
His Tour Guide

Jimin has come to the UK to record some solo stuff whilst the group are having a break. He wants a change in scenery and thinks he can fly under the radar in London without his other members tagging along. It is set now 2021 (minus the pandemic) and not completely accurate to his life at the moment and not all places are real. He meets Aimee at the recording studio and wants someone to show him London and sets his sights on her. They explore London together and both get more out of it than they were expecting. Later in the story 2 more BTS members arrive (Yoongi and Namjoon) and more dramatic things happen. Enjoy!

Laura_Smith_0905 · แฟนตาซี
70 Chs

Chapter 59

Monday morning rolls round too quickly and it's back to the grind. We arrive at the studio and off he goes to be with his boys, Yoongi and Jimin already setting up. Lori has been great and given me the space I needed with him this weekend but I need to catch up with her. I send her a text.

-Hey babe, I'm sorry for the radio silence, but we needed to just be insular for a bit. I hope it's not too awkward for you with Jimin being a spare wheel. Are things still good with you and Yoongi? We need a proper catch up. Shall we grab a drink after work? X-

I pop down to the studio and the light is not on so they are not recording at the moment. I knock and hear Yoongi shout enter. I push the door open to ask them if they need anything. Jimin runs over to me and sweeps me up in a big hug. "Aimee, i've missed you! Are you ok?" He says excitedly. "Hi Jimin, I'm really good are you? Ive missed you too" I say back matching his pitch and energy.

Namjoon blows me a kiss from the sofa as Jimin tells me he is good and that he spent all day yesterday writing lyrics. Yoongi and Lori went out for the day, apparently to a little boating pond and had a picnic. That sounds so cute.

"I'm hoping to meet Lori after work for a drink and a catch up. Will you guys be here late do you think?" I ask. Yoongi swings round in his chair and says "definitely, we have a lot of lyrics to work through and we need to build the melodies for the last 5 songs".

I check my phone and Lori has replied.

-Hey honey, no worries, I totally get that. It hasn't been weird, he has kept himself to himsel though. Things are going great. We certainly do need to catch up. After work sounds brilliant. I can leave early so I will meet you at the studio at 5 x-

I message back.

-Excellent. See you then. X-

I go back to my desk and Nancy who has been stand offish with me lately actually smiles at me. Maybe she has gotten over my new found responsibility as a 'tour guide'. "There has been a delivery for you" she says, "it's in the kitchen". I make my way in there and sitting on the draining board is an enormous bunch of red roses. The card reads 'From your secret admirer who doesn't share'. I laugh and swoon altogether. My favourites. Bless him. Nancy follows and asks "secret admirer hey? I'm sure I can guess who that is. What would Mr Nickel say if he knew?"

I couldn't help but take that as a threat. What was her problem. Was it because she is jealous of my assisting the BTS boys, was it because she was annoyed that I had left her to complete all of the reception and admin tasks without me, or was it just because she was feeling like being a bitch?

"I have no idea what you are talking about Nancy and I find your tone some what aggressive and unnecessary" I bark at her. She looks a little surprised at my standing up for myself and holds her hands up in submission.

I sit at my desk and begin to arrange for lunch and dinner to be delivered to them so they don't go hungry and to help keep up their energy and momentum. I finish a few more tasks and decide to go and sit in with the boys as I'm fuming with my colleague and being in her presence is just riling me.