
Dougett: I Knew He Wanted Something!

บรรณาธิการ: Atlas Studios

"Is this true?"

The werewolves turned their attention to Ivan, their eyes full of hope.

When Ivan nodded again, the werewolves could no longer contain their emotions and burst into tears.

Ivan knew that the new potion would help the werewolf wizards, but could not quite understand why they were so excited.

"Thank you, Hales! You have shown us the hope of being truly accepted by the wizarding community!"

At this moment, Flun, who had returned to his original form from his werewolf form, came forward and patted Ivan on the shoulder.

Catching Ivan's look of incomprehension, Flun was quick to explain.

The reason why the wizarding community is so fearful of werewolf wizards is not only because they lose their minds every full moon, but also because they fear being bitten and clawed.

After all, there was no such thing as a cure in the wizarding world. Once attacked, one would be infected and transformed into a new werewolf!

Also, werewolves are not entirely safe in their normal form, and are still capable of slight communication, so few wizards want to be friends with them.

Now that Ivan had developed an improved potion, they saw the possibility of being accepted by the wizarding community… If all werewolves could take this potion regularly, then within a few years, the wizarding community's attitude towards werewolves would definitely change drastically!

After a moment of collective excitement, Fran and the others soon realized an important question: how much was this improved potion?

Could they afford it?

The werewolves once again stared at Ivan, waiting for his answer.

Ivan shook his head and explained, "I still have to work on this version of the Wolfsbane Potion, so it's not for sale yet."

Unlike the original Wolfsbane Potion, the modified Wolfsbane Potion greatly enhanced a werewolf's combat prowess, something that Ivan would never have allowed to enter the market.

Just like this time, when a werewolf wizard conspired with Burke to attack Acacia in order to obtain the recipe for the Wolf Poison Potion, and when Lord Voldemort revived, he recruited a large number of werewolves to join the Death Eaters, Ivan did not want to make trouble for himself and his potential enemies!

Ivan, however, did not restrict the use of the improved Wolfsbane Potion to Flun and the others, and thus intended to give them a bottle every fifty days as an employee benefit.

"No! You've done too much for us, Hales, and research always requires funds. Let's just buy it at the normal price!" said Fran sincerely.

He disagreed with Ivan's decision to give them the Wolfsbane Potion for free, and felt that Ivan had helped them enough, and that he would be embarrassed to accept Ivan's offer.

Walker and the others had the same thought. If Ivan offered them a stable job, they'd rather buy it at their own wages!

Ivan had a strange expression on his face at the insistence of the others, but he didn't say anything.

An improved Wolfsbane Potion was not cheap.

Although he promised to pay Fran and the others the same salary as the employees of Diagon Alley, the average salary of the employees of Diagon Alley was not high, only slightly higher than that of Knockturn Alley.

In other words, he only needed to brew a few bottles of potion for them every fifty days and give them money for food to make them work for him, and Fran and the others would have to thank him in turn…

Ivan couldn't help but feel like an evil capitalist squeezing his employees dry.

However, Ivan soon forgot about this illusion as the werewolf wizards thanked him…

Evil capitalists and exploiters do not receive heartfelt praise from their employees…

At the same time, Doggett, who was silently watching from the side, exclaimed, "I didn't expect Ivan Junior to be able to develop such a powerful improved potion!"

Asia nodded to herself. This not only boosted her team's strength, but also made them very grateful to Ivan.

To Isiah's further surprise, Ivan was not greedy enough to sell the improved Wolfsbane Potion, but instead chose to keep the potion close to his chest, as a bargaining chip to attract many werewolf wizards to him, and as a basis for his control over them.

It was not a brilliant move, but it was extremely effective.

If they got used to the power and convenience of taking the Wolf Poison Potion regularly, those werewolves would not be willing to leave no matter what…

"Do you remember the last time we talked about this, Dougat?" she asked, turning to face him.

"You mean?" Dougett looked at Alicia in surprise.

He certainly knew what Alicia was talking about,

During the summer holidays of his first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Doggett was keenly aware of Ivan's ambition, and even saw something of him in Ivan!

Therefore, he privately discussed the matter with Alicia, but she did not believe him at the time, saying that she would think about it when Ivan reached adulthood.

"Now I see you're right! If I hadn't learned so much from Burke with Veritaserum, I'm afraid I would still be in the dark," said Alicia with a sigh.

"Ivan Junior always had a mind of his own. It's normal for him to try and hide something from you…" Doggett shook his head. Even he was having trouble reading Ivan's recent behavior.

For example, during the recent modifications to the Wolfsbane Potion, Doggett was highly suspicious that Ivan had not developed a perfect Wolfsbane Potion last year that could completely cure werewolves.

However, the secret was kept secret and some defective products were created.

Sell the lowest-end Wolfsbane Potion to earn gold, Galleons, fame, and favour with most werewolves.

The modified version of the Wolfsbane Potion was used to increase the combat power of his loyal werewolves.

The rest were used as bait, to be used every few years. In short, they were kept on a leash so that the werewolf wizards would not betray them.

Otherwise, how could Ivan have improved the effects of the Wolfsbane Potion in such a short period of time?

It must be noted that Ivan spent most of his time attending classes and did not fall behind in terms of strength or alchemy.

Therefore… this was the only possibility!