
History said they were friends(BL)

Two love rivals, 17 year old black hair loren and blonde nate goes on an excursion to the museum. The students looked at a 15th century painting of blonde prince and a black hair general who has the same name as loren and nate and looked alike only with different last names. After that, loren and nate woke up in a completely different environment in five year old bodies but with fragment of their memories.The love rivals soon become friends and their friendship went down in history.Are the historians right?,were they truly just friends?.

Dgirlblusky · ย้อนยุค
54 Chs

dibengi burnt the letters

"You've been wondering why you haven't received any letters from prince nate,true?", lieutenant vitskit asked.

"Did something happen to him,",general loren asked, worriedly.

Lieutenant vitskit sighed as he removed an unsealed envelope from his shirt and gave it to general loren.

General loren glanced at vitskit, then the envelope as he collected the envelope from him.

General loren removed the letter from the envelope and placed it on the table, near the candle light.

His heart broke as he read the letter, he was dumbfounded as he whimpered, "it's.... It's.... Nate's letter",his voice shook as he tried to control his tears after reading the letter.

Vitskit heaved a sigh, "you won't believe where I found it. This letter was the recent one that just came in.

The persons that have been collecting the letters and sending letters have been meeting with dibengi, from the first time, you sent a letter.

I thought maybe dibengi was sending letters or receiving letters to a close person, we don't know about, but later I found him suspicious,when I barged into his tent,one day and found him burning a letter.

I thought it was a rebellious letter, so when the messenger came yesterday, I watched him go into dibengi's tent when dibengi was not around and he left after he was done inside.

I sent a warrior of mine to investigate, because if I go by myself, he will suspect me.

The person I sent came back to me with the the sealed envelope. I opened it and read the letter. I knew you and prince nate were closer than best friend's. It started with teasing but I later noticed, it was real.

When I read the letter, I asked myself if it has been prince nate's and your letters he has been burning".


Dear loren,


                 How have you been doing?. I haven't received any letter from you, maybe it's because you're very busy but I need to know if everything is well with you. But I will really love it if you'll write back,even if it's once.

              Living has been hell for me for the past few days. They told me to take a pill to help me die in my sleep. I didn't take it,because I hope to see you,before I die. I don't know how long I'll breath.

            I've never been more scared of dying than now. I badly want to live too. I hope you comeback safely,my love.



Loren cried as he read the letter,"he said I should write back,at least once but I have been writing all this while thinking that he was the one that was not able to write back, not knowing it never got to him",his heart ached as he spoke.

He had thought everything was okay after he stopped dibengi from killing nate and they said their oath again.

To know that dibengi has been burning the letters,he had never felt so betrayed.

"I'll leave tommorow,I need to see nate",he kissed the bracelet on his wrist,given to him by nate.

Vitskit eyes widened,"abandoning your duties?.

You will be put to death and we are very far from our kingdom,it will take at least a month,to reach the central province in our kingdom,who will lead the white tigers?".

Loren stood up,"dibengi is second in command,he will lead".

"Report!",a soldier ran into general loren's tent," greetings lord loren",he panted as he spoke.

" Am a soldier from one of the generals,that stayed in another captured province of azealea.One of the province have already been taken back.Another kingdom allied with azealea,many warriors have been lost,they are heading here and we are outnumbered,you've been asked to retreat".

" General,give your orders!", lieutenant vitskit said.

" Quick,tell the other lieutenants to retreat with their warriors.If we fight back,we will only be sacrificing our lives, we won't be dying for our Kingdom!".

" Yes I understand,I shall send warriors to escort you first, immediately",vitskit said and  was walking out when general  loren called him.

" Lieutenant vitskit,let others be saved first".

"Loren" lieutenant vitskit called.

" Hurry!,you're wasting time!",loren yelled.


Not all were able to escape before the enemy warriors came.

Loren injuries weren't healed yet,it was just dressed,so he still felt pain as he fought.Earlier he had begged his friends to leave,that he will be behind them.

Loren fought with all his might and strength,he was slashed multiple times as he fought.

He fell on his knees and kissed the bracelet on his risk," am going to come back to you".

He picked his sword,with his bloody hands.His body was covered in blood of both his and his enemies. He stood up with the sword and yelled as he continued to fight.

He was losing a lot of blood ,that everything went blur and he fell to the ground.

He Whimpered as he coughed blood.

He looked at the bracelet on his wrist and a  tear rolled from his eyes while his memories with nate, flashed before  his eyes.

Everything went dark and he closed his eyes.