
Holder of chaotic skill

Let's follow the extraordinary journey of a young boy named Han jue , who, burdened with a life-threatening illness in the modern world, finds himself unexpectedly isekai'd into a realm of cultivation and mysticism..... as his powers grew to unfathomable heights, the boy transformed into a figure of mythical being. His story would echo through the annals of history, inspiring generations of cultivators to come. Special note : this is not a harem or those types of novel in which everyone wants to do something with mc's wife or girlfriend... That something is.. You know what i mean... So fasten your seatbelt cause ...some of you might be driving now... Just kidding... Enjoy.

Abhisek_99 · ตะวันออก
15 Chs

a new home...


[ Name : mystic mango

Effects : after consuming this fruit it can decrease hunger. ]


Han jue was happy with the fruit, now he doesn't have to worry about the food problems.

He collected some fruits and started to eat one. " hmm.. It's just like an apple in a mango outfit " ...well after eating one he store some inside his pocket. Now he can carry only 4 of those fruits. Well it's better than nothing...

At a distance he saw there was actually a river with a gentle water stream. He started to appraise the water to see if it's safe to drink or not.

[ natural spring water : after drinking , it can decrease the chances of qi deviation and increases the absorption of spiritual qi slightly. ]

Now he doesn't have to worry about food and water consumption. So he started going back to the cave.....before going back he collected some fallen tree branch to make a fire.

After some time he reached to the cave entrance..... He looked at the sun which is going to set in 1-2 hour... He entered the cave and block the entrance with some tree branch and stones.

Now it's time to make a fire, he used friction between 2 woods to produce fire ....after some time he succeeded in making fire. Now he can sleep with a peace of mind.

After eating the remaining fruit he tried to sleep for a while. After laying down on the rocky surface he decided to make a bed tomorrow otherwise the back pain will live with him for eternity.

After laying down he looked at the burning fire and started to think about his future. Should he stay inside this dense forest or try to search for human settlement....

After some time he thought that it would be better to wait for a few days, so that he can increase his cultivation. ...

He decided to make a list of 'things he has to do tomorrow ' .

1. Upgrade this cave to a house .

2. Find some ways to store food and water .

3. Create some basic weapons to fend off anyone who is hostile.

...he added some more woods to the fire and slowly close his eyes to sleep....


Next day..

He woke up early to find some wooden log for making the entrance of the cave more secure. Just as he was doing some exercise system interface suddenly flashed in front him...

[ ding ]

[ do you want to use 100 cp to breakthrough the next level ]

...Han jue was pleased to see this. " finally on the path of cultivation... ".

He opened his profile to see the improvement.

[ Name: Han jue

Race: primordial

Potential : 70

Cultivation Realm: none

[ none, Qi Condensation, Foundation Establishment, Core Formation, Nascent Soul, Spirit Severing, Void Star, Immortal Ascension, Divine Sovereign, Heavenly Paragon, Absolute Primogenitor ]

Cultivation Points: 115/100

[ use cultivation points to breakthrough to next level ]

Spiritual Energy: ██████████100%]


Now the spiritual energy bar is full and cultivation points are enough to start the immortal cultivation.

Han jue said to the system " use 100 cp to breakthrough " ..

[ ding ]

[ breakthrough successfully... ]


[ congratulations to the host for reaching qi condensation realm ]

[ congratulations to the host for breakingthrough first time... ]

[ you received the skill : qi manipulation ..]


Han jue was shocked after hearing this from System. He can actually learn skills while advancing to the next level. So he immediately open the system to see more info about that skill.

[ qi manipulation : (earth rank)

By manipulating qi of your body you can shape the qi as you want. You can also imbue the qi to any weapon. It can strengthen the weapons. ]


After reading this han jue had an idea to cover his hand with qi, while fighting. So he started manipulating the qi on his right hand . After covering with qi, he slashed horizontally at the tree..... It was a clean cut. The tree fell down to the right side.

After watching this Han jue can't believe his eyes. He actually did this with his bare hands. With this skill he doesn't need a weapon for the time being.

To gain familiarity he started to use qi manipulation for wood cutting. After some time he completed the wooden entrance and doors for the cave. Now the most important thing a bed, he needs a bed to sleep. He started carving the wood into bed and a storage box for food and water storing.

From now on this cave was his home.

After finishing all this work it was already night time.


After coming to this world it was his first time sleeping on a bed made with wood and dry leaves. It was a exhausting day. Finally after some time he was sound asleep...
