
Holder of chaotic skill

Let's follow the extraordinary journey of a young boy named Han jue , who, burdened with a life-threatening illness in the modern world, finds himself unexpectedly isekai'd into a realm of cultivation and mysticism..... as his powers grew to unfathomable heights, the boy transformed into a figure of mythical being. His story would echo through the annals of history, inspiring generations of cultivators to come. Special note : this is not a harem or those types of novel in which everyone wants to do something with mc's wife or girlfriend... That something is.. You know what i mean... So fasten your seatbelt cause ...some of you might be driving now... Just kidding... Enjoy.

Abhisek_99 · ตะวันออก
15 Chs

true form of primordial...

After hearing that Han jue opened the system shop hurriedly, to find anything that can increase his potential. He had already waited for almost 2 weeks. So he started to look at the shop....

In the shop menu there are 4 sections. Those are...

1. Maps

2. Bloodline

3. Treasure robes

4. Weapons

Han jue clicked on the maps option to see. After looking at it he was utterly dissapointed. The things that are available in the map section are some different realm map, which are scattered around the universe. These are the coordinates of those places and he could even purchase one map for 2 low grade core.

But to visit that place one needed to satisfy some conditions like he needs to powerful enough to tear through space . Or he needs a treasure that can travel through space. Which is impossible for the time being.

...the second option was bloodline. He can purchase different bloodlines according to his choices. But he needs spirit stones to buy any of it. And... Which he didn't have it for now.

...its not that easy to change bloodline. You must need a weaker bloodline which could summit to the purchased bloodline. For example if you have a tiger king bloodline and you want to have the fire dragon bloodline , you can buy the fire dragon bloodline which is powerful enough to suppress the tiger king bloodline. After suppressing your existing bloodline you can gain the dragon bloodline.

if your bloodline is superior to the system shop bloodline like Han jue it will not work.

With this it was clear that Han jue's primordial bloodline is superior to the other bloodline, but it doesn't increases the potential that much.

The other two options were different robes and weapons. But now he doesn't have any spirit stones so he can only wait or try to find spirit stones.

Han jue was not that happy as he didn't find anything which can increase the potential. Now he was starting to get irritated , as nothing was happening like he wanted.

3 days later Han jue found a small tiger cub in front of his cave. It looked weak and famished. Must have separated from his family.

Han jue wanted to help, so.. He tried to look for it's family but to no avail. As the cub looked harmless Han jue decided to let him stay in the cave as a pet. He also needed a partner to talk to when he was bored. Well it's better than nothing.

Day goes by...

Now Han jue's family count increased to two.

They eat together, play together and sleep together...

After a week that tiger was already a family member to Han jue. He treated him like his own son....

Today he decided to find some spirit stones. As a veteran reader he knew that where is dense qi, there is spirit stone. So he have to find a place with dense qi. As he have to go out cautiously, he can't take the cub with him.

....so he decided to let him stay inside the cave..

As he was going out for the search, he told the cub to guard the house until he comes.

And the cub nodded. After seeing this Han jue was surprised, this was the first time the cub understand his words. He bed him farewell and go out for search.

After 4 hours...

" brother.. look there is a cave abode of a person ... " a shady looking man told to his brother.

his brother nodded to him and said " let's go and check it out, ..."

As they reached to the cave, they started look around for anything that can be used by them. After looking for some times they broke open the door and looked around the cave.... They saw a tiger cub in front of them. The cub was also glaring back at them.


On the other side Han jue decided to return home as it was getting late...

He started running quickly.. After a while he reached at the cave entrance. He was surprised to see his door was actually broken.

It was the second time that his legs are shaking from fear. As he doesn't know who is inside his house he was afraid of unknown.

After waiting for a while he mustered up his courage and decided to go inside. ...

In the cave he saw two people happily talking with each other.

After sensing his presence those people stood up and looked at Han jue. After seeing han jue they started grinning.

This was the first time Han jue used appraisal on people....

As he looked at the appraisal, he started to panic...

From those two person, one is beginner foundation establishment realm cultivator and the other was middle stage qi condensation realm cultivator.

On the other hand Han jue was still in qi condensation stage.

Suddenly the taller person asked to Han jue..

" is this your pet "

Han jue looked at the other person who was holding the cub...

He answered "...yes yes b-brother it's mine... Please let it go "

As han jue looked towards the cub he noticed some bruises on the cub's body. These people must have beaten him. Han jue gritted his teeth in anger. He was helpless in front of these people.

Then suddenly the cub bit the person holding him...

With the sudden pain that person throw the cub down. And looked at his wounded hand..

Blood was coming out of his hand..... He gritted his teeth and suddenly lift up his foot and step on the cub's head. Seeing this Han jue started screaming..


It was already late... His head was squeezed to death.....

After watching this Han jue's legs gave up... And he was on his knees... Watching the dead cub. His eyes were lifeless.. it feels like time has stopped.

Suddenly some memories flashed in front of him. Those were the moment they are eating together.... Sleeping together....

After a while his consciousness goes black and he saw a system message

[ Ding ]

[ Warning ]

[ Your bloodline is going berserk ]


[ Warning ]

[ Your bloodline is going berserk ]

Han jue thought to himself ' just...what did I do wrong... '

[ Warning]


'i just wanted to live and cultivate happily with my pet'

[ Warning ]


'Was it wrong ...for... Me... To be happy... '


[ Warning ]


'Did I offend anyone.... No... '

'so why is this happening with me... '


Han jue's mind was in total chaos... He was not his right mind.. he just wants to live here happily but the situation is not with him...


But one thing he does not know that the primordial bloodline Is not only for decoration. It's not as good as the overbearing power of dragon or phoenix bloodline ...but...

It has a characteristic that was feared by even dragons and phoenix.

When in a desperate situation the primordial bloodline will show it's true nature. Which was the Destruction... Yes it will give an overwhelming power to destroy it's enemy. The bearer of this bloodline tends to destroy everything in their path.

In prehistoric era the primordials are known by another name...



Now that the bloodline has awaken Han jue stood up and looked at the other two person. After seeing Han jue in this state the low rank cultivator started to feel suffocated.

Suddenly system messages appeared


[ due to the host new nature to destroy everything In its path, the skill [ primordial fear] is now temporarily became a passive skill.... ]

Suddenly that low rank cultivator started kneeling and doesn't dare to look into the eyes of Han jue. Sweat started to pour down from his body.

He looked towards his senior brother who was still standing. What he saw truly opened his eyes... He was already shivering uncontrollably.... He has a feeling that it was his last moment before death.

In his eyes Han jue was like a God of death..,who can't be provoked no matter what. He suddenly had an idea to apologize to Han jue. But he started to realize that he can't speak cause of fear.

He looked towards han jue despairingly. Suddenly Han jue disappear from his position and came in front of him face to face.

Han jue waved his hand and the one kneeling cultivator suddenly turn to dust . Seeing this the other one knew that it's over. And he also started to turn in dust particles.

Then Han jue fell down unconscious. This destruction mode was overbearing for his body and everything other than the cave started to turn into dust...
