
Hollowed Heart

The world had never been on his side, despite his struggles on keeping his loved ones safe, the cruel world decided to end his life in that instant. But even then, his life did not end... More rather, it became quite a surprise. ============ Each chapter will have 4k - 6k Words Only Chapter 1 and 2 have less then 4k Words

Solemn_Ark · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

An Unavoidable Situation

It has been only a single hour ever since he became a Hollow, but even in that simple hour he has gone rouge like a predator chasing its prey.


[First steps as a Hollow]

- Devour 100 Souls [28/100]

- Devour a Hollow{Optional} [0/1]


He wasn't too fast, but he certainly is faster than the average human being. He chased down souls of animals again and again until he began to notice his own Spiritual Pressure growing.

"System, show me my Spirit Power previously and show how much have been added through the souls I devoured."


[Spirit Power: 500]

[+28 Spirit Power]

[Current Spirit Power: 528]

"I see... So the more Souls I devour the more Spirit Power I gain... That's fun." The thought of devouring a soul after another didn't really give him a feeling of ease in his mind, although the thought of being able to kill without concerns of cops finding out certainly gave him joy.

"Oh wait, these souls give 1 Spirit Power?"

[Certain Souls give different Spirit Power, however, due to the lack of exposure with entities with higher Spirit Power, they slowly lose their over all Spirit Power, this granting the Host only 1 Spirit Power upon consumption.]

"I see..." He thought for awhile before going back to his hunt for souls. Busy as he is, he had not noticed the foreign Spiritual Pressure from a far distance. One that observed him as he continued to devour souls of the fallen animals.

"Interesting... A Hollow who's Spiritual Pressure is hidden even when exposed... I wonder how strong it is..." The figure soon disappeared, unable to be found on the same place again.

Iazkari continues to devour souls as notification from the System continues to ring as he gains more Spirit Power.

[+1 Spirit Power]

[+1 Spirit Power]

[+1 Spirit Power]

[+1 Spirit Power]

[+1 Spirit Power]

[+1 Spirit Power]

"That's 6 souls down!" He continues his own rampage around the forest, still unable to notice the figure that observed him from behind.

[+1 Spirit Power]

[+1 Spirit Power]

[+1 Spirit Power]

[+1 Spirit Power]

He continues to gain more Spirit Power, however, the same observer halts him of his progress.

"I should stop you right here Hollow." This man wore a black shihakusho and a black hakama with a katana tied on the left side of his waist.

"... Who are you?" Iazkari asks the mysterious man, curious as to who he truly is. However, mentally, he is panicking.

"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit! That damned weapon is more than enough of a proof of him being a fighter!" If anyone could hear his thoughts, they'd be questioning how he even became a Hollow at this point.

"I am a Soul Reaper, one sent here to kill you." The Soul Reaper dashes to me at fast speeds. Out of pure instinct, Iazkari jumped and avoided his death. Knowing he can't win in his current situation, he tries to run away.

"Well, this ain't a good situation."

[New Quest Gained]



[Defeat the Soul Reaper]

- Defeat the enemy Soul Reaper [0/1]

Rewards: 10 SP, [Iron Body]


"YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!?" The sudden quest and it's task was more than enough to make Iazkari panic even more. The Soul Reaper continues to chase him down at the same speed... Surprisingly.

"You're not going anywhere! Hado 31: Shakkaho!" The Soul Reaper blasts a ball of fire towards Iazkari who merely went to the side and dodged the attack. Once the attack made contact with the wall in front of him, he knew he could have died if I hit.

"What the hell was that!? Also what is with its ridiculous damage!?" While running, he looks around to find a way to hide. On the way, he finds an alley and immediately goes in despite his ridiculous size. The Soul Reaper could only smirk as he found his advantage.

"You only got yourself trapped you damned Hollow!" He dashes further and goes in the alley, easily spotting the Hollow who ran.

"You're not going anywhere anymore!" He jumps up and attacks with an overhead slash. Iazkari fails to dodge and losses his arm, causing him to roar in pain. In pure desperation, he swings his arm blade but fails as the Soul Reaper was too fast. However, he saw a certain advantage when the Soul Reaper did a stance.

"Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, ma-" The Soul Reaper did a chant, however, he was foolish to believe that a Hollow would not take the chance to kill him in his state. The Soul Reaper was cut in half, separating his upper and lower body, by Iazkari.

"Don't think I'm an idiot you damned Soul Reaper!" Iazkari exclaims as he cut the Soul Reaper. Once the body of the Soul Reaper fell, he gazed at it, distracted at how bloody he got. However, that focus was soon cut off by the notification of his System.

