Eddie Carter is a young boy living in Cokeworths, England. He knew he had been reincarnated from another time. He retained knowledge from that time but not memories. He Didn't Know, however, that he was also in another world filled with wizards and magic until Owl tapped on his window and gave him a letter. Eddie is conflicted because he knows the world's plot but is unsure what to do with the knowledge. But he will strive to make the best of his situation and let the music of his magic guide him and maybe have some fun along the way.
Saturday came, and it was raining, which annoyed me greatly. We were going to perform in the entrance courtyard, but that wasn't going to happen.
"what are we going to do?" asked Tina. as we stared out into the courtyard.
"I'm not sure; maybe we should cancel and hope we can do it another day", Answered Tim.
"Professor McGonagall said it had to be this weekend because there was nothing on" rebutted grant. "what do you think, Eddie?" he asked me.
I wasn't looking at the courtyard; I was looking into the entrance hall; two staircases led to a second-floor landing, and there was plenty of space to stand. "well, do it here", I said. "well set up here in front of the doors, and there is plenty of space."
"is that going to be okay?" asked Tina.
"I'll ask Professor McGonagall at breakfast; if I get a yes, you pass the word to the other students", I said as I turned to head towards breakfast.
At breakfast, I approached Professor McGonagall. "Professor, it's raining. We can't use the entrance courtyard, so I was wondering if we could use the entrance hall."
"no, it will disrupt other students," Professor Snape said before Professor Mcgonagall could answer.
"yes, I agree", she said, "but classrooms 1-15 should be big enough."
"I doubt it, but I have my answer", I said with a sigh and headed back to my friends. "we have to use 1-15."
"That's not going to be big enough," said Tina, "I know most of Ravenclaw is coming."
"Well, open up the doors and windows into the corridors and set up near the entrance," I said. "They'll be able to hear from the hall", I sighed. "Better let people know; I'll finish up and move and set up" I stuffed my face with toast and porridge and hurried off to the classroom.
I used magic to move the piano and drums near the door; then, I moved the stands to the back of the room so people could sit there. I opened the windows and doors and set up my guitars.
"hey, Eddie", Fred said as they walked in, "too bad about the rain, but it looks like it's still going to happen", said George.
"yeah, I like the courtyard, but hopefully, people will still be able to have fun and hear." I looked, and crowds were beginning to congregate in the halls. "come in, guys," I yelled to them.
People shuffled past me and started to fill up the classroom. I still chatted with Fred and George, and my bandmates hurried in and took positions on their instruments. I cut the conversation with Fred and George.
"We're starting with a good time", I whispered to my friends.
♫Eddie singing
♪ Tina Singing
♫♪ Both
"hey guys, welcome to the annual Arcane Rythmys New Year Gig. It's raining today, so we are doing it in this classroom. I'm sorry if you're out in the hall. I hope you can hear us. Now, Let's have a good time."
I started to play the opening riffs of •Nothin' But a Good Time by poison•
♫Now Listen
Not a dime, I can't pay my rent
I can barely make it through the week
Saturday night I'd like to make my girl
But right now I can't make ends meet♫
We played it loud, and we played it strong. My magic added to the light show. People wooed at the light show.
♪I'm always working slaving every day
Gotta get away from that same old same old
I need a chance just to get away
If you could hear me think this is what I'd say♪
As Tina sang the next part, I got to do some moves with the guitar and have a bit of fun.
♫♪Don't need nothin' but a good time
How can I resist
Ain't looking for nothin' but a good time
And it don't get better than this♪♫
As we finished the song, the crowd warmed up, and we saw some students letting loose and dancing. We played a few songs that we had played before; Tina demanded we play • Since U Been Gone• again. We also played •crocodile rock• again. The crowd was pumping, and I smiled. This is what I loved to do: seeing the crowd having fun and dancing.
The next song was 'Original', and I had a dangerous idea. I put down my guitar and pulled out the starlight; the crowd watched as I drew my wand and spun it in my fingers.
"This is Starlight," I said to the crowd; I slapped my wand into the jack, bringing the guitar to life. "and this song is called Bones."
•Bones by Imagine Dragons•
Grant played the Intro to the song.
♫Gimme, gimme, gimme some time to think
I'm in the bathroom, looking at me
Face in the mirror is all I need♫ ♪(ooh)♪
Starlight thrummed with my voice; smoke slowly flowed from my feat, covering the stage and into the crowd. The smoke was only about six inches deep.
♫Wait until the reaper takes my life
Never gonna get me out alive
I will live a thousand million lives♫ ♪(ooh)♪
The room began to get darker as I sang the intro to the song till I got to the bridge, and then there was only me in a beam of light.
♫My patience is waning
Is this entertaining?
Our patience is waning
Is this entertaining?♫
My voice echoed ethereally, and the thumping of the bass and drum added to the oddness of my voice. I placed my hands in the correct position and hit my first cord. The lights sprang back, but now in multiple colours that made the smoke shine in different colours.
♫♪I-I-I got this feeling, yeah, you know
Where I'm losing all control
'Cause there's magic in my bones♪♫
♫♪I-I-I got this feeling in my soul
Go ahead and throw your stones
'Cause there's magic in my bones♪♫
The crowd started to move and dance, and I had no idea if I was making them do that by music or magic. I continued to play softly with the song and the bass was amped up.
♫Playing with a stick of dynamite
There was never gray in black and white
There was never wrong 'til there was right♫♪(ooh, oh)♪
♫Feeling like a boulder hurtling
Seeing all the vultures circling
Burning in the flames I'm working in
Turning in a bed that's darkening♫
♫My patience is waning
Is this entertaining?
Our patience is waning
Is this entertaining?♫
The bass line was like a heartbeat as my ethereal voice started to make figures in the smoke.
♫♪I-I-I got this feeling, yeah, you know
Where I'm losing all control
'Cause there's magic in my bones♪♫ ♪(in my bones)♪
As I hit the chorus smoke, people appeared in the crowd, all multicolours from the light and started dancing with people. Meanwhile, I began to float a bit off the ground.
♫♪I-I-I got this feeling in my soul
Go ahead and throw your stones
'Cause there's magic in my bones♪♫
I sang the last verse like I was standing on top of the smoke.
♫Look in the mirror of my mind
Turning the pages of my life
Walking the path so many paced a million times♫
♫Drown out the voices in the air
Leaving the ones that never cared
Picking the pieces up and building to the sky♫
♫My patience is waning
Is this entertaining?
My patience is waning
Is this entertaining?!♫
I yelled the last line of the bridge; a sound wave blew the smoke away and ruffled everybody's clothes, revealing me floating in the air.
♫♪I-I-I got this feeling, yeah, you know
Where I'm losing all control
'Cause there's magic in my bones
I-I-I got this feeling in my soul
Go ahead and throw your stones
'Cause there's magic in♪♫
I slowly floated up as I sang till I was 3 feet off the ground. starlight created whisps of magic as I played the chords.
♫There goes my mind
Don't mind
There goes my mind♫
♫There goes my mind
Don't mind
There goes my mind♫
♫'Cause there's magic in my bones♫