
Hollow Fate: The Beginning

Seventeen-year-old Aaron's world is shattered when he discovers that his friends are not human, and the girl he loves, Michelle Mercy, is engaged to another. As he struggles with the harsh reality of his fate, Aaron is plunged into a dark and treacherous world filled with demons, angels, dragons, and other supernatural beings. With each step he takes, Aaron is met with daunting challenges and harrowing obstacles that push him to the brink. Desperate to change his fate, he finds himself in a constant battle against powerful forces that seek to control him. As darkness looms over him, Aaron grapples with his own demons and doubts, wondering if he has what it takes to make a difference in this unforgiving world. But with unwavering determination and the unwavering support of his friends, Aaron embarks on a perilous journey to defy his destiny. Along the way, he faces betrayal, heartbreak, and sacrifices that test his very soul. Will Aaron be able to rise above the darkness and carve his own path, or will he be consumed by the shadows that lurk in every corner? Join Aaron as he navigates through a world where nothing is as it seems, and where the line between light and darkness blurs. Discover if he can triumph over the challenges that fate has dealt him and shape his own future, or if he will succumb to the darkness that threatens to swallow him whole.

Percival_Black · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

Adjusting (Part 2)

"It's cool we have a house to ourselves! Let's throw an epic party!" Jasmine suggested with a whoop. They all had gathered in his room, lounging about like they owned the place. Dean laughed at the idea before answering plainly, "No."

Jasmine looked at him. "Hey! At least think it over…" 

Jasmine glanced at Adam for support. 'Come on!' Her expression was practically pleading. Adam looked at her and shook his head apologetically, "As fun as that sounds... It wouldn't be smart. There are still a couple of creatures that want Aaron dead; many think he had something to do with Bruce disappearing. Let's just enjoy our time together," Adam said in a rare act of wisdom. Brianne nodded in agreement. "We don't want to put him in any unnecessary danger."

"It would have been perfect a week ago though…" Dean's eyes lit up as another idea crossed his mind. "How about a movie?"

"Which movie though?" Brianne asked, and her question got multiple nods from the others. Aaron was sitting quietly. Although he was watching his friends, he was also thinking about what his mother said. He pretended to look around the room and saw Michelle; if he didn't know any better, it kind of looked like her eyes shifted from him. Or at least he hoped so. 'She was right that Michelle sometimes glances my way... but it probably doesn't mean anything... why would she... I'm human, after all... maybe I am imagining things and my own mind is convincing me.' The sound of Adam's snapping fingers in front of his face broke Aaron out of his reverie.

"Someone isn't concentrating," Adam commented with a teasing smile. "We decided to watch a comedy," Adam informed helpfully. Aaron shrugged and pushed all thoughts concerning a certain blonde to the back of his mind. 'I have to enjoy my time with my friends…' Aaron thought as he grinned and got Adam in a headlock.

"You say I am not concentrating, huh?" Aaron chuckled as Adam tried to pry his arms off of him. Jasmine watched eagerly and tackled them both to the bed, taking them both by surprise and winding them. "That's how it's done, boys! Come on! We have a movie to watch!" She dragged the groaning boys off of the bed and onto the ground, hearing them moan in pain all the way into the living room.

The gang met up in the lounge, and pretty soon the movie started. They all decided to steal the best seats before anyone else could sit down. Aaron, unfortunately, was left standing and sighing at his misfortune.

"Sorry, Aaron... sucks to be you... find a seat somewhere," said Jasmine as she relaxed in her seat. He looked at the seats and saw that there was a space available; a hand touched the seat and tapped it. Aaron's eyes traveled up to see the hand belonged to Michelle.

"Take a seat, Aaron, you can be my pillow," said Michelle with a smile. Aaron played it cool and nodded before making his way over to the seat, but his mind was in utter chaos; he didn't know what to do. He sat down and felt her lean on him, making his heart rate increase. Jasmine's eyes broke from the TV and glanced at Aaron before turning back to the movie.

Aaron found himself being Michelle's cushion as they watched the movie. He couldn't help but smile. He found himself watching her instead of the movie most of the time. He loved her, and he knew it. He loved her hair and her smile, her gentleness and coldness, all the same, her cute frown and bright eyes.

He looked back at the movie and chuckled at the scene along with everyone else. "The only knucklehead I know that would pull off such a stunt is Adam," commented Dean, doubling over with laughter.

Adam puffed out his chest. "In what world?" he retorted, earning a chorus of giggles from Jasmine.

"This one," Brianne chimed in, grinning mischievously.

"You guys think you're the comedy kings!" exclaimed Adam, as Michelle rolled her eyes.

"Think? I'm pretty sure you're the reigning monarch of laughter," said Michelle, her lips twitching with amusement. Adam opened his mouth to protest but realized she had a point.

"You think you're soooo clever!" Adam said, feigning offense, as Aaron burst into laughter.

"That's because she's the brains of the operation!" chuckled Aaron.

Michelle looked up at Aaron and giggled, making his heart skip a beat. They shared eye contact for a couple of seconds and smiled. She inwardly frowned before standing and moving away. "I am going to get some fresh air," her voice echoed.

Aaron watched her get up and walk away, a sense of unease settling in his chest. Was it something he did? He didn't know, but he couldn't shake the feeling that there was something between them. He got up and followed her. Everyone present gave each other uneasy glances; they knew something was amiss with their friends, and they felt powerless to intervene.

Silently, they decided who was going to go and defuse the situation: Adam. He gave off an exasperated sigh. Why was it always him? Despite his reluctance, he took on the responsibility, giving them all a stern look, which they avoided meeting.

Michelle stopped by the balcony and let out a heavy sigh. She stood outside, feeling the cool breeze against her skin, trying to collect her thoughts. 'What am I doing... I have to stop this... it will only get more complicated in the future,' thought Michelle. Her mind was in turmoil, and her emotions were a tangled mess. 'It's a pleasant dream... but it can never become a reality...'

"You okay?" Aaron's voice interrupted her thoughts. "You just stood up and left." He came up from behind and stood beside her. Michelle forced a smile.

"I'm fine," she said, masking her inner turmoil as she headed back inside to join the others, putting more distance between herself and Aaron, who stood there with a puzzled expression on his face. Adam cleared his throat from his place, leaning against the wall.

"That's Michelle for you," Adam said as he approached Aaron. "I have to go visit a friend tomorrow, and you have your martial arts training. We can go together?" Aaron nodded absentmindedly.

Adam looked at Aaron with a sympathetic expression. "Look, Aaron... it won't work," Aaron met his gaze, confusion and frustration evident in his eyes, and Adam hated himself for what he was about to say. "You and Michelle, I mean."

Aaron looked at him, his shock turning into a mix of hurt and anger. "What do you mean by that!?"

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