
Hollow Fate: The Beginning

Seventeen-year-old Aaron's world is shattered when he discovers that his friends are not human, and the girl he loves, Michelle Mercy, is engaged to another. As he struggles with the harsh reality of his fate, Aaron is plunged into a dark and treacherous world filled with demons, angels, dragons, and other supernatural beings. With each step he takes, Aaron is met with daunting challenges and harrowing obstacles that push him to the brink. Desperate to change his fate, he finds himself in a constant battle against powerful forces that seek to control him. As darkness looms over him, Aaron grapples with his own demons and doubts, wondering if he has what it takes to make a difference in this unforgiving world. But with unwavering determination and the unwavering support of his friends, Aaron embarks on a perilous journey to defy his destiny. Along the way, he faces betrayal, heartbreak, and sacrifices that test his very soul. Will Aaron be able to rise above the darkness and carve his own path, or will he be consumed by the shadows that lurk in every corner? Join Aaron as he navigates through a world where nothing is as it seems, and where the line between light and darkness blurs. Discover if he can triumph over the challenges that fate has dealt him and shape his own future, or if he will succumb to the darkness that threatens to swallow him whole.

Percival_Black · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

Unexpected Meltdown (Part 1)

Aaron staggered out of the dojo, feeling battered and defeated. "Guess it's normal to lose when I can't focus," he muttered, limping towards his car. Today had been a sparring session, and luck wasn't on his side.

Approaching his car, still in pain, he was greeted by Adam, who remarked, "Still distracted by Michelle, huh?" Adam appeared with a silver-haired woman, slightly shorter than Aaron but radiating confidence.

She wore torn jeans with a white top and a brown jacket, carrying a backpack. She eyed Aaron up and down before shooting him a friendly smile for a second.

Aaron nodded, acknowledging his struggle. "Who's she?" he asked, curious as he returned the short smile with a short greeting.

"She's here to toughen you up a bit," Adam explained. "In case you get into trouble when we're not around."

"Her name is Layya...a friend," Adam explained.

Confused, Aaron asked, "Help?"

Adam clarified, "She'll make you stronger and more resilient. Think of it as a survival boost."

As they drove back, Aaron introduced himself to the woman named Layya. Arriving home, they were welcomed by Jasmine, who noticed Aaron's bruises. Inside, Dean greeted Layya warmly, while Aaron explained his rough day to Brianne, who noticed his injuries with concern.

Aaron staggered out of the dojo, feeling battered and defeated. "Guess it's normal to lose when I can't focus," he muttered, limping towards his car. Today had been a sparring session, and luck wasn't on his side.

Approaching his car, still in pain, he was greeted by Adam, who remarked, "Still distracted by Michelle, huh?" Adam appeared with a silver-haired woman, slightly shorter than Aaron but radiating confidence.

Aaron nodded, acknowledging his struggle. "Who's she?" he asked, curious.

"She's here to toughen you up a bit," Adam explained. "In case you get into trouble when we're not around."

Confused, Aaron asked, "Help?"

Adam clarified, "She'll make you stronger and more resilient. Think of it as a survival boost."

As they drove back, Aaron introduced himself to the woman named Layya. Arriving home, they were welcomed by Jasmine, who noticed Aaron's bruises. Inside, Dean greeted Layya warmly, while Aaron explained his rough day to Brianne, who noticed his injuries with concern.

Brianne and Michelle's eyes lit up when they saw Layya. Brianne stood up and walked towards her, hugging her. "You look good," said Brianne, with Michelle nodding in agreement.

Layya smiled. "Yes, everything is fine now," she said, turning to Adam. "You said they would be surprised, but this is a warm welcome."

Adam only smiled as he sat down. "Well, I told you, didn't I? You're like family," he said, as Dean smiled.

Jasmine walked in from behind. "What are you supposed to do exactly?" asked Jasmine as she sat down, with everyone following suit.

"I am supposed to make your little friend more durable, just so he can survive a bit longer in case of emergencies," said Layya. Aaron kept quiet; honestly, he was starting to feel a little like a piece of meat that everyone was trying to eat.

Layya looked at him. "The process is excruciatingly painful," she warned. Aaron sighed, resigned to his fate. "Yeah, I understand. Can you excuse me for a moment? I need some fresh air," he requested before leaving the room, seeking solace on the balcony.

'Just when I thought things could get slightly better. This is all so overwhelming. Maybe I am just not cut out for this? Like I was ever cut out for this…' thought Aaron as the wind blew by him.

As Aaron stood on the balcony, his palms were sweaty. Thoughts swirled in his mind, questioning his suitability for the challenges ahead. 'I really don't like pain... Maybe I should just tell them I'll be okay... But if I back out, I'll look even more pathetic...' thought Aaron as the wind blew by him. He was beginning to shake a little from the creeping fear.

Lost in contemplation, Aaron's reverie was interrupted by Michelle's voice, cutting through the silence like a blade. "Are you alright?"

Startled, he turned to face her, his eyes betraying a silent longing. "Michelle…" he uttered, his voice tinged with surprise, before composing himself. "I-I'm fine, just needed to clear my head," he explained, his gaze returning to the sunset. 

Michelle joined him, her presence a balm to his troubled thoughts. 

"So, I'm guessing you wish that everything was as simple as you once thought it was," said Michelle as she turned to look at him.

Aaron looked back at her. "Well, really, my whole being desperately wishes for it to return to normal," said Aaron as he looked at her. Quickly realizing he was staring, he turned his gaze back to the sunset.

Aaron thought back to the conversation he had with his mother. The main thought on his mind was, 'Should he tell her how he feels?' or 'Should he keep his mouth shut and let the moment pass?'

Michelle saw his internal struggle and frowned slightly, an air of curiosity orbiting her as she stared at him. She grabbed his hand gently, but he pulled his hand away before she could fully grasp it.

Aaron felt so torn; he didn't know what to do. "Sorry…I guess I'm still jumpy from the fact that you are a Dragon," said Aaron.

'Liar!' But what else was he supposed to say?

She flinched at the comment. "I understand…I guess I'll see you back inside…" She lowered her hand and turned to walk away.

She only got a couple of steps until he grabbed her wrist; she looked back at him, a little confused and surprised.

Aaron looked at her.

'Are his hands shaking?' Michelle stared at his hand.

"You know, my mother told me something… Yesterday, before she left with my dad, she said that I will never know until I try." Her eyebrows scrunched together, almost as if she was trying to figure out what he was saying.

'Is he that afraid of me?'

He swallowed the lump in his throat before he continued. "Listen, Michelle…" said Aaron, but he saw Adam in the back staring. 

"For a while now, I have felt a certain way about you…." Michelle looked at him.