[Quest Finished]

[[Iron Body]] x1

[+10 Status Points]

[+250 Spirit Power]



[Hollow System]

Name: Iazkari Seurve

Age: 25

Race: Hollow

Rank: Fishbone {Grade 5} [Required Spirit Power to evolve (788/200,000)]


Strength - 5

Dexterity - 5

Constitution - 10

Intelligence - 10

Spirit Power: 788

Status Points: 10


[Spiritual Pressure Distortion]

- Continuously distort hints of Spiritual Pressure surrounding the Host to hide their presence.


[Iron Body]

- Enhances body durability by 50% at the cost of Reiatsu. {60 Second Duration}


"10 SP... System, put 5 on Strength and Constitution."


Name: Iazkari Seurve

Age: 25

Race: Hollow

Rank: Fishbone {Grade 5} [Required Spirit Power to evolve (500/200,000)]


Strength - 5 > 10

Dexterity - 5

Constitution - 10 > 15

Intelligence - 10

Spirit Power: 788

Status Points: 10 > 0


[Spiritual Pressure Distortion]


[Iron Body]


"Alright, now that's some progress..." Iazkari looks at the blood on the ground for a bit before leaving. The blood is the only proof of the battle, why? Even if Iazkari knew or not, the [Spiritual Pressure Distortion] Skill of his affects all of those who are within a 50 meters radius from Iazkari himself.

"Now, time to continue by quest that was disturbed." Iazkari mentally stated before rushing back to the Forest.

"With Iron Body, I could last even longer in certain battles... But I should remain hidden for now." He says to himself. However, his recent battle had caught the attention of an organization of another realm... The Soul Society.

[Hollowed Heart]

"Are you serious!? A Hollow that can hide its spiritual Pressure!?" A Soul Reaper exclaimed in shock to his subordinates, not being able to believe that such a Hollow exists.

"Could he be like Grand Fisher? That Hollow pretty much stayed out of our radar for a long while." Another one stated.

"No, it's really unbelievable... But this Hollow actually can hide its spiritual pressure. One of the Squad 7 members took off to do this mission and failed. Apparently, his life was taken as he fought the Hollow." Another Soul Reaper stated with his words bare of emotion.

"The Hollow itself isn't a threat, however, anyone we send will have a hard time to find where this Hollow is." The same Soul Reaper said.

"I wonder if any of the captains would make a move..." One of the Soul Reapers wondered as he fiddled with his Katana.

"As if, this Hollow isn't strong at all. The only noticable and dangerous thing about this Hollow is how he can hide his Spiritual Pressure." A Soul Reaper said with irritation.

The Soul Reapers of Soul Society, aside from the higher ranks, have begun to gossip about the Hollow. But despite such a seemingly weak Hollow gaining the attention of another realm, it also gained the attention of a specific individual.

A man who wore glasses with his black shihakusho and black hakama paired with a white haori with a print on its back. He halts his steps and looks at the view from where he is. A smile crept up his face as he thought.

"Interesting... Quite interesting..." He then continued walking. A Hollow that can hide its own Spiritual Pressure and hide other's Spiritual Pressure when close... That is certainly terrifying if that Hollow could become stronger than he is now... And he can become even stronger.

[Hollowed Heart]

[Quest Finished]

[[Enhanced Defence]] x1

[x10 Status Points]

"Hmm... Alright, System."


Name: Iazkari Seurve

Age: 25

Race: Hollow

Rank: Fishbone {Grade 5} [Required Spirit Power to evolve (849/200,000)]


Strength - 10

Dexterity - 5

Constitution - 15

Intelligence - 10

Spirit Power: 788 > 849

Status Points: 10


[Spiritual Pressure Distortion]

[Enhanced Defence]

- Increases passive defence by 20%.


[Iron Body]


"Good... First few skills, aside from the bonus reward which I couldn't really find a way to get after that encounter with a Soul Reaper, have been more focused on defence... Oh well. System, place all my SP on Dexterity."


Name: Iazkari Seurve

Age: 25

Race: Hollow

Rank: Fishbone {Grade 5} [Required Spirit Power to evolve (849/200,000)]


Strength - 10

Dexterity - 5 > 15

Constitution - 15

Intelligence - 10

Spirit Power: 788 > 849

Status Points: 10 > 0


[Spiritual Pressure Distortion]

[Enhanced Defence]


[Iron Body]


"Alright, this should be enough for me to last a longer time in battles. My speed is... Let's see." Iazkari prepared to do a quick dash. As soon as he dashed, he felt the big difference, and nearly stumbled due to the sudden change of speed.

"Ack!" He fell face first, not able to stop himself from hitting the ground due to the speed.

"Now that's a good improvement." He stood and began to do other things for himself.

A story of a Hollow continues to drive! HAHAHAHAHAHA

Pretty sure not many expected this. I'm not even sure I can make this last more than 50 chapters. Even so, not all expects me to make this an instant masterpiece anyway. Iazkari Seurve won't be your typical dense and idiotic MCs. I made him with a certain type of characteristic that can be hated or loved or something else. Anyway, enjoy reading!

Solemn_Arkcreators' thoughts