
The Cheerful Badgers!

The Weasleys were always trustworthy people.

Unless it involved footing the bill for a meal.

After some contemplation and a bit of advice from Sirius, Lupin accompanied Harry to the end-of-year feast, leading a large black dog by his side.

The Great Hall was bustling with life.

The decorations were all in Hufflepuff colors, filling every corner of the room. The Badgers were in high spirits, celebrating their first-place finish, but the moment Harry walked into the hall, their smiles froze in place.

Their eyes darted toward him, cautious and nervous.

Even after the recent brawl, in which Gryffindor had lost 150 points, creating a nearly 400-point gap, they remained wary.

Because Harry Potter was a Gryffindor.

And this year, once again, he had accomplished numerous impressive feats. If Dumbledore decided to give out last-minute points, those achievements could easily add up to hundreds of points.

Their nerves were on edge.

Even their celebrations were subdued.

That was, until Dumbledore stood up.

At the Hufflepuff table, the Badgers straightened their postures, faces tense. Even Professor Sprout mirrored Professor McGonagall, wearing a no-nonsense expression.

"Another year has come and gone," Dumbledore began, his voice wistful. "I grow older with each passing year, but seeing all of you grow and learn brings me the greatest joy in my twilight years."

The room fell silent.

"This year has been a challenging one. We had Dementors stationed at Hogwarts—an unpleasant presence for us all. But thanks to one of our brave young wizards, Harry Potter, we were able to drive them away and right a grave injustice."

The Hufflepuffs grew increasingly tense.

"And in the second half of the year, we witnessed the rise of a new Gryffindor heir and the return of Godric Gryffindor's portrait to the castle."

With a flick of his wand, Dumbledore summoned Gryffindor's portrait.

The painting floated into the hall, hovering behind Dumbledore. The red-haired, handsome figure of Godric Gryffindor looked warmly at the gathered students, his gaze eventually settling on the Hufflepuff table.

If Helga Hufflepuff could see this moment, she would be overjoyed.

The portrait waved at the students, but the Badgers were too nervous to wave back.

Is he about to add 400 points to Gryffindor?

They braced themselves.

"I see a bright future ahead," Dumbledore said with a smile. "But that's a topic for another day. Now, let's move on to the most anticipated moment—the House Cup results."

He flicked his wand again, and the final scores appeared in the air:

4th Place: Slytherin – 5 points. 3rd Place: Gryffindor – 37 points. 2nd Place: Ravenclaw – 307 points. 1st Place: Hufflepuff – 421 points.

At the Gryffindor table, the Lions couldn't hold back their laughter.

Gryffindor had a low score, yes, but Slytherin only had five points. They all knew exactly why—Dumbledore had added those points at the last minute to avoid the embarrassment of Slytherin finishing with zero.

The Hufflepuffs, meanwhile, remained stiff, staring at Dumbledore's mouth in anticipation.

"Let us all congratulate Hufflepuff on winning this year's House Cup!"

At last, Dumbledore raised his arms, signaling the celebration to begin.

A few playful badger mascots hopped up from beneath the tables, joining hands and dancing along the Hufflepuff table.

It took a few moments for the Badgers to realize what had just happened.

"We… won?"

No extra points for Harry Potter?

Just a simple acknowledgment in his speech?

Seeing their hesitation, Fred Weasley called out, "Why aren't you celebrating, Hufflepuff? Want us to cheer for you?"

Slowly, the Hufflepuffs began to cheer.

Their cheers grew louder, more jubilant, and more genuine.

"Hufflepuff! House Cup champions!"

Professor Sprout beamed with pride. She wasn't one to seek accolades, but seeing her house win the House Cup was truly a special moment. She pulled out her wand and scattered seeds across the hall. With another wave, those seeds sprouted into a colorful array of flowers, filling the hall with their fragrance.

Dumbledore chuckled, allowing her to enjoy the moment.

Filch, however, sighed deeply. Thank goodness for the two-month summer break—he would need every day of it to clean the castle from top to bottom.

