
What Do You Know?

บรรณาธิการ: Atlas Studios

After confirming the effects of the Wolfsbane Potion, Ivan declined the werewolf wizards' invitation to stay.

When they left the station, Doggett, who had been silent all this time, offered praise.

"You did well this time. Fame is more important than vulgar money…"

Doggett sighed as he realised that he had seriously underestimated Ivan, a young wizard who was able to develop a Wolfsbane Potion and resist the lure of money.

This made the rest of the operation extremely easy, as Dougett felt that Ivan could easily gain the favour of all the werewolves if the publicity was good enough, which would help with future plans.

As expected of you!

Doggett looked at Ivan with slight amazement. If he had had such courage in the past, he would not be in his current state.

Ivan did not know that Doggett was imagining things, but he disagreed with Doggett.

Vulgar money?

You can give it to me if you don't want it big!

"Headmaster Doggart, since you think money is vulgar, I'll leave the brewing of the Wolf's Bane to you. This way, we can further lower the price of the potion," Ivan said, rolling his eyes.

"Cough, cough… Golden Galleons may be vulgar, but there are times when they can't be avoided." Dagget coughed awkwardly.

For the rest of the journey, Doggett and Ivan discussed how much they should pay for the services, striving for the slightest advantage until they reached home.

For every bottle brewed, Doggett received a Galleon.

Ivan wanted to lower the price even more, but Doggett was determined not to back down and showed no signs of promoting money.

After all, the Wolf Venom Potion was not something that could be concocted by ordinary people. It required a high level of potion-making to guarantee the success of the potion.

Another potion master might have offered a very high price, so it was better to leave the brewing to Doggett.

Ivan felt that since this guy had nothing better to do, he might as well brew some wolf venom potion every day to sell, so that he could avoid having to extort money from patients.

After negotiating the price, Ivan suddenly remembered that he did not even have a follow-up publicity plan. He did not even know if he could sell the Wolf Poison Potion.

Besides, he wondered if there were any patents in the wizarding world, and if there were, where would he apply?

Yvonne was about to ask a question when Doggett waved her off.

"Don't worry, I get it, I get it all! You think about your words for a couple of days, then change into something nice and elegant. I'll take you to the Ministry of Magic in two days!"

With that, Doggett waved his wand and used Apparition to hurry out of the shop.

Ivan was left standing in front of the door in a daze.

"What do you know about hammers!"

Even when Ivan got home, he did not fully understand what Doggett was trying to say, but he had an idea that he would be meeting some important people at the Ministry of Magic in two days.

It happened to be dinnertime, and Isiah was looking at Ivan with concern.

"What's wrong? Not going well today?"

The fact that Ivan brewed the Wolfsbane Potion to test it on the werewolves in Knockturn Alley was well known to Alicia, so she assumed that there was a problem with the potion.

"No, it went well. The wolfsbane potion worked just as I expected!" Ivan said, relaxing his frown and shaking his head.

"Then it seems you will soon be the youngest recipient of the Order of Merlin in the wizarding world." Alicia was mildly surprised, but more than that she was pleasantly surprised.

"That's great! I knew you'd make it!" said Alicia happily, kissing Ivan on the forehead.

"Yes, we should be able to get it! Let's eat… let's eat first!" Ivan blushed, not used to it, and changed the subject forcefully with his knife and fork. For a moment, he didn't care what Dougett was up to, but he would know in two days.

Ivan did not waste his free two days.

In addition to the daily routine of practising magic, and occasionally discussing spell-casting with Tom, he would visit the werewolf wizards' station to find out more about them.

Yvonne did not forget that one of her goals in looking for werewolves was to get them to help her find out more about Knockturn Alley, especially if any Dark Wizards were after her shop.

When Fran heard this, she agreed on the spot without hesitation, even refusing to accept Ivan's payment.

As far as Flan was concerned, Ivan had reduced the price of the Wolfsbane Potion for the sake of the werewolf wizards, and it was only natural that he would do her a small favour.

Furthermore, Fran was counting on Ivan, the inventor of the Wolfsbane Potion, to develop a cure for werewolves in the future.

If something went wrong, wouldn't the flame of hope that had been so hard to ignite be extinguished?

So it wasn't just Flan, but the rest of the werewolves promised to find out for him in their spare time.

However, Ivan had no intention of blackmailing them, so after some consideration, he decided to hire them another way.

It just so happened that brewing the Wolf Poison Potion required a large amount of werewolf blood, so he promised that all the werewolf wizards present would draw blood twice a month in exchange for a free bottle of Wolf Poison Potion!

Werewolves have excellent regenerative abilities, as Walker was able to recover in just a few days after drawing a thousand milliliters of blood at a time, indicating that drawing blood once every two weeks would not do any harm to a werewolf wizard's body.

When the payment was changed, Flun smiled ruefully, and the other werewolves did not refuse.

This was because the price of the Wolf Poison Potion was ten Galleons, which was indeed a huge expense for them. If they could exchange for a bottle of it by drawing blood twice, they would not have to scrimp and save.

The only thing that confused Ivan was the fact that the werewolves had agreed to be hired, but the Unified Knockturn Alley first task did not show completion.

"It doesn't look like it's going to be that easy… No wonder they gave us two years," Ivan muttered to himself, looking at the unaltered mission list.

On reflection, Ivan understood.

He was now more of a benefactor to these werewolves, and while they were grateful, it was clear that they had no intention of siding with an eleven-year-old wizard.

Ivan felt helpless at the thought.

Not that he was suddenly ambitious enough to hire a gang of werewolves to lord it over the Knockturn Alley.

Instead, he said that once the mission was completed, he would be able to obtain the recipe for the powerful wolf venom potion.

Although it is not known how it differs from ordinary wolfsbane potions, it is nevertheless a powerful potion.

It might really be able to completely cure these werewolves…

(PS: The reader's group number is 446421565. There is only one person in the group at the moment, so if you send an application too late, the angel may not agree immediately.)