
History said they were friends(BL)

Two love rivals, 17 year old black hair loren and blonde nate goes on an excursion to the museum. The students looked at a 15th century painting of blonde prince and a black hair general who has the same name as loren and nate and looked alike only with different last names. After that, loren and nate woke up in a completely different environment in five year old bodies but with fragment of their memories.The love rivals soon become friends and their friendship went down in history.Are the historians right?,were they truly just friends?.

Dgirlblusky · ย้อนยุค
54 Chs

The big plan


Sitting on the edge of nate's bed and holding his hand,I told nate about what happened in the court. I told him how the white tigers will be in front, we will be the one clearing the passage.

Nate wasn't happy about it. He didn't say anything but I understood through his expression.

"Don't be sad, my love",I kissed his hand.

"I will make the white tigers the best army of our kingdom, we will be known and if I die in battle, I die as a great man".

"I'll be the one to die before you",nate blurted.

I placed my finger on his lips, immediately he said those words and I shook my head.

Nate heaved and looked away as I removed my finger, "I only knew, I will live past 15 years old because of prince  keystone, but he haven't been able to see anything for the past four years.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "nate, does prince keystone have divine eyes?".

He nodded," But now, I don't know".He used to be the king secret weapon, but now he is just a prince".

Nate intertwined his hand with mine as he stared at me, "I don't think, I'll make it this time, I feel like, I'll experience the stage before death soon, it's the most painful" .

"If I die, move__".

I covered his mouth with my hand, "Sleep now",then i removed my hand from his mouth.

"Sleep with me, then",nate said.

I stood up, walked to the table and sat across the table and rested my arm on the table while I looked at nate.

"The king might enter your room. He has been visiting for the past few days".

He raised his eyebrows, "The king did?".

"Yes and also, consort whitelotus has been by your bedside for days until this night. She was feeling unwell so she had to go".

"Princess kresna wanted to come in but she was blocked by ivan, so she could not see you. She cried so much but she wasn't still let in".

Nate exhaled," I'll see them tommorow.Abd also, Should I tell you, something, loren?".


"The king was never in the palace for the three years,prince keystone ruled as regent king.I don't know where he got treatment from,that is,if he got treated.I sometimes feared if my brothers knew the king was not in the palace,They might rebel".

But apart from prince keystone and prince jers,the rest are senseless,I love it but they should never be underestimated".

"Loren,I really want to sleep in your arms",nate whined.

I smiled as I rested my head on the table," goodnight,your highness".

"Goodnight general",I heard from him,he sounded pissed and I chuckled.


The day came for general loren,his second in command and his four lieutenants to depart.

Loren received blessings from his parent and budded farewell to them.

His sister,royal concubine of the 8th prince,prince jers,made a painting of him and prince nate and told him that she will give it to him,when he returns.

Prince nate escorted loren to the north gate of the central province.

The white tigers awaited general loren's arrival in the north.All the unknown warriors in the unknown were asked to join the white tigers,regardless of their stage.All were to join,apart from children under 16 years old.

Loren was one of the general lieutenant of the north.He was with his second in command,Lord dibengi and his four lieutenants,vitskit,non and two others.

Each lieutenant had four chiefs and each chief had two regiments and each regiments had smaller units. All together each lieutenant had 8,000 soldiers. And all together the white tiger army had approximately 32,000 soldiers.

These chiefs were the already in the north base of the white tigers,admitting new warriors,even though they were not golden horse or red eagle warriors.

They were 12 general lieutenants in the kingdom,at which,two didn't join the war,so as to protect the kingdom.one was in the north province while one stayed in the central province with some of their lieutenants in the other provinces.

The commander had given commands.The day of the battle came. loren and his friends,vitskit,non and dibengi,placed  their hands in each other and crossed their hearts as they renew their oath again. To protect each other even at death.

Loren pleaded with the commander that he does not Wish for the women and children to be attacked.At the last moment he asked the commander if peace can be created to avoid bloodshed.

The commander said it was the order from the king and the king doesn't want peace.

The white tigers began at one of the provinces in the azealea kingdom,but avoided killing the women and children.

The war lasted for months,Lives were lost on both sides.They created the pavement for other armies.Snow fell and the war still continued.

Other generals were not merciful like loren.They spared no one that came across their way.

With each successful capturing of a province,many lives were lost and back in their kingdom,nate was becoming weaker and weaker.

Prince nate was at the stage before  death.The devouring worms appeared at his chest.As far as the mark doesn't stay in the day,he is far from death.

But at night,it was like hell.They will appear at his chest,sucking the blood from him and he will scream all night.

Nothing was working,the medicine was useless as he couldn't take it anymore.

He will always spew blood when he takes it.Eating became hard,breathing became hard,his organs began to rotten slowly.

The royal physician advised him to take a pill that will make him to die in his sleep.It was a slow pill. After days he will be lowered in a coffin and will be buried so his organs will burst in the coffin.

But as weak as he was,he refused.He was waiting for loren to come back first He just wanted to see him,one more time before he die.

He sent letters to loren through a messenger but hasn't gotten a letter from loren.


The white tigers stayed in one of the province that was captured.

It was night, lieutenant vitskit entered loren's tent in the camp and greeted him as he saw him treating his wounds.

They looked at each other and loren excused the guards that were in his tent.

"Vitskit,is there a problem,you look worried,is it about the battle?",loren asked as he was done dressing his wound.

"You've been wondering why nate doesn't reply or sent any letters,am i right?",vitskit asked.