

Muggle-born Harry was trying to grasp the meaning of the term "hemp seed" thrown around by the students.

"Hemp seeds are Muggle-born wizards," Ron explained awkwardly, sensing Harry's confusion.

The conversation continued as the girl emphasized the importance of arriving at Hogwarts as a family. If someone missed the train, informing a professor upon arrival could provide assistance. Ron, however, seemed to harbor strong opinions about the girl.

"Betsy, I know her. She's Slytherin, the president of this year's girls' student union, and she has a bad reputation. They call her the Hogwarts Overlord Flower. She's an extreme pure-blood, believes Muggle-borns and half-bloods should be banished from Hogwarts. I wonder why she's with this Muggle-born wizard. Could it be some conspiracy?" Ron speculated.

"Slytherin?" Harry had encountered the name twice now. In Diagon Alley, a boy with light blond hair had mentioned going to Slytherin.

"Slytherin is a house at Hogwarts where mysterious and dark wizards are said to have graduated. It's associated with bad wizards," Ron explained.

"Voldemort, the mysterious man you mentioned, also graduated from Slytherin?" Harry inquired cautiously.

Ron reacted with shock. "You actually said that name, the name of the mysterious man. You're so brave!"

"Why can't I..." Harry began, slowly discussing the topic with Ron.

Meanwhile, in another part of the train, Darren found himself surrounded by Slytherin students. Betsy, carrying him to the train, had seated him in the midst of a group of pure-blood nobles.

"Betsy, why did you bring this Muggle-born here?" a boy with permed blond hair complained, expressing his discontent.

Betsy responded coldly, "Enough, Frank. Who I bring is my business. If you don't want to be here, you can leave."

As Betsy's cherry wood wand twirled in her hand, everyone, including Frank, fell silent. Darren contemplated suggesting he leave the compartment, but he was interrupted.

"This... Should I go down first?" Darren sighed, considering the situation.

"Why are you going out? Malfoy is waiting outside! Do you want to be dealt with by him?" Betsy warned, glancing at Darren.

Confused, Darren inquired, "Why would he want to deal with me?"

"You offended Malfoy. Do you think things ended just because you left Diagon Alley?" Betsy questioned, finding Darren's lack of understanding amusing.

Darren winked at Betsy in a seemingly perplexed manner. He appeared oblivious to the potential consequences of his actions.

"Oh my God! What kind of life did you lead in your previous life?" Betsy shook her head in disbelief. Despite his apparent simplicity, she couldn't ignore the fact that he had saved her life.

Instructing Darren to stay with her Slytherin companions, Betsy extended her authority to them. They were to assist Darren with anything he needed.

The Slytherin students introduced themselves, revealing that they were mostly senior prefects. Pisa Frank was the only freshman in the compartment, and the others were senior prefects. The only exception was a sleeping girl with light blond hair and a mole under her eye—Kassandra de la Vore, a member of the ancient Vorée family. Betsy warned Darren not to provoke her.

"Kassandra de la Vore, a child of the ancient Vorée family, advise you better not to mess with her, or ..."

Betsy didn't say the next words. The people who can sit in this carriage are pure-blood nobles. Except for Kassandra, what she said, these people had to listen. But Kassandra couldn't. Her family is very old and has a long history. Be more proud. Not even willing to look down at people. And the most reprehensible thing about her is that she likes to provoke fights. After provoking the fight, she sat comfortably in her chair and watched the people fight to the death. If Darren had messed with the girl, Betsy thought he might not be okay. However, with her there, I believe Kassandra will also give her some face.


As the train journey continued, Darren found himself in the midst of a group of pure-blood wizards, each with their unique personalities and backgrounds. The intricate web of relationships among Slytherin students hinted at the complexities awaiting him at Hogwarts.
