
his werewolf mate bl

Daniel has only one wish and that was to find his suppose mate,and prove to his pack and uncle he was fit to be the Alpha. But what happens when his mate turn out to be a male vampire who hates werewolf and ends up rejecting Daniel. Would the vampire accept his mate back when Daniel refuse to accept his rejection and do everything to win his mate over Or Would he never accept Daniel as his mate Read to find out

Angel_curz_4_u · สมัยใหม่
6 Chs

chapter 4; I'm not giving up on us


"Are you sure you don't want me to tell the Alpha?" Shawn asked as he parked the car.

"Yes, and stop asking I don't want anyone to know about it yet" I said as I got out of the car and walk into the pack house,

"Daniel" I turned to see Dad, as he made his way to us. "Excuse us" he told Shawn who bowed his head slightly, and walked away.

"So, who is she?" He asked the moment Shawn left.

"Who?" I played dumb I really don't want to deal with this now, I just want to go to my room and rest, my chest still hurt every time I thinkof the rejection.

"The girl you brought to the pack" his calm voice said.

"She is a friend.."

"She is human!" This time his voice wasn't so calm anymore "for goddess sake when do you plan to start acting responsible? You are going be the next Alpha! is this how to plan to lead the pack with your stubborn and careless behavior!?"

"Dad please I got my own shit to take care of, I don't have time for this!" I was pissed off and angry not at my dad but at Damon I wasn't thinking straight right now I just need to go upstairs to my room and relax. My heart was still aching in my chest.

"Excuse me" I rushed to my room before he could say word.


"Get up!" I heard Shawn voice as he shakes me, but I refuse to open my eyes.

"Get up you moron!" He kicked me on the butt,

"Hey that hurt!!" I growl at him, opening my eyes but quickly close it due to the brightness of the room.

"Rise and shine, sleeping beauty, it's time for school"

I rolled on the bed facing the other side "I don't want to go to school" I mumbled.

"Is it because of the vampire?" He asked to which I nod "I'm not really good at this stuff but... But i think you should get your ass up and go get your mate.. maybe he was just overwhelmed_"

"_you didn't see the disgusted look he gave me, he didn't even want me to touch him" I cut Shawn off. "I just don't understand why the goddess would mate me to a vampire and one who reject me without a second thought"

I'm not sure my heart would have been able to take it, if I had accepted his rejection.

He sighed through his nose "Well.... I'm not gonna force you, but I don't think staying in your room all day will fix anything." He said " I'll be waiting for you at the car, if you don't come by 7:20 I'm leaving without you" he added and left.

I close my eyes again but the door swung open again. "What now" I growled but immediately regret it once I recognize the person.

"Good morning to you too, Daniel" uncle

"What do you want?" I didn't bother to open my eyes, I just wish he would just fucking leave.

"So you found your mate?" He asked and I opened my eyes and sat within a blink of an eye.

He had a smirk on his face, which I really want to wipe off his face. "How did you_"

"I was passing by when I heard your conversation with Shawn, I couldn't help but stay and listen when I heard mate".

"How much did you hear?" I asked

"Just enough to know your mate is a male vampire who rejected you, but not to worry I won't tell your father about it....yet"

"I will tell my father myself" I got up from the bed.

"What about the people in the pack, how will you tell them? And most importantly how will they take the news?" He asked with a raise brow.

"They will understand" I tried to sound confident but failed.

"What makes you think they will understand or better still accept the mating" he shook his head a little "even your late didn't accept the mating"

"Just get to the fucking point'' I irritated.

'' it's not just a point but a fact, you are not fit to be the next Alpha, you've no quality of a leader even your own mate rejected you" he took a step closer " I keep saying it you ar_".

"_I suggest you get out of my room before I do something stupid" I said my fangs already out and I'm pretty sure my eyes shone the color of yellow, right now " you should be thankful you are my father's 'little' brother or I would have had your head a long time ago" I made sure to stress the word 'little'. "I am born to be an Aloha, to be the next Alpha and you will show me respect!!"

"I will, if you can handle the responsible that comes with it" he said and left. I sat down on my bed trying not to lose control of my wolf and end up killing that mother fucker.


"Finally! thought you weren't gonna come" Shawn said as I hop into the car.

"Me neither"

Shawn start the car and drove off we listened to some hip hop music on our way to school.

Shawn parked the car at the school parking lot and I couldn't help but notice Damon getting out of his car, hioS blonde hair fell to his face, he wore a gray shirt and long block jeans with black leather jacket. He looks so damn hot, I just want to run my fingers on that hair of his.

"You coming?" Shawn called he had already got out of the car. "Yeah sure" I hop out of the car and look at the vampire way again but he was gone. With a sigh i walked into the school with Shawn by my side.


I walked into math class and found my so called mate on my sit again, I walked to him and sat at the open sit by his left. He sent me an annoyed glare which I simply ignored, as his sweet scent filled my nostrils.

We didn't say a word to each other till the class was over.

I sat with him through the rest class till the bell was finally rang. And every one was going out of the class for lunch. while Damon sat down, not making a move to get up.

"Aren't you going to the cafeteria?" I asked but immediately regret it, because of the stupid look he gave me.

"I'm not hungry" he said simply as he got up from the chair and walked out of the class, and I followed behind. He walked pass the hall heading to the rest room, but suddenly stopped and turn to me.

"Why are you following me?" He asked, a little annoyed.

I was caught off guard by his question, even i don't know why I was following him, I just keep quiet.

"Have you suddenly gone deaf or something??* He asked irritated.

"Why did you reject me?" I didn't realize when the question slip from my lips.

He keep quiet this time. "You don't even know anything about me, you didn't even give us a chance to at least gat to know each other"

"You are all the same" it was almost a whisper but I heard it.

"How? Why do you even hate my kind anyways?" I asked but he didn't reply he just walked into the boy restroom.

I know one thing for sure which is I'm not giving up on us.

Author ; hope you are enjoying this book so far please leave a comment or review and tell me what you think of the story thank you ❤️ y'all