
Hollow in a Magic World

A serial killer who has been sentenced to death somehow ends up in a magic world as a hollow. Read the dark tales of a man who doesn't consider humans as anything more than food to make himself stronger.

Eaglestriker_22 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
51 Chs

A Rival is Born

General POV:

Five figures step through the weyline, each nodding at each other before taking off in various directions. They were warned beforehand what to expect, and to their disbelief, found the warnings to be true. Demonic residue was everywhere, with desolate cities all across the planet. With the demon nowhere to be found. 

One of these figures ran through the remains of a mid-sized town. As he entered the smoldering ruins, he could sense someone with mana nearby. With a newfound hope, he glided towards its source as fast as he could. 

From the sky, he saw the wreckage of a forest before him. In all his years with the church, he'd never seen many demons capable of such devastation. Sensing he was near the presence, he gracefully lands near a knocked over tree. Using a skill, he easily picks up the tree and tosses it aside to reveal the battered form of a brown-haired girl underneath. 

Looking at her, he knew she was in a bad shape, and they had to act fast. Touching two fingers to his temple, he sends out a communication to the rest of the members on his team. Within seconds, they teleport to his location. 

A woman steps forward, placing her hands on the girl gently as a light glow surrounds her. Stepping back, the girl's body begins to float in the air as they head back to the weyline, discussing their findings along the way.

Robin POV:

A soothing sensation fills my body, and also calms my aching headache as I slowly open my eyes. I could remember being in the decimated woods under a tree. Instead, I was in a white room with multiple other beds and a warm sensation flowing through my body.

Sitting up, I look down find all my injuries were healed as memories from what happened before coming back to me. Tears go down my face as I quickly wipe them away as the door opens. A woman in a long, black dress wearing a white head covering comes in who clearly notices my tears. Without saying a word, she comes over and embraces me into a hug. Although she's a complete stranger, her hug comfort me and I begin crying once again. 

The woman pats my back, "There, there child. Let it out." I continue in her arms for another couple of minutes before I break from her hug. Sitting back, she introduces herself.

"I am Sister Mary, a member of the church of Luminous. I'm here to check if any injuries remain. If not, I am to lead you to the current man in charge as he wishes to speak with you. Is that all right with you?" She explains, to which I nod my head. For the next few minutes, she spends that time checking my various limbs and organs through spells to see if they properly healed. 

Seeing that I was fine, she began ushering me through the building. Staying close to her, I watched the various men and women walk past us in their uniform, each person looking just as serious as the last. Going up the stairs to the second floor, I find that it's much scarcer than the first. We walk down the long hallway for a couple of minutes until we reach a large mahogany door.

As she motions towards the door but makes no attempt herself to enter, hesitantly, I push open the door. A man behind a massive desk, who was just prior doing paperwork, looks up at me. He was a tall, skinny man, with short, neat brown hair and glasses. I couldn't place it, but there was an aura around him, that gave off a vibe of authority. I didn't dare speak until he did first. 

"Good afternoon, Miss....?" He pauses as he waits to hear my name. 

"Robin." I respond after a moment as I finally realize what he wants. 

"Miss. Robin. You may refer to me as Priest Rowland. First, I'd like to express my condolences on everything that you've gone through. The church is here to offer their support in any way to aid in your recovery." He says with a solemn look and I resist the urge to begin crying again. 

"Th-thank you." I manage to choke out. After the little blunder, I take a couple of deep breaths which help me calm down as I know he's definitely an important man who I'm talking to right now. He no doubt notices the struggle that I've just went through and was patiently waiting before continuing. 

"As much as I'd hate to do this, we the church require your assistance. The demon that attacked your planet, is... unusual to say the least. We lack sufficient information on the demon; therefore, I'd hate for you to relive the terrible moments that you went through, but if you could provide us with a description of the demon, we would be in your debt." He says.

Memories of that terrible demon flash through my mind for a brief second. I think back to how terrified I was in that fight and hate myself for being so weak. I think back to myself laying in that forest with the tree on top of me, wishing for death. Now, only one emotion is present when I think about the demon, the need for revenge. As he was once again waiting for me to go through my mental struggle, he's surprised to hear my newfound courage as I describe the demon in detail.

After I'm done, I can see by his face, he is less than thrilled at the information given.

"Now, not to doubt your testimony, are you sure it's that tall?" He asks in disbelief.

"I swear it." I respond unfazed by his skepticism. 

He sighs, sitting back in his chair. "Well. Thats a problem. But our concern to deal with now. You've been most helpful Miss Robin. If you'll kindly follow Sister Mary, she'll escort you to the nearest recovery weyline." He says as he picks up his pen and begins writing once again. 

"Recovery?" I ask.

"Yes ma'am. You've been through a very traumatic experience. Our recovery weyline offers the best in therapeutic techniques that will help you get back on your feet. On a safeguarded planet of course." He explains.

His words sounded wrong to me. That didn't sound like something I wanted to do. Before I got up, I searched within myself for an answer to what I wanted to do. There was only one answer.

"Wait. You said that the church would owe me, right?" I ask.

"Yes?" He responds as one of his eyebrows arches, wondering where I was going with this.

"Then I want to work with the church. I want to be the one to kill that demon." I say with my resolve steeled. 

He puts his pen down and stares me in the eyes, not saying anything. I return his gaze adamantly, refusing to back down. After a few seconds, he smirks, "Heh. You'll make a fine addition. Welcome to the church of Luminous, Initiate."