
Hogwarts: beginning with the creation of the One Ring

Traveling through time and becoming a member of the Shelby family, Altaïr originally thought his mission was to restore the glory of the Razor Party and create the glory of the Shelby family. But a sudden owl made him realize that he had arrived in the world of Harry Potter. Since you can't be a godfather, be a devil! Beginning with the creation of the Supreme Lord of the Rings, the awakening of the nine spirits of the rings and the resurrection of Sauron... As the two worlds gradually merged and more and more Lord of the Rings characters appeared, the style of the Wizarding World changed. Dumbledore "Give the Philosopher's Stone to Voldemort quickly, we need his power to fight Saruman!" Snape "The great dark lord Sauron, I am willing to give everything, just so that Lily can be resurrected!" Minister of Magic "Nine Ringwraiths have captured Azkaban, go ask for Gandalf the White!" That day night fell and the volcano of the Last Judgment rose from the earth. The Shelby family boy held the One Ring and climbed to the top of the volcano to announce it to the world. The real devil has arrived. Please note that this and the characters are purely fictional. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated. ----------- This story is a translation from Chinese to English so the names may be in their Chinese version just in case.

Malthael_2005 · อื่นๆ
20 Chs

010 What a powerful talent

"Right hand."

Although this Ollivander seemed a little strange, Hermione was not afraid and extended her right hand.

"Oh good."

Ollivander nodded, snapped his fingers, and a tape measure flew out of the corner, automatically measuring Hermione's body, including the point between her two nostrils.

There is also a pen and notebook in the air, recording data.

Ollivander returned to the back of the cabinet and began looking through the stacks of wand boxes.

Altaïr looked at Professor McGonagall and asked in a low voice.

"Why do you need to measure them when buying a wand?"

"It is said that each wand must perfectly fit the little wizard..."

Professor McGonagall obviously didn't have much confidence and she hesitated to explain clearly.

"But the little wizard's body grows every year. It doesn't even take a year. Maybe this data will not be accurate after three months. Besides... these wands are not made now. They were all made before. Now there is something of discretion. Late".

"A very intelligent young man."

Ollivander didn't know when he emerged from behind the counter, holding a box with a wand in his hand.

"But this sense of ritual is our respect for the wand."

Ollivander approached Hermione, opened the box in her hand, and took out a wand.

"Vine wood, dragon nerve, nine and three-quarter inches! Try this, boy."

Hermione took the wand and looked at Ollivander.

"A little wave, like this."

Hermione imitated Ollivander's movements and waved, and a warm wind emerged from nowhere surrounding Hermione, at the same time, a dazzling light burst out from the tip of the wand.

"A great combination. This wand has chosen you. Vine wood is suitable for wizards with noble goals and extraordinary vision. I hope you can use it well."

After Ollivander finished speaking, he looked at Altaïr.

Hermione came back from that wonderful feeling and stroked the wand in her hand with a joyful smile on her face.

"Well, let's measure it first."

The tape measure flew again, measuring Altaïr's body, and the pen recorded it in the small book, Altaïr was a little curious, did that record the measurements of many wizards from ancient times to the present when they were young?

After a while, Ollivander came back out and handed Altaïr a wand.

"Holly wood, unicorn tail hair, eleven inches... oh, leave it! Leave it now!"

Ollivander was still calmly inserting the wand, but when Altaïr held the wand, the wand creaked.

Although Altaïr had let go of it immediately, it was obvious that the wand was still damaged.

The holly wood staff was covered in cracks and the hair on the unicorn tail inside had been burned off.

"Terrible talent, evil magic, even the hair on a unicorn's tail can't support it..."

Ollivander looked deeply at Altaïr and then returned to the back of the cabinet to rummage.

Professor McGonagall frowned deeply, but she said nothing.

It seems that Altaïr has an extraordinary talent in dark magic, but after all, he is still a child and, as long as he receives a good education at Hogwarts, there should be no problems in the future.

Altaïr turned to find Professor McGonagall and Hermione staring at him, and could only shrug helplessly.

It must be the One Ring's fault.

The High Lord of the Rings was bound to Altaïr's soul, granting him dark power unimaginable to others. Furthermore, he unlocked the necromancer skill, especially good at black magic and necromancy magic. When this happens, he is not surprising.

After a while, Ollivander reappeared.

"Yewwood, a material that symbolizes death, is very suitable for performing dark magic. The core of the staff is the hair of a wetland werewolf. It also has an unparalleled affinity for dark magic. It measures twelve and three-quarter inches" .

Ollivander put the wand in Altaïr's hand with a confident expression, Altaïr waved it and everyone seemed to hear a faint scream.

"Oh, it doesn't seem to fit either."

Ollivander took the wand and looked at it carefully.

"The body of the yew staff has not changed much. The core of the staff is damaged, so can the wetland werewolf be no good? Let me think about it, let me think about it."

Ollivander muttered and left again.

He was a little distressed because wetland werewolf hair was not his usual material, and there were only a few wands with wetland werewolf cores in his shop.

"Sorry, I didn't expect it to be so troublesome."

Altaïr said apologetically to Professor McGonagall.

"It doesn't matter, Altaïr, your power is unique. The wand is a wizard's best friend. We have to be patient. Of course, you must understand that no matter what our power is, it is the choices. We make that matter."

Professor McGonagall said to Altaïr with a smile.

Altaïr nodded, knowing that his actions just now made Professor McGonagall worry a little about him.

A student who comes from a gang family and is naturally suited to practicing black magic.

If he rejoins Slytherin, Professor McGonagall will probably worry that he will turn evil in his dreams.

"This, it must be this one, I have a wonderful feeling. Hunch!"

Just when he was thinking about it, Ollivander appeared again.

He was carrying a quaint box in his hand, which looked quite old.