
Hollowed Heart

The world had never been on his side, despite his struggles on keeping his loved ones safe, the cruel world decided to end his life in that instant. But even then, his life did not end... More rather, it became quite a surprise. ============ Each chapter will have 4k - 6k Words Only Chapter 1 and 2 have less then 4k Words

Solemn_Ark · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Strange Occurrence

[Hollowed Heart]




"H-huh... HUH!?!? WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!?!?"

Alvouma's Zanpakutō is directly aimed at the neck of Iazkari. Iazkari had a wry smile, forgetting how Alvouma would react if he suddenly appeared an Arrancar rather than a Gillian. He raised his hands up before giving her a reply.

"It's me, Iazkari."

With his plain and blunt reply to her question, Alvouma's brain suddenly went into a malfunctioning state. Iazkari swore that he saw steam escaping her ears.


Baffled by the sudden change, even Iazkari had to agree with her statement. Soon enough, he had a talk with her for an entire day, telling her about what had happened and how Iazkari suddenly became an Arrancar in an instant.

"... So, some sort of overpowered kid popped out of nowhere, nearly beat your ass but failed miserably and got eaten by you, and your power skyrocketed that it made you turn from Fishbone to Vasto Lorde, and out of nowhere you slammed your head on a rock, breaking it, and turning you into an Arrancar... I see... LIKE HELL WOULD I BELIEVE THAT!!!"

A bunch of rocks were thrown directly onto his face.

"But it's the truth..."

(Acting: 100)

Iazkari really didn't want anyone to know of his System, nor should they know of his overpowered abilities right now. His goal as of today is to strengthen himself, sharpening his skills and enhancing his combat capabilities to the max.

[System has added Levelling function]

'Huh? Leveling function?'

[Selected skills of the Host's have been granted the Leveling function in order to aid the Host in increasing his power]

[Skills chosen are]


[Modified Reflex]


[Infinite Regeneration]


[Spirit Blade]

[Enhanced Defense]

[Spatial Distortion]


[Due to mistakes done by the System, the skills were meant to be granted as soon as you turned to an Arrancar, however, some disturbance and error had caused the System to fail in notifying the Host about it]

'... Just how faulty is this System?'

Iazkari could only sigh, now knowing that his system also has problems. He looks at the currently confused Alvouma and he decided to give her a tease to further prove that he is Iazkari.

"Still not believing that I'm Iazkari?"

Alvouma looks at him, obviously not believing anything that he might say.

"Of course! There are still a few things that Iazkari knows that you wouldn't-"

"Does me knowing about your moan-like yawns seem like enough proof?"

Immediately, she was silenced. Her face turned bright red in embarrassment, now realizing that the words that came from Iazkari now escaped from a handsome pale haired man. Iazkari could only sigh.

"I have questions, but right now, you certainly need rest."

He goes towards Alvouma before carrying her and bringing her to the bed. He placed her gently before placing her make-shift blanket over her body.

"Why are you... Doing this?"

Iazkari only sat down and looked at Alvouma before giving her a smile.

"Winter is coming... And being in this cave would probably make you shiver. One thing I know, Hueco Mundo isn't some icy land... It's more of a desert, right? And from what you said back then, it's also cold due to the fact that it's always night."

Alvouma nods at his words. Iazkari smiled before looking at the cave entrance.

"Unlike in Hueco Mundo, the coldness of today will be quite... Well, cold. Rest here, I'll go outside and get used to this body real quick."

Iazkari went outside and looked at his current clothing. Before going inside the cave, he was pretty much naked, so he needed some sort of cover for his body. He was lucky when he found Alvouma's old cloak and decided to wear it before meeting her. But now, he needed some real clothing.

'Considering that I'm practically invisible... Stealing clothes should be a piece of cake, right?'


A smile had crept up, he was now well prepared to commit theft... Not that it's the first time he did it. He left for the closest clothing shop and saw a bunch of clothes. He walked around, observing to find what clothes he should wear. It took him a quick while, but he finally found his perfect choice of clothing. A pair of black leather shoes, black pants that is buckled with a black belt that has a silver buckle, a white long sleeve polo paired with a black vest and black necktie, he then drapes a black suit over his shoulders like some kind of billionaire or something.

