
Hollow Fate: The Beginning

Seventeen-year-old Aaron's world is shattered when he discovers that his friends are not human, and the girl he loves, Michelle Mercy, is engaged to another. As he struggles with the harsh reality of his fate, Aaron is plunged into a dark and treacherous world filled with demons, angels, dragons, and other supernatural beings. With each step he takes, Aaron is met with daunting challenges and harrowing obstacles that push him to the brink. Desperate to change his fate, he finds himself in a constant battle against powerful forces that seek to control him. As darkness looms over him, Aaron grapples with his own demons and doubts, wondering if he has what it takes to make a difference in this unforgiving world. But with unwavering determination and the unwavering support of his friends, Aaron embarks on a perilous journey to defy his destiny. Along the way, he faces betrayal, heartbreak, and sacrifices that test his very soul. Will Aaron be able to rise above the darkness and carve his own path, or will he be consumed by the shadows that lurk in every corner? Join Aaron as he navigates through a world where nothing is as it seems, and where the line between light and darkness blurs. Discover if he can triumph over the challenges that fate has dealt him and shape his own future, or if he will succumb to the darkness that threatens to swallow him whole.

Percival_Black · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

Adjusting (Part 4)

Lucifer did something to piss off the Dragons," Aaron listened intently. "He tried to take over Ailiand. Needless to say, the Dragons didn't take that lightly. Lucifer himself destroyed nearly forty percent of the Dragon population and killed quite a few of the Taynium Dragons, dealing the Dragons a heavy blow. Even the Queen was all but defeated. We thought that we would win, so my father offered to continue the charge. Lucifer didn't care and let him take over, thinking that the Dragons would not be able to strike back, but before they knew what was happening…"

"THAT Dragon showed up. It's something I will never forget… He fought against my father. At that time, my father was rank six in hell, one of the strongest Devils… yet, the fight was so… one-sided. Draca killed my father and attacked Lucifer. Their battle shook the realm of the dragons. It was a violent battle… but," Adam stopped to gather his thoughts and swallowed the lump in his throat.

"In the end, Lucifer lost and was pushed back. No other Devil dared attack Draca La Cura. He didn't look the least bit winded as opposed to Lucifer. I lost my father that day and we lost every soldier on the field. He was about to finish off Lucifer, but Michael interfered and stopped the fight. He couldn't let Draca kill Lucifer since it would have upset the balance. Draca didn't want to let Lucifer go, but Michaels interference unintentionally saved me as well." Adam sighed heavily.

"I was left to live so that I could take Lucifer back to Hell and show the creatures there what would happen if we ever tried to attack again. I was beaten until I could barely stand," Adam finished. He never once looked at Aaron, opting to watch the passing buildings instead.

Aaron sat in silence. He didn't mean to make Adam remember something painful. "Wow… this Draca guy sounds dangerous."

"Lucifer was only fighting with sixty percent of his full strength at the time, or at least that is what he said. He hasn't ordered an attack again, which means he isn't sure whether he can defeat Draca at full strength… and I'm sure he doesn't want to find out," Adam said. "And, frankly, I don't want to know either."

Aaron sighed. "What does that have to do with me?"

"The man Michelle is supposed to wed is Yura La Cura, Draca's son," Adam informed. The look on Aaron's face told Adam everything. At that moment, he felt the true edges of despair start to dig into his heart and claw at his soul.

"Trying to stop that marriage is 100% impossible. Even if you had Lucifer on your side, it would only tip the scale slightly. Yura is rumored to be really powerful. I am not sure of his limits, but it is still a lot of power… you would need to be an Archangel with enough power to take on Yura." Adam finally glanced at Aaron.

"Can't I find one to help me?" Aaron asked in a last-ditch effort.

"Archangels are neutral, they only look out for themselves and balance."

"There are the Divine Relics… but them helping is even crazier. They are all about not breaking rules and keeping order," Adam said with a shudder. Aaron looked just as depressed as he felt.

"Cheer up… there are plenty of other girls around… just make sure they aren't betrothed to a super-powerful Dragon," Adam said jokingly, trying to lighten the mood.

"There must be something that I can do," Aaron tried. Adam kept quiet as he closed his eyes in thought.

"I got it! Sprout Heavenly wings or gain at least Class-3 power, and then challenge Yura for her hand!" said Adam. Aaron was not amused. Adam chuckled. "Obviously not… even if you had real angel wings, you wouldn't be allowed to do that. You would need wings that are gold like an Archangel's to prove status as a high-ranking member in heaven. Really, wherever you are from, you will need proof that you have a high ranking." He finished as they reached the martial arts dojo.

He parked the car and got out. "We will meet later." Adam stared into Aaron's eyes. "But, seriously… I would advise forgetting about your feelings for her. They will be the death of you otherwise." With that said, Adam vanished. A sigh escaped as he entered a state of utter depression just as he entered the dojo.