
His Wife Run Away After Rebirth.

This is about a young girl who gets married to a young man from a noble family. She died after 7 hellish years of marriage to Yun Leifeng. She gets rebirth to the night of her wedding, but she doesn't want to get revenge, just a peaceful life. She ran away and came back after 5 years with a little bean, not as Mrs.Yun or as Li Arinne. read to find out more please~

Ghost_Sinker · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

Chapter 8

He look at me and i look at him. Its take a few second before he look away cant defeat my sharp eyes.....

I dont know why but the way he look at me make me want to punch this man!.

I lift up my eyebrow as why to him.

He laugh after that. "Oh my god Bella! You are so pretty!" He say with his loud voice.

I know that i am pretty! Is that just what you want to say after not meet 2 year! Bro! Are you still my buddy????

"I already hear that many time today. So please tell me something different!"

"You are so beautifull!"

I shot him with a sharp look. The F**k! What the hell with this man head?. I tell him to say different topic to me but he just change the word 'pretty' to 'beautifull'! Its same meaning you know!.

"Mr Wu Yu Han! I know that! You still not changed and always want me to hit you right!"

I feel angry know with this man!.

"Hehe...relax...relax... I am your boss now you know...". Wu Han scratch his head. Scare if this pretty lady in front him will really hit him!.

Wu Yu Han is the CEO for the PEC. He has relation with the big boss CEO Yun from the Headquarter Company. This PEC is just small thing to compare the Yun Corparation! Even in everyone eyes this PEC is already big!. He was the CEO Yun cousin. His mother is sibling with CEO Yun mother.

"You still 100 year early to be my boss!"

I sneer cant agree what he say. Even that was the reality. To complish my dream i must be artist at this PEC!.

"Yuhan...should I sign a contract with the Star Entertainment? Be PEC artist or SE? What do you think I should choose? "

I ask him. Well for this few day i am so confused which one company i want to choose. PEC and SE is rival. The big and top10 entertainment company at this asian. So if i agree to be artist in this one compony i will not disadvantage but.... the problem is i dont know which one agency i want to choose!.

"If you go at SE we are not friend anymore!"

Fast Wu Yu Han give his answer with a determind face.

I look at him and smirk. I know that must be his answer.

"Cant separate with me right? I know i am beautiful and make you want to stick with me 24 hour!"

I praise myself and with mocked smile appear at my lips. I know he must a bit exasperated now.

He make a face like want to puke. "So i will start prepared your contract. Dont worry about your manager i will find the best and profesional manager for you!"

I just nodded and what he want to do it up to him as long i can achieve my dream!.

"So when i will start?"

"Next week there will be audition for the new ambassador for Royal brand. You will start your debut from that audition. I will arranged everything you just come and take audition with all your heart!"

He said with a high tone. So exited arh.... with his blink eyes like a child and spirit like he want go to war.

"Dont worry i will do my best!"

I reply with determind and cant help to feel exited too! Even though there other reasons why I need to take this path but this my dream too ah!.

"Oh yeah... where little doll, my son?"

He ask with a smile. A very big and bright smile.


"Auch!!! Bella! Its hurt you know!!"

He hold his head which been hit by this maniac hand!. He just joke you know!. He almost want to cry....!.

"I am little doll mother and father! Dont you snatched my role as a father!"

My eyes big and sharp stab him. Who say he reckon to be my baby's father!.

"Father you hell! Since when woman can pregnent alone without do that thing with man!"

He really feel angry now. If he can, he want to punch this maniac... but unfortunately this young lady is not his opponent! Maybe he already die before his hand reach this lady body!.

"Hey! Dont you touch that topic. Its taboo you know!"

I rolled my eyes. Well the real is i cant debate that topic. Because its was the fact!. And i am not ignorant to forget that fact.... even i dont want to agree with it!. Little doll is mine alone!.

"Okey..okey...really sorry my queen! My fault! So little doll...??"

He ask again and with a very gentle voice. If anyone hear how he speak with this lady they all must faint and shock!. CEO Wu is famous with his fierce and strict with everyone around him especially his employee in this PEC (actually in closed door he was a very lazy boss ever). Just with this lady he can act like a child!.

"Dont want to tell you! I want to go now. Bye dear!"

I give him a flying kiss before go out from his office.

"Drive safely baby!"

He attack back while resistant his angry. This girl really make people be old easily before the age!.

I just giggle when i hear what he call me.

I leave that PEC building fast because i cant wait to meet my baby doll!.

- - - -

In somewhere room.

"Boss the queen is here"

The hidden guard tell the information they success to gather to their boss.

"The Queen? Not the king?"

A cold voice own of man popped in the dark room. His eyes bright in the dark and so fierce! Make the hidden guard feel goosebump!.

"We just success find out the queen already at this Country but we dont know who is it. And we fail to see her face"

"You all can go now. Dont forget to find out where the queen are! And find out who is it! Dont back with an empty information such as now in the future!"

The hidden guard feel ashamed when they hear their boss command. This was the twice task they fail to finish!. Its really make they feel unworthy to be a hidden guard!.

"Yess boss!"

After that the dark room silence again and no sound can hear in that room. Like there no one soul in the area. Like a abandoned place.

Its so scary with the cold and the sharp eyes like which can see everything what in your mind!.

The man hold his palm and sneer.

'Do you think you can run away from me...Ahah...'