"Hehe... Quite the style."

[The Host's style of dressing seems odd.]

'My style of clothing does not need your opinion. Also, will these clothes be seen like it's floating?'


[The moment the Host wore the clothes, it immediately turned into a type of Spirit clothing and have become a spiritual entity.]

'I see... Quite useful.'

He then walked out of the clothing store without marking any suspicion. He couldn't help but smile in satisfaction due to his current set of clothes. He breathed in and out before looking at the bustling city of Karakura. From a smile to a grin, Iazkari had built up a plan in his mind that only he knows of. Whatever the plan is however... Remains unknown even to the likes of geniuses.




[Hollowed Heart]




Iazkari stood on front of Karakura highschool. It is currently 13th day of November, more specifically, Wednesday. He stood there, waiting for the school to end in order to see Cerlona and Asamine.

The time for school has ended and the sun has begun to fall. Students slowly ooze out of the school and towards their homes, awaiting the day that Christmas begins. Iazkari saw Cerlona and Asamine, and the first to catch a glimpse of him... Was Asamine herself. Her eyes widen is surprise, shocked to see him after such a long time. Iazkari gestured her to go to him. And much to Cerlona's dismay, she was forcefully dragged by Asamine.




[Hollowed Heart]




[Asamine Pov]

Was that him? Was that really Kari-nii? I need to know. I have to know!

My instincts took over my body as I forcefully dragged Cerlona in the process as well. I followed the man who looked like Iazkari, wanting to truly know if he certainly is the one I always knew.

I reached the abandoned factory, a place that he went to. As Cerlona had finally woken up from the sudden dragging, she grips me by the collar and begins to violently shake me.


Once she stopped shaking me, I gave off a not so loud answer to her.

"I think... I found Kari-nii."

Cerlona froze in shock, unable to believe my words.

"Y... Your serious?"

I nodded, but right now, we need to confirm. Although before we could even begin to talk to each other, a voice had interrupted us... One that is heavily similar to Kari-nii.

"Seems that you both have become quite similar to sisters... Hello, Asa-chan, Luna-chan... I'm back."

Once he gave a smile, I knew immediately that it is him. Iazkari... I was under the impression that he had died at first, but when I remembered the time that mysterious creature saved us, telling us about Iazkari feeling upset if we had been in danger, I wanted to believe that he is alive. But right now, I lunged at him and tackled him with a hug. For the first time in my life, I had sobbed quite heavily. Cerlona had done the same, hugging him, and sobbing. Both of us had missed him, very much.

"So... I'm sorry for taking so long..."




[Hollowed Heart]




Right now, us 3 sat on makeshift chairs, telling Iazkari about how our life had went... Although not without complaining to him about how long he took just to be with us. He laughed nervously, unable to tell us whatever he went through. Although I understood him... It might've been a hellish journey, just like our life had been long ago.

"How have you been? Did you reject boys who asked you out? Come on, tell me about it."

"Hmph! Every boy that asked us out were rejected, brutally! No mercy from both of us!"

Cerlona says with such proudness in herself, Iazkari however, only looked as if he had accidentally created a demon.

"H-how many boys exactly?"

"Hmm... I think it was about... 1... 2... 3..."

Cerlona began to count, but I gave out an answer before she could. Although quite hesitantly.

"47 for Cerlona... And 26 for me."

He sat silently, as if thinking about everything that he had done. However, he only sighed and smiled at us.

"I guess I got worried too much... Glad to see both of you have grown up."

He then patted our heads, giving both Cerlona and I the same sensation of bliss. 4, years... I had been deprived of such a blissful sensation for 4years... And now, that sensation had returned... Oh how I wish I could pounce on Iazkari and have him br- AHEM!!! CONTROL YOURSELF ASAMINE!!!

I slapped my cheeks, startling both Cerlona and Iazkari. I only chuckled in embarrassment, realizing I had thought of such a lewd activity with Iazkari... I'm still a growing lady... Maybe if I turn 18 I could ask Iazkari to do those 'things' with me.

{Her personality... Exceeds how I even wanted to make her}

"It's getting dark, you guys should go back to the Kurosaki's now."


Both of us were quite surprised, what did he mean by that?

He gave us a smile, and looked at the still rising moon.

