showed the self-consciousness of a real Hollywood actor in the United States, and did not indulge himself because of the director's permission.

  I think it's not good enough, but it's not good enough, even if the director approves it, I can do better! That was all Brandon had on his mind.

   "What, Brandon, what do you think?" Zhang Dongcheng touched his glasses and asked puzzledly.

"Let's do it again, director. This time I want to be really hung up. I think I can make the audience worry about me instead of pretending." Brandon's suggestion was earth-shattering. Guy really wants to be hanged?

"Oh, my God, that's too dangerous. Just now the sub-camera is perfectly capable of showing you being hanged. Don't take the risk! The gallows is made a bit high, it really makes you fall and hang Neck, I'm afraid your neck will be torn off by your weight!" Zhang Dongcheng shook his head like a wave drum, he was unwilling to take risks, this kind of shot that could pose a life-threatening threat to the actor's life, Zhang Dongcheng was very resistant .

I don't know why, but Brandon insisted abnormally: "Director Smith, I'm really dissatisfied with my performance just now, and I want to be responsible for the film. Although I usually speak out and do things in a very unprofessional manner, but for Movie, I am forever in awe! Mr. Smith, I want to do it all over again!"

   "But your safety..." Looking at Brandon's extremely serious face, Zhang Dongcheng stopped to persuade. It is a good thing for actors to go crazy for their own movies, and Zhang Dongcheng couldn't find a reason to refuse.

"Let the prop master hold me, and don't hang it for too long." Brandon showed a few cynical smiles on his serious face: "If I can't hold on anymore, I will blink desperately, and then you Just put me down. It won't be unsafe. Believe me, Smith." Brandon winked funny at Zhang Dongcheng and said with a smile.

   "That's it..Okay. Let's do it again. Come on guys!" Jang Dong-seong agreed, waving his arms for everyone to do it again.

   "Jack, this time for a panoramic shot, and finally a close-up of Brandon's face.

   Zhang Dongcheng said to the cameraman Jack who abandoned his wife and children from the UK, and even sold his house to come to the United States to pursue his dream with him, and Jack nodded steadily: "I see, Director Smith."

   Working with Jack in "Two Smoking Barrels" was very pleasant, and Jack was determined to follow him all the time. Zhang Dongcheng naturally regarded Jack as his own, and entrusted him with all the shooting.

Not only Jack, but many crew members who were lucky enough to work with Zhang Dongcheng on "Two Smoking Barrels" decided to follow Zhang Dongcheng. Zhang Dongcheng also intends to establish his own filming team, so he will accept all comers, and build his own super crew with clear and effective cooperation and division of labor, and can complete various difficult tasks.

   These crew members can be called the team used by Zhang Dongcheng.

  Jack zoomed out the camera so that the entire gallows appeared on the monitor, and then nodded to Zhang Dongcheng, indicating that the camera was ready.

   "Okay, everyone, ACTION!" Zhang Dongcheng calmly gave the order to start shooting with a loudspeaker in his hand.

  The entire film crew is running like an efficient machine, and it fits perfectly.

   Following Zhang Dongcheng's order, the camera has a panoramic view of the entire set in the entire distance. Nearly 300 extras play prisoners and prison guards, making noise on the camera.

  Jack controlled the camera, pointed the lens at Brandon with a thick noose wrapped around his neck, casually put a lot of chest hair, and the murderous executioner into the slowly rotating film.

   Zhang Dongcheng, who was staring at the monitor, nodded slightly, and the extra actor who played the executioner saw Zhang Dongcheng's instructions, and then pressed the switch, and the pedal under Brandon's feet suddenly opened.

This time, it was a real hanging, and the rope was suddenly stretched tightly. Brandon fell directly from a height of nearly one meter, and the huge rope was tightly wrapped around his neck, preventing him from sending out any more breath. sound.

  Gravity plus the acceleration of gravity of the fall made Brandon almost faint. His face showed the tension and uncontrollability before the real death came, and even his tongue stuck out.

Holding his breath, Zhang Dongcheng stared at the monitor closely, paying attention to Brandon's performance. This time he really did not disappoint him. The real hanging was much more normal and reasonable than the two pretentious shootings. The shock and horror brought by the audience are also more real.

Brandon tried his best to control himself at the beginning, trying to make his performance more perfect, but soon he realized that this was really too risky, he stuck out his long tongue, and the whites of his eyes gradually rolled up What made him even more desperate was that he had originally agreed with Zhang Dongcheng that he would stop immediately as soon as he saw the blink of an eye, but when he was really hung up, he found that he, who was about to die, couldn't even lift an eyebrow!

"Oh, FUCK, I'm going to die, I'm really going to die!" Brandon's consciousness slowly began to slacken. Due to the heavy fall, his entire weight was hung on the noose around his neck, and he started to suffocate within five seconds .

At this time, the entire crew did not find anything wrong with Brandon. Most people can hold their breath for half a minute no matter what. I can't stand it!

   Zhang Dongcheng looked at the camera with satisfaction, and he soon realized that something was wrong. Brandon was really hung up, and that expression completely broke through the sky, not acting at all!

   It's over, this guy is choking!

  This thought popped up in Zhang Dongcheng's mind, then suddenly got up, and shouted with the loudest voice: "CUT, put Brandon down!"