
Hogwarts Legacy

The story is about a guy named Draco Malfoy who has just entered Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It would seem that he is the same as everyone else, only he is subject to a great power, namely “Ancient Magic”. Let's watch as he gains control of his power, overcoming many difficulties and finding loyal friends and followers in the process...

Ratnik · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
24 Chs

Chapter 12

Chapter 12


When class was over, I remembered my recent suspicions about the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. So, without wasting any time, I hurried down to the dungeon, to the potions room that belonged to our dean.

Because it was fall, the dungeon seemed darker and damp than usual, and the Halloween decorations created a very foreboding atmosphere, so it was the perfect place to scare someone.

Finally reaching the right office, I knocked on the door and waited for permission to enter, and once I got it, I went inside, where I was immediately struck by an abundance of mixed smells from various ingredients and potions.

- To what do I owe your visit Mr. Malfoy. All the students were supposed to be spending their free time on Halloween at this time. And since you chose my classroom over a useless holiday, you have something important to tell me.

- Yes, professor. A while back, in my Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Professor Reikpik was asking all of us if we'd seen anything strange at school or if we'd found any secret passageways or anything. And all that's fine, but I have a suspicion that she was using either magic or some kind of potion to put the students into a light trance to manipulate us.

- Hmm, that's a serious accusation, Mr. Malfoy. Do you have any proof of your words. - Mr. Malfoy was interested in Snape.

- Unfortunately, I have no proof, as my knowledge in this area is meager. Still, when she asked the question, I was eager to share my findings with her. This was strange to me, as I had never been in the habit of sharing my own or other people's secrets before. But I had to leave the office, and the feeling was gone in a flash.

- Well, Mr. Malfoy, I see your point. And perhaps your suspicions are not unfounded and rest assured I will check everything thoroughly. After all, such methods are strictly forbidden not only in Hogwarts, but also outside of it. Besides, your mother urged me to keep an eye on you, and I'm glad you came to me with this 'problem'. And I think you know not to spread it around, because even walls have ears that can let a fish off the hook. - Snape's voice sounded quiet and gloomy, and his eyes kept running, scanning every corner of the room for signs of surveillance.

- Of course, Professor, you're the only one I trusted on this matter. - I nodded affirmatively.

- Then you're free to go, Mr. Malfoy. I think if you hurry, you won't be too late for the Halloween celebration.

- To be honest Professor, I'm not really interested in Halloween as much as the potion you're brewing. If the book didn't lie to me, I'm guessing from the smell in the air and the color that you're brewing a "waking potion" that we'll have to study in the second half of the year, am I right?

- Absolutely correct, Mr. Malfoy. I take it you have a strong interest in the science of potions? From what I can tell, theoretically you've already fully digested all the knowledge the freshman textbook has to offer. - Snape showed a rare hint of a smile.

- Yes Professor, I do enjoy Potions very much. There are so many different potions in the world. Useful and not so useful, and yet we only know a drop in the ocean. How many countries are there, and how many wizards are there? They all have their own ways and recipes for brewing potions we've never heard of. And who knows how many potions that have not yet been created are just waiting for the moment when skillful potion makers will reveal their nature to the world.

*♪ Clap, clap, clap, clap ♪

Suddenly there was a clap of hands as I finished my speech. It was none other than Snape, who applauded me with an approving look on his face.

- Tell me Mr. Malfoy, what would you say to becoming my assistant and coming to my house a couple of times a week after class to learn the wonders of Potions?

- I will say that I would be incredibly happy to have such an opportunity, especially from a skilled potions master like you Professor Snape.

- Then I look forward to seeing you every Tuesday and Friday after class. Don't disappoint me Mr. Malfoy. - The ever sullen man finally smiled.

- I assure you Professor, I will make you proud of me. - I showed a dazzling confident smile in return, and then silently left the office and headed to the Great Hall for a celebratory dinner.




The great hall was incredibly decorated. Thousands of bats sat on the walls and ceiling, waving their wings, and several thousand more flew over the tables like low black clouds. This made the lights of the candles stuck in the pumpkins flutter. Just like at the banquet for the beginning of the school year, there were empty golden platters on the tables, on which a wide variety of food suddenly appeared.

For a moment, I even thought that I might regret missing this opportunity to eat. So I immediately took a seat at the table and began to fill my stomach with chicken legs in honey-mustard sauce and flavorful beef steaks, drinking a rather tasty pumpkin juice.

But I couldn't enjoy my dinner for long, because Fred and George suddenly appeared next to me and dragged me away from the Great Hall without explaining anything.

- So, can you please explain to me what's going on? And why we left the Great Hall? I had plans to enjoy some more desserts and maybe a ghost show. ¬¬- I grumbled a little unhappily.

- Shh, not so loud! - The brothers chorused, covering my mouth with their fingers.

- Draco, we need your help. - Fred was the first to speak, or was it George, I don't know who the hell they were.

- Yeah, we need your help. We have no one else to turn to. - added the second of the brothers.

- Come on, tell us what you're up to. Knowing you, it's probably something nasty. - I got ready to listen to them.

Fred and George instantly looked around, and when they saw that no one was around, they began to whisper.

- Recently, we were forced to clean old Filch's back room..." one of the brothers began to say.

- Hmm, what did you do that made you get such a punishment? - I asked.

- Dung bombs, so there was dung everywhere from the floor and walls to the ceiling, but that's not important, what's important is what we found in Filch's office! - said the other one.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Are you guys trying to rob the head clerk? - I looked at them in surprise.

- You're so clever, there's a lot of rumors about you. And actually not to rob, but to return what this nasty prick took from poor innocent students!

- So, what rumors are going around about me, can you tell me more about it? - I decided to find out who's spreading what rumors about me.

- Hmm, if you help us, we'll tell you everything! - The Weasley brothers spoke again in unison, as if synchronized.

- Uh, first, I'd like to hear exactly what you're going to steal. - I didn't agree right away.

- Not steal, but return what was confiscated! - the first of the brothers took umbrage.

- Yes, yes, don't make thieves out of us! - The second one also resented me, which made me feel a headache from communicating with this couple of weirdos.....


Early access on my Patreon. Chapter 15 is already available.
