
Extreme madness! Announce to the world!

In a sense, the defense line of Tian Yue city, the capital of Yue country, could indeed be considered as impregnable.

The Deputy of the Bureau of Military Affairs and the governor of tianyue, ning Qi, led 200000 troops to guard the 50-mile city wall. They were equipped with brand new iron armor on a large scale, and there was also a certain number of new troops with more than 10000 rifles.

Not only that, but there were also more than 500 howitzers and all kinds of artillery shells.

Of course, such an Army would not be able to fight against the special Warriors of the New Kingdom and stupa mountain. They might not even be able to fight against the hell Legion, but they would definitely be able to fight against the ordinary Army of the New Kingdom. Moreover, they would have a significant advantage.

However, almost half of Ying Wuming's Army was made up of the hell Corps and more than 1000 were in the air.