
Historical System

[Received the history -"The Beginning of the Path"] It`s unknown how, but Stroph finds himself in the middle of a billion stars and his sleep comes true. "The Empire of the Flaming Heart" has been surrounded by the countless hordes of monsters for thousands of years and is constantly at war. The rivers of blood flow unceasingly on the battlefield, the furious hail of bullets never ceases and the swords stained with blood cannot be counted. Stroph has been living a completely unremarkable life with his family and friends. But one day, the most ordinary trip to the store ends with him getting a system that records the histories Stroph has committed. In the pursuit of histories, Stroph will have to go to the places where human life is worthless, you might get killed just for fun and a terrifying monster, who is capable to demolish cities with a simple wave of his paw, might be waiting for you around the corner. But Stroph is definitely not one to let himself die without turning the world inside out.

Arlemit · แฟนตาซี
155 Chs

Chapter 6: Death

<If I kill Ogre, will get so many coins and points, something what don't ever understand> Despite all the chaos, Stroph was thinking about what he should do, the temptation was great, but to kill such a monster was impossible for a high school student.

"Charles, let's kill him." After a short reflection, Stroph immediately suggested such a reckless idea.

"Stroph, are you crazy? How will we kill him? We can easily escape, why do we have to risk our lives?" Charles was stunned by such a stupid, to his mind, proposal, after all, he wasn`t a suicidal.

Running away was not a problem for them, they were the last to come and the closest to the exit.

"Well, maybe we have a chance, let`s run to the arsenal, I think we'll find something interesting there." Without waiting for Charles's answer, Stroph quickly ran to the southern gate.

Mr. Hardy didn`t have the remote control from the monster collars as this was the property of the Phantom Association, but he could open all the gates so that the students could escape.

"Someday he will drive me crazy." After saying this, Charles rushed for Stroph.

"You don't even know where the arsenal is," Charles said, quickly catching up with his friend.

"But you know, let's show it, Ogre ate almost all the ghouls, after that he will take on people."

"You are not interested in their lives at all, you just want to get an award from the Phantom Association and not go to school anymore. Charles knew Stroph very well.

When he heard it, Stroph scattered his hands and said: "Well, if we kill Ogre, we'll save somebody, so officially I'm saving lives, let's show me the way." At that moment his face was completely unemotional.

After a couple of minutes they got to the arsenal, but to their surprise they weren`t alone there. They saw Anna, the best student of the second course. She was looking for something.

The arsenal contained a huge number of all kinds of weapons. Swords, spears, daggers, swords, halberds, two-handed swords, and much more. Each type of weapon had many different variations.

"I guess I'm not the only one who wants to kill him" Stroph slowly muttered.

Hearing his voice, the girl immediately turned around, she was shocked that someone besides her came here.

After a moment, with a cold look on her face, she asked: "What are you doing here?"

"And what are you doing here? Stroph was surprised at this stupid question.

Charles, who was standing next to him, just kept silent and thought about something. < Something is not right here, Stroph needs firearms, there are not so many, but the daggers, that this girl uses, there are full of, why is she still here?> Charles did not understand the actions of the girl, but after a moment he realized what it was.

I didn't expect the best second year student to be a thief," Charles said calmly.

Hearing his words, Anna was silent for a while, then took the nearest daggers and prepared for the battle.

"О? You misunderstood us, we do not care why you're here, even if you take the entire arsenal away. You`d better tell us where the sniper rifles were. Stroph did not care about her intentions, he needed his points and a secret reward.

"Are you serious?" The girl did not believe his words, it was too abnormal for her.

"To my great regret, he is not lying, and we really need a weapon," Charles said with a deep breath, he understood that it made no sense for them to fight with her, killing Ogre was the most important thing. If he doesn't die, he will destroy everything here on his own, so it would be foolish to defend the school's arsenal in this situation.

"Well, I will believe you, the arsenal of firearms is behind me, I hope that's all. Saying that Anna was still wary, she could not understand these two.

But when she saw how Stroph and Charles ran away, she calmed down. That day she will remember for a long time.

Stroph and Charles' eyes began to run away when they saw the arsenal of firearms. There were an incredible number of stands with guns, dozens of kinds of pistols, shotguns, rifles and automatic rifles.

Stroph immediately ran to sniper rifles, he wasn`t interested in anything else. He quiet quickly choose the weapon.

When Charles saw his choice he was very surprised and could not help asking: "This is a Steyr HS .460, it is incredibly powerful, but are you sure? It's only got one round, I'm afraid you won't have time to reload it..."

Charles didn`t end because a sniper rifle was flying to him. " You should have warned at least! Who throws a weapon at all!" Charles was angry with such carelessness.

"It is too heavy, let`s go to kill Ogre. And by the way, your words make sense..." After these words, another similar sniper rifle flew towards Charles.

Charles barely caught it and wanted to start scolding Stroph, but at that moment he saw Stroph heading towards the hall. He had no other choice but to run after him.

Seeing Charles and Stroph running past her, Anna was very surprised. At that moment she realized that they had really come here for weapons. And the picture where Charles was running away with two huge rifles made her laugh. He looked incredibly stupid.

When they ran to the south gate, they stopped. Stroph looked calmly at the stage in front of him, while Charles was trying to catch his breath.

"Well, we are not the saviors, those who were badly injured are lucky and they were sent to the infirmary. Strophe did not surprise at all what he saw.

"А? What do you mean?" Having said that, Charles raised his head and was stunned by the picture he had seen.

Almost all the students who remained in the hall were dead, except for those who were in the infirmary, only a few could escape. Although the Demonic Armored Ogre was very large and relied on protection and brute force, it did not mean that he was slow, and he kept pace with Tyrone's movements. The students were just like snails compared to him.

"How many seconds can you hold him off if I don't kill him with 2 shots?" Seriously asked Stroph looking at Charles' still stunned face.

"Zero, he will kill me with a simple wave of his hand."


After these words, Stroph fell to the ground and set Steyr HS .460, starting to aim.

Through the sight, he could clearly see all that was left of the pupils. There were scattered limbs buried in blood everywhere. The scene was incredibly creepy.

"Charles, it seems that Mr. Hardy is also dead."

When Charles heard these words, his face turned pale, and he began to shiver. Today's incident is sure to be on the news. "It is simply unthinkable, how could the Phantom Association allow such event?! Charles was incredibly angry.

Stroph whispered one word "Bach, then he immediately shot. The bullet hit right in Ogre's eye, after that the monster roared furiously. But despite all the damage, Ogre noticed Charles and Stroph and immediately rushed to them with a roar.

Demonic Armored Ogre, though it was a monster of rank 3, but if he hadn`t recovered by eating monsters and people, he could not survive, after such a shot, he literally had no part of his head and one eye.

"What a pity..." After these words, Stroph made another shot with the second rifle. With his eyes, he could not miss.

The next thing they saw was falling Demonic Armored Ogre with a half head.

[Congratulations, your level has been raised, the current level is 3]

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