At the Hufflepuff table, a fifth-year student was hoisted onto his classmates' shoulders. He was handsome but modest, smiling bashfully at all the attention.

Fred and George weren't ones to hold back on celebrations.

They pulled out a batch of Weasley fireworks from their pockets.

With a flick of George's wand, a tiny firework orb shot into the air and exploded into a dazzling badger, which twirled and rolled through the air before slowly dissipating.

"This is our new House Firework line!" George announced. "Transforms into your House mascot!"

"Only one silver sickle each!" Fred added, setting off another firework.

This one transformed into a majestic Griffin, mimicking Harry's Patronus.

The Hufflepuffs eagerly opened their purses.

Not wanting to be left out, the Ravenclaws also bought plenty of fireworks.

At the Slytherin table, however, things remained quiet. The Slytherins sat isolated from the festive atmosphere, much like Snape, who sat at the staff table, awkwardly eating with one hand.

The festive evening eventually wound down.

Later, at the Black Lake, Fred and George set off a massive firework display—a Griffin triumphing over a Snake—which floated in the sky for over half an hour.

That same evening, Lupin spoke with the twins about joining their business venture, and things went well.

What surprised Fred and George most was how naturally Professor Lupin transitioned from his role as a teacher to becoming a partner in their joke shop.

No awkwardness, no hesitation.

The next morning.

The students boarded the train back to London.

The Sorting Hat remained at Hogwarts, wanting to spend time with Gryffindor's portrait after a thousand years of separation.

Lupin joined the students on the train.

As for Sirius, he didn't have a ticket, so he had to return to Godric's Hollow via Floo Powder before heading to London to pick them up.

Once back in London, Hermione reminded Harry to call her during the summer and to send Hedwig for visits. Crookshanks would love the company, and he missed the snacks that Harry's aunt made for Hedwig.

Harry promised he would.

After waving goodbye to Hermione, Harry spotted Sirius waiting for him at the station.

Sirius looked impeccably dressed, a stark contrast to Lupin's humble appearance. Hermione couldn't help but think back to the time Sirius had impersonated Lupin during class.

It was fascinating how the same man could look so different just by changing his demeanor.

She asked her mother about it as they walked away.

"Harry! The house is ready!" Sirius greeted him enthusiastically. "I think you're going to love it."

"I have to stay with my aunt for a month first," Harry reminded him, shaking his head.

Sirius frowned, confused.

Lupin sighed. "It's for magical protection, remember?"

"Oh, right!" Sirius snapped his fingers in realization. "That pesky protection spell."

He then grinned mischievously. "So, after a month, you'll be back home?"

Harry nodded, spotting Vernon Dursley waiting by the car.

"Great! Then we'll be roommates?" Sirius asked hopefully.

Harry smiled. "Sure. We'll even share a room."

Sirius's eyes lit up.

Harry continued, "I'll even get you a nice, comfy dog bed."

"What?!" Sirius sputtered. "Why can't I sleep in a bed like everyone else?"

"The house isn't that big," Harry teased.

Sirius pouted, calculating his options. "Fine. But if it's a dog bed, I want a big, round one with a cover!"

They laughed as they approached Vernon's car.

Vernon squinted at Sirius and Lupin. "Friends of yours from that… freak school?"

Sirius snarled. "Watch it, you pig!"

Before Vernon could retort, Harry interjected.

"This is Sirius Black," he said softly. "My godfather. You might recognize his face."

Vernon froze.

There was something eerily familiar about Sirius.

Suddenly, Vernon's face turned ashen.

"You—you're that murderer! I've seen your face on the news!"

Sirius grinned wolfishly.

Vernon pressed himself against the car door, trembling.

"Harry! What the hell is this?!" Vernon shrieked. "Why on earth would you have a murderer for a godfather?"

"There's a long story behind it," Harry said calmly. "I'll explain it when we get home."

Vernon gulped. "Is he… safe?"

Harry nodded solemnly. "As long as you don't provoke him, he's perfectly safe."



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