
his werewolf mate bl

Daniel has only one wish and that was to find his suppose mate,and prove to his pack and uncle he was fit to be the Alpha. But what happens when his mate turn out to be a male vampire who hates werewolf and ends up rejecting Daniel. Would the vampire accept his mate back when Daniel refuse to accept his rejection and do everything to win his mate over Or Would he never accept Daniel as his mate Read to find out

Angel_curz_4_u · สมัยใหม่
6 Chs

chapter 6: improvement

Damon POV

Fuck! why did I do that? why did I call him cute?? He is a guy, guys aren't cute only girl are cute.

But to be honest I did find him so damn cute, and the way he growled at me and called me his got me aroused. I just prey he didn't smell my arousal.

Fuck, he is getting to me and I don't like it.

My phone rang waking me up from my thoughts. I took my phone out of my jacket's pocket and saw it was Tyler calling.


"Get your ass over here right now! we need to talk." He said and cut the class before I could say a word.

Rude much.

I rolled my eyes and got into my car and drove off.

I wonder what that moron wants now.

Daniel pov

Dad asked to see me the moment I got home. I hurriedly when to meet him.

I knocked softly on his office door. "Come in Daniel" I heard his voice call from inside. I gulped, a little scared before going in.

I opened the door and was met with the faces of Dad, uncle  Mark and some of the elders (my dad most trusted one's).

"Is this an ambush? If it's about me brining a human to the pack house, than I'm sorry" I went straight to the point. But immediately regret it 'coz of the surprised look on their faces.

"You brought a human to the pack house?" One of the elders asked.

Holy shit! they didn't know, I should really learn to keep my mouth shut.

"It's not about the human, and we'll discuss that later" Dad sent me a glare. "This is about your mate, mark told us everything".

I turn to uncle Mark "I told you not to tell anyone" I growled at him.

"Daniel now is not the time" Dad's voice boomed. He sigh before he continue "Mark told us about the rejection".

"He didn't reject me," I defended but they shot me (I don't believe you) express. "I mean look at me, do I look like a wolf who got rejected? I'm not depressed or anything".

I have heard what happens to wolves after being rejected. Some  die of the pain (especially omegas) some leave with the pain but never be the same, some become roughs, while others_

"_ but Mark said_"

I cut dad off  "_ he's just figuring stuff out, he is my mate, I will handle this". Uncle Mark scoffed I just ignored him.

"Are you sure about this Daniel?" One of the elder, Shane asked.

"Yes, you don't have to worry I will take care of it".

After some more convincing, they let me go back to my room but gave me two weeks to fix things with my mate or they will fix it them selfs.

When I got in my room I decided to text him. I had gotten his number from Brooklyn. It pains me I have to take his number from a girl he flirted with in my presence.

Me: hey

It took  a few minutes for him to reply.

Damon🙄: who is this?

Me: your worst nightmare

Damon🙄: how childish.

Damon 🙄: how did you get my number, Daniel?

Me: how did you know it's me? And I'm not childish

Damon 🙄: lucky guess.

Damon🙄: so how did you get my number?.

Me: I got my ways 😏.

Damon 🙄: what do you mean by... Forget it.

Damon:🙄:  what do you want Daniel?.

Me: just miss my mate so I decided to check in.

Damon🙄: when will you stop calling me  that?

Me: when will you stop being a dick?

Me: i Will answer both questions, never!!

Damon🙄: at least I'm not a pussy?😏

Did he just..

Me: i am not a pussy, and FYI if we ever have sex you will be the bottom.

Damon🙄: in your dreams sweetheart, I'm so gonna top.


Stop it Daniel, stop blushing!!

Me: not in this lifetime dude.

Damon🙄: wanna find out?

Did he just..? Oh goddess this is definitely improvement. A while ago he called me cute and now....

I couldn't help as a blush all shades of red.

Damon🙄 : why did I write that...?

Damon 🙄: forget about I said that goodnight Daniel.

Me: hey wait

Me: you still there?

Me: helllooo

Me: fine good night ❤️💝💘💘💞💞

I might regret those emojis but I don't care. Since Damon didn't reply again, I decided to take short nap before I get called for dinner.

A/N: is anyone reading this? please leave a comment do I would know if I should continue to post updates or wait till I'm done with the book.

Thanks for reading 😊if you're lots of love ❤️❤️❤️❤️