"... Luna... Asa... I'm... No longer alive."

Our eyes widened, utterly baffled of his words. Him? Dead? But, isn't he standing in front of us?

"You might not understand... But the day that huge monster had saved you... I was... Already dead."

Our eyes widened. Cerlona stood up, letting out what her thoughts held.

"But... Aren't you standing right here!? How could you be dead!?"

He chuckled and looked at Cerlona, giving her a pat on her head. He crouched down to her level and made her look at him.

"Well, either way... Dead or not, I'll always be beside you, my little sister."

Tears fell from Cerlona's eyes, so did mine. Considering her boldness, she had done so ethi g completely unexpected. Iazkari's eyes widened, and so did mine. Cerlona... Had outright kissed Iazkari!?!?

Iazkari wanted to push her away a bit, knowing full well that such a relationship would be sneered upon, but Cerlona relented. Her kiss had gotten more genuine. I swear that I saw her tongue a bit. Since when did she get so bold?


Once her lips parted from Iazkari's, a line of saliva that connected their mouths became visible. Iazkari remained in awe at her action, but Cerlona only gave him a smile.

"Thank you, Kari-nii."

Iazkari could only chuckled, unable to give a proper response to Cerlona.

"How bold have you become..."

I could only sit down and look at Cerlona in awe. At that moment, I became jealous of her... That's right, she took the kiss of the one person she and I swore to share with. HOW COULD SHE!?




[Hollowed Heart]




[If the Host is worried about an incestual relationship with his Sister, the Host should remember that he is now an Arrancar, completely different from a-]


While Cerlona is in bliss and Asamine is suffering in depression, Iazkari, is having a mental breakdown. Who had corrupted his innocent and lovable sister's mind? If he found them, he swears to destroy them.

But right now he places the current troubles on a later date and talk to Alvouma about something.

"Can you tell me more about Hueco Mundo?"

This pretty much surprised Alvouma, considering that this is the first time Iazkari has requested such a topic. Her expression became solemn, yet serious. She sighed and began to explain.

"Hueco Mundo is the home of all Hollows, it doesn't matter how big or small that Hollow is, Hueco Mundo will forever be their home.

But the most dangerous part of Hueco Mundo itself is an enormous castle that lays on the sandy land of Hueco Mundo. The castle is named Las Noches{Spanish for "The Nights"} and is currently under the rule of a Vasto Lorde known as Baraggan. Although according to Alvouma, it would seem as if the one ruling over Las Noches isn't Baraggan anymore. Iazkari had his suspicions, but decided to think about it on a later date.

"So Hueco Mundo... It isn't safe at all, is it?"

She nodded at his words. Although instead of being disheartened, it would seem that such dangers had enlightened his feel for satisfaction. This is Iazkari's view, after being turned to an Arrancar. Danger is equal to satisfaction. As he says.

"But, that won't stop me from going in there... You don't mind going with me, do you?"

At first, Alvouma wanted to decline, but after his change in appearance and looking more like a damn model- no scratch that, he looks like a god that descended from heaven with the handsomeness level of Divine!

(Iazkari finds himself basic, not like Alvouma with her... Exceptional delusions)

"F-fine... I'll go with you."

"Thank you!"

A thanks and a smile that seemed to brighten the entire cave like a blinding light. This completely captivated Alvouma.

"Do you know how to open a Garganta though?"

Iazkari then gets curious.

"A... Gar- what?"

Alvouma giggles, realizing how he still has no idea how to open a Garganta.

(Do remember that he stayed in the Human Realm for his entire life as a Hollow.)

"All you need to do is this."

She swung her hand on an empty space of air, and soon, a sudden rupture in the air opens, revealing the dark and empty space of the Garganta.

"... Holy hell."

Words that contradict each other to the max came out of Iazkari's mouth. Iazkari looks at the opening and then back to Alvouma.

"Shall we go?"

Giving him a smile as she said it. Iazkari gave her a smile before giving out his reply.

"Why not? Let's go."

Both then entered the ruptured realm. Iazkari observes the entire space and realized that there is nothing to stand on, so he is quite confused on how he is standing until Alvouma spoke out.

"If your confused, I'll tell you. Your standing on a Spirit Particle platform made by me, you can make your own if you want, and if you don't know how, just follow me from behind."

