
Rock the House

I walked to the great hall after dressing in another set of robes. The school was paying for my damaged ones to be repaired or replaced, but for now, I'll have to deal with only having two. As I walked, I whistled the melody of Cantus Vivifica - Song of Life. Its rejuvenating effects put a spring in my step, and as I entered the great hall, I had a smile on my face. What I didn't expect was the applause from the tables. I stopped, looked embarrassed, hurried to my friends, and sat down. "You okay." Asked Tim, who had seen the attack.

"No, I'm disappointed" I sighed. He looked at me funny. "Of all the perfect moments to say it, and all I did was cough some blood into Draco's face", I said with a sad tone.

"Say what?" Asked Grant.

I put on my best knightly voice. "This is but a scratch," I said. To blank stares. I was soon pelted with bread rolls and laughter., from my muggle-born friends while we got odd looks from purebloods who didn't get the reference.

"Tis is but a scratch" Dean sniggered "sure sure, to Eddie our black knight" he raised a goblet of juice. The others joined in.

"I don't get it" whispered Neville.

"It's from a muggle movie called Monty Python: The Holy Grail. It's a comedy about King Arthur's quest for the holy grail. I'll show it to you sometime." I said.

"Cool, but what's a movie?" Neville asked.

"A recorded play that you can watch over and over again," I said, trying to explain it.

"Oh, wow, muggles can do that?" He asked, astonishment on his face.

"Mate, muggles went to the moon," I said. "Now, hand me the mashed potatoes."


After dinner, my bandmates went to the room of requirements. Only to find the entrance barred. I thought for a bit, then decided to try something. I walked up to the wall and banged on it like I was knocking. After a few moments and another round of knocking, the door manifested, and Fred poked his head out. "Oh, Eddie, what brings you here?" He asked.

"Oh, you and your brother better use this as a lab. Because if you have Angelina in there or something, we are going to have words." I said sternly.

"Woah, it's a lab. Come in," he said and let me and my bandmates into their lab.

"Inventions were scattered across the room; George was working on something. "Cool, who opened it?" I asked.

"Err, I did," Fred said.

"Okay, now think of a door to Eddie's music room and go pace by that wall three times." I pointed at a blank wall.

Fred did so, and another door appeared. "Wait, what?" asked Fred. I opened the door, and it led into our music room.

"You can edit rooms or access other rooms by doing that." I explained, "As long as you're the one to open it in the first place." I said.

"Wicked so this - is where you guys practice" said Fred and George.

"Yup," I said, pulling out my guitar. Others got to their instruments and checked if they were in tune.

"So when is the first gig we heard? Maybe this weekend," asked Fred.

"Maybe we were given permission to perform whenever when not in class," Tim said.

"Wait, what?" asked George. "Permission?"

"Dumbledore thinks people's moods will be affected by the dementors. He's asked us to make sure there's fun and happiness this year." Continued Grant.

"You guys could ask him for leniency for your pranks as long as they don't harm or interfere with school work. You should be okay." I said and rolled my shoulders.

"You gonna be okay to play, right?" asked Tina.

"Yeah, just a bit stiff. Why don't we play whatever to loosen up?" I asked.

"Cool," said Tim.

"I'm down," said Grant.

"Whatever," said Tina with a smile.

"That's my line", I said with a smirk.

•United States of Whatever by Liam Lynch•

We didn't play this song correctly, it was more like a quick jam work out we just played,


♫I went down to the beach and saw kiki, she was all like 'ewhhhh' and i'm like whatever!♫

♫Then this chick comes up to me and she's all like 'hey... aren't you that dude...' and i'm like yeah, whatever!♫

♫So later, i'm, i'm at the pool hall and this girl comes up and she's all like 'uhhhhhh' and i'm like yeah, whatever!♫

♫Cause this is my united states of whatever

And this is my united states of whatever

And this is my united states of whatever♫

♫And then it's 3am i'm on the corner wearing my leather and this dude comes up to me and says 'hey punk' i'm like, yeah, whatever!♫

♫Then, i'm throwing dice in the alley and officer leroy comes up and he's like ' hey i thought i told you...' and i'm like, yeah, whatever!♫

♫Then, up comes zaphron and i'm like 'yo, zaphron, what's up?' and he's like 'nothin' and i'm like 'that's cool'♫

♫Cause this is my united states of whatever

And this is my united states of whatever♫


I had a very long week today, and tomorrow, you only get one chapter as I get back into the groove and sort some stuff out.