
Moving House

Frankly, the press encampment that was happening in their household was not that bad. It was just a bit irksome to have them snooping around for unreasonable scoops.

Their behavior should have cooled down after a week or so. It was all because the Creeds were adamant to keep a private stance, having no press relations, lack of publicity, and a busy lifestyle to give a damn about answering their questions.

The public also realized that the publications about the Cosmic company and the key figures were mostly speculation. The embarrassed news literature insiders needed concrete and conclusive writings before they could pass off their 'insider news' as actual insider news.

There is also a high likelihood of those with criminal intents mixing with the curious visitors. Sullivan's previous stores being robbed must have given the thieves and criminals the impression that they are easy targets.

Also, many of them might be ticked that the family's film project was successful and famous yet the family itself are snobs who don't have the time to entertain them.

The problem would be solved if they were not living in a relatively rich yet normal Los Angeles neighborhood.

It had solutions to possible crimes but not against journalists and paparazzi.

Sullivan's subtle methods of keeping his fortune a secret through his lifestyle and living habits would have worked. Sadly, a necessary sacrifice was needed to jumpstart their new company and it just so happens that it must be the subtlety that was taken.

A movie was making multi-millions around the world. It would send wrong signals for the Creeds to keep their facade of being just at the bare minimum of a millionaire.

Due to Alexander's timely reminder, the adults of the household had to cease their interview plans and come up with other solutions for their problems.

The topic of moving houses and increasing security became the top of the list.

"Where should we move?!" Sullivan initiated when the house moving became a bit of a guaranteed thing.

"How about India?!" Mark proposed.

"I'm fine with that." "Not a problem!" The grandpa and grandson duo crowded out their agreement.

"How about the house we have now?" Little Alexander asked in concern.

"We have a lot of memories with your grandma and mother here, so we keep it and just return when all of this peskiness blows over."

Thus, their little volley of words continued. They've pretty much gotten used to these meetings since young Alex became extremely enthusiastic about making money, building businesses, and producing movies.

"Wouldn't going overseas directly be a bit overboard? I get that most of the post-production is stationed there but all of the filming processes are still done here."

"Good point!"

"I guess we can also buy a place that is a lot nicer and has a whole lot of privacy."

"How about we just commission someone to build something for us?"

"Wouldn't that take a lot of time for a stopgap solution when we would just go back to this old house anyway?"

"India is a temporary getaway. The old house would be an empty shell. While a much securer house should be the one with a bit of lasting power."


"Have you really forgotten about the recent constructions we've ordered already? We're building the Cosmic headquarters here in Los Angeles but it would still take a few years to finish."

"Do we even need a house when that place is finished? I get the feeling that we will all be stuck in that place just because of our working tendencies."

"Err... no disagreements on that. Good thing I've set aside some plans for the HQ to have accommodations for sleepless meetings and a coffee maker."

"I guess that the new houses we would take at this point are only temporary while this old place and the future headquarters might just be the only things we'd call home."

"Hey, grandpa!" Young Alex took this chance to play a little prank on his calm seniors.

"Yes, Alexander." Sullivan was always one to be curious about his grandson's shenanigans.

"Don't I get money for all of the acting I've done? Why don't I use that for a place of my own?"

"Oh no, you don't! You're staying with us until you are an adult and already have a girlfriend of your own." Mark grew panicked as he did not doubt that his son might just do such a thing. He had to put out demands that would make this bird-leaving-nest scenario on hold.

Unfortunately, he fell into Alexander's trap and all that was left was the payload.

"Great! I'm an adult in mind and I'm pretty famous now, so with a little effort I could get a girlfriend easy-peasy. Check and check on your requirements. All I needs is the check for my lovely home where I will always make out with my girlfriend." The boy nodded as if it was a matter that won't even break his sweat.

"Even though it's a bit weird to have sexual relations as a five-year-old, I can take that weirdness for a chance at the American independence and freedom that everyone longs for." He was exuding a dreamy demeanor that his prank subjects could somewhat see the American flag behind the boy. It was waving along with exploding fireworks as if to support the boy's search for freedom.

The adults were having metaphorical nosebleeds and heart attacks at their little junior's too mature of a joke.

"Haha! Just kidding. Loosen up, would ya?! That is still far away in the future. We are raking a lot of money as we speak, so with mo' money be happy!!" Although Alexander took pride in his mature mindset, his childish tendencies would still show from time to time.

Mark and Sullivan had to exchange looks and sighed in relief at his 'joke'. They were really scared that the boy would go full independence and be an uncontrollable force of unnaturalness.

They were also spoiled and unruly at some point in their childhood but it would just be a terrifying thing for young Alex to do so as well.

It wasn't worrying for the boy to go on his own. It was the people that he would interact with that they would feel pity on.

These were one of the few moments that the little devil would play around but his playing around was just too outlandish and money-grubbing that they would feel pity for those he would meet.

With that out of the way, their moving plans were undergone. They were too efficient that the pesky people they were trying to avoid were having a hard time coping.

Shooting went on as expected but the winnings from Kid Psychic were really spiking to unexpected levels.

This is just going to be plain horrendous, silly, and more disgusting than my main trashy work.

You've been warned!

UniVerseLessOnecreators' thoughts