Iazkari only gave out a nod and followed Alvouma who started running forward.

After a short few minutes of running, the 2 of them eventually see an opening. Both he and Alvouma jump in the opening, allowing them to see where they are in.

Once Iazkari opened his eyes, he saw the dark sky of Hueco Mundo. He looked around and became confused, where the hell did Alvouma go? Alvouma was nowhere to be found. In an attempt to find her, he tried to detect her Spiritual Pressure. Much to his dismay, he didn't find her Spiritual Pressure anywhere.

"How did... How did she vanish like that?"

[Something seemed to have caused Alvouma's disappearance.]

'Anyone would come to that conclusion once they go through the same situation as I did.'

(My dear Iazkari, almost only 5% of the stories that I've read had concluded the same thing as you did.)

Iazkari, willing to search for Alvouma and discover the land of Hueco Mundo, began to journey the sandy mountains. He looked around a lot of times but had no progress in ever finding her. This is only the first few days of Iazkari's journey in Hueco Mundo, he still has plenty of time before... Before facing the entirety of the Ryuki family.

He sighed and decided to instead, grow stronger in his current location... But something tells me he isn't in Hueco Mundo.




[Hollowed Heart]





Alvouma, who had stepped into the land of Hueco Mundo, arrived without being able to find Iazkari by her side. When she arrived, she looked behind her and saw her Garganta close before she saw Iazkari, which confused her. At first she figured that he might have gone out before her, so she began finding him. But after... Hours of searching, she had gotten worried of her friend.

'Where the hell is he!?'

She didn't want to leave him behind, but knowing how dangerous it is in Hueco, she had no choice but to leave. Why is she abandoning him? There was something that Iazkari had told her before, something about not risking her life to find him in case he randomly disappears.

But in her heart, she swore that she'll find him. Even if it may take years, she swore to herself that she will find Iazkari no matter the obstacle.

"Damn it! Why did he have to vanish now... Tsk, I have to get back."

Once her Garganta had her reach the outside of her cave, she stopped, frozen in her steps as she witnessed what had happened in front of her. Countless Soul Reapers had gathered around the cave that she and Iazkari rested in.

"Huh? What... What's going on?"

She decided to run away, knowing full well that she wouldn't win against a huge number if Soul Reapers... Much less a Captain. That's right, she faintly saw a Captain's Haori inside the cave. To keep herself safe, she had to hide somewhere... Somewhete that isn't Karakura.




[Hollowed Heart]




[Iazkari Pov]

Things had gotten odd... A month had passed ever since I got her and I can't find any signs of Hollows. Even the underground tunnel thing that I went to had no Hollows. I became utterly confused... Where am I?

That was just on the first week, but now I decided to train myself.


Name: Iazkari Seurve

Age: 29

Race: Arrancar

Rank: Awakened

{200% Total Status and Spirit Power Boost}


Strength - 3,059 (10+)

Dexterity - 5,110 (30+)

Constitution - 3,090

Intelligence - 4,693

Spirit Power: 15,833,150 (30,000+)

Status Points: 1,600



- First to exist, first to conquer. The world trembles under your presence. The Abyss is ruled by you, the essence of Death does not affect you, the concept of Life dares not to disturb you. [Range of [Call of the Abyssal Crypt], [Call of the Dark], & [Endless Abyss] is increased by 5,000,000,000×] [Cooldown of [Call of the Abyssal Crypt], [Call of the Dark], & [Endless Abyss] is reduced to 0 seconds]


[Spiritual Pressure Distortion]

- Continuously distort hints of Spiritual Pressure surrounding the Host to hide their presence.

[Enhanced Defence] [Lv. 20]

- Increases passive defence by 20%.

[Modified Reflex] [Lv. 10]

- Grants the user better instinct and reflex.


- Enemies below 80% of the Host's total Spirit Power will feel weakened and insights fear within them. {Disabled}

[Herald of Death]

- When against fearful opponents, overall power and stats is boosted by 500%.

[Infinite Regeneration] [Lv. Max]

- Turns the Host Nigh-Immortal by rapidly regenerating every part of the Host's body. Will work even if only an atom of the Host remains.

[Sonido] [Lv. 1]

- The Host's speed is increased, making him appear as if teleporting from 1 location to another despite only running at extremely high speeds. {Enormous Speed increase} {Flash Step}

[Hierro] [Lv. 1]

- Enhances the Host's body durability.


[Iron Body]

- Enhances body durability by 50% at the cost of Reiatsu. {1 Minute Duration} {20 Seconds Cooldown}

[Reiatsu Burst]

- Cause an eruption of your own Reiatsu, pushing away any opponents or attacks from the Host. {20 Seconds Cooldown}

[Spirit Blade] [Lv. 67]

- Imbue Spirit Energy into blades to strengthen their power or unleash arc-shaped blasts to opponents. {10 Seconds Cooldown}


- Hides the Host's presence, allowing more quiet movements. {1 Minute Duration} {30 Seconds Cooldown}


- Boosts the Host's speed by 5x through 1 dash. {10 Charges} {1 Minute Charge Recovery}

[Call of the Abyssal Crypt]

- Creates a domain that encloses targets within, protecting allies and endangering enemies by summoning fallen souls.

[Call of the Dark]

- Create a dome of pure darkness that devours even light itself. Cancels the use of light aspected abilities.

[Endless Abyss]

- Imprison targeted entity in a world filled with nothing. Immobilizes targets for a certain period of time depending on their Spirit Power.

[Cero] [Lv. 1]

- Distort space with the Host's Spirit Power and blast a powerful beam capable of destroying anything in its path.

[Spatial Distortion] [Lv. 1]

- Distorts the space around the Host, hiding his presence and Spiritual Pressure perfectly.

[Abyssal Cero]

- A Cero capable of sending entities hit by this Cero into the Abyss.


[Lucky Draw]



'Ah, right... Status points.'

[Allocated 1,000 SP into Dexterity]

[Allocated 600 SP into Strength]

'That should do... Seriously, where the hell am I?'

Iazkari couldn't help but ask himself if he really is in Hueco Mundo or some other place that looks like Hueco Mundo. He decided to travel around.

After an entire hour of walking around, he saw nothing that resembled Las Noches. The entire area was a barren wasteland aside from the underground... Nevermind, both are wastelands of their own degree.

He sighed, realizing that he is stuck in some unknown place, unable to find a way to escape. At first, he would've given up, but after remembering his Cerlona, Asamine, and Alvouma, he couldn't help but persevere and do his best in finding the exit of the world. At first, he tried to open a garganta like how Alvouma did, although a small rupture did open, it closed once Iazkari's hand reached a certain distance near it. This allow d Iazkari to confirm that something, or someone, had trapped him in a parallel world.


Yelling out loud certainly could have helped, but nothing had replied. Although his intuition might be right, yelling won't do the trick to have that individual that trapped him.

"Agh... A month has passed and time is straying away... I need to get out of here."

[That won't do]

The sudden change of voice of the System had caught Iazkari's attention, shocked at the words that it said.

[Getting out of this place isn't easy~]

[But if you wish to get out, I have a task for you...]

"... Tell me... Now."

His tone had become serious, not wanting to waste anymore time than he did.

[The task is simple... Find the core of this parallel world, and cease it's existence... Permanently.]

This had surprised Iazkari. He didn't know there was such a core in the world that he is in, and seemed eager to destroy it in order to escape.

"Where can I find it?"

[Within the Parallel Menos Forest, deep in its depths, you should be able to find the core.]

And with that set, he took off, finding the path where he fell into the Menos Forest. This would be his final chance, but his desperation had made a thought that was engraved in his mind slip. A trick. The change of voice of the System was clear, it might have done something to the entire System itself. But for Iazkari, he had to find a way to escape.

His choice however... Might make him stuck in this alternate dimension for a longer time than he might have thought... Perhaps.

"Quite eager, he didn't even think about what consequences he might gain if he were to destroy the core... How sad."

In the depths of the Abyss, a humanoid figure spoke as he observed Iazkari. A smile crept up his face... A sinister grin then followed.




[Hollowed Heart]

I apologize for the late update. Distractions had occured and my stupidity led to this late chapter.

Compensation has failed, I heavily apologize.

Feel free to place your opinions, whether good or not, it'll help me learn as an aspiring writer.

Solemn_Arkcreators